Anyone seen /bleep/ lately? It's a disaster

anyone seen /bleep/ lately? It's a disaster

Attached: 1551034341062s.jpg (187x250, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>literal bot general
It's full of faggot nerds who talk in secret chav code to make people think they aren't such

>a single schizo tranny posting soundcloud rap and ariana grande under god knows how many trip names along with plain old user destroyed bleep

Jesus fucking christ

Attached: Screenshot_20190303-145655.jpg (955x491, 97K)

Bleep? You mean Mr.kooks blogspot?

Is this what you've been up to? I left Yea Forums a fews months ago

mods won't ban the schizo and I don't know why. He's not just spamming /bleep/. He spams any thread involving bleep style music. And it's not a bot. He spams threads in which the word "bleep" never appears as long as they're about bleeps.

i would not be surprised if he's actually a mod/affiliated with a mod

when did it start

chav code was always part of /bleep/, it's a line of defense against turism