I spend hours on this board every single day yet I’ve only listened to like 5 or 6 new albums last year

i spend hours on this board every single day yet I’ve only listened to like 5 or 6 new albums last year
is that normal?

Attached: 08C2B819-D92A-4EDE-ADBB-6D66CD176826.jpg (3120x4160, 2.99M)

Are you very depressed?

lol same

Does this pass as a sausage in america? Jesus christ
t. German

Isn't it black enough for you lmao

I'm an American, and that looks fucked up and weird to me.

it looks like a hot dog, does that count as a sausage

It looks like the bastard child of a hotdog and a proper bratwurst


I only come here to discuss albums of the 70s and 80s, the only music I listen to

I listen to new albums maybe twice a year

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Dass definitely a russian sosig tho, look at the samovar in the corner of the picture.
t. russian

a hotdog is literally a frankfurter dont let these retard yuropoors convince you otherwise

>retard yuropoors

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>t. retarded yuropoor

>>t. retarded yuropoor

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Get a room.

>t. retarded yuromutt

Just listen to music while browsing.

Get a room.

>passive listening


Get a room twin size bed.

hah hah

>isnt it cut enough for YOU LOL
looks literally better than any american sausage, looks real and made of meat. not of some mystery sponge like everything american processed.

the fact that the outside roast of the sausage looks like literal roasted meat mean its comprised of legit meat, must taste delicious. but of course, if it doesnt look just like in the tv ad, the american wont eat it.

fucking meat eaters