This is what XXXtentacion's legacy amounted to

>this is what XXXtentacion's legacy amounted to

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indeed. 100% authentic choice of words.

Metalfags cope
He was your last chance for your genre to be revived if he would've pursued into making more metal inspired music later in his career, now your genre can rest in peace desu

>more metal inspired music
What are you talking about? When did he make anything metal related?

>xxxtentacion is now metal's unsung saviour
How many layers of retardation are you operating on?

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ya white peoples opinion on hiphop means nothing sweetie. X is the most influential artist of my generation, deal with it

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I fucking like Scaruffi now. Fuck XXXTentacion, I'm as fucking glad he died as I was when I first heard about it. It's just so great. The only thing that bothers me is that his HORSESHIT non-music can be marketed to the extreme now that he's buried. That part sucks. Other than that, it feels nice.

Nigger opinions on Yea Forums don't matter

Listen to willy wonka was a child murder

deal with it white boy

His fans are all white teenage boys.

This desu

based scaruffi. wish everything on the internet relating to x was wiped from existence except this page

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he's right but i don't know anyone who won't say the same thing about him when he dies, honestly

I like scaruffi but that w.aSs unprofffesiin;al

Wrong again white boi

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Wrong, black boi. I see the white kids always blasting his tripe music. In fact, most blacks I know don't like his music.

>syrup sandwiches man
>being relevant
Nothing of value lost indeed, huh.

That's pretty funny. I need more backhanded comments like this on Yea Forums.

>the world doesn't exist outside of my bubble and my personal experience
he just posted evidence that it does yet you still deny it. you will have a rough life if you are ever forced to leave your bubble

He's probably talking from personal experience, right? So am I.

okay but what you don't understand is that your experience isn't the only one on the planet. how is that a difficult concept to you? how is he wrong if he just posted evidence of it? there's a black guy right there who likes xxxtentacion. yet all you've done is tell me to take your word for your personal experience. you're a dipshit, honestly.

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I never told you to take my word for it. I kinda just did what he did to me.

No, some guy said "His fans are all white teenage boys.", which is probably you. He said that guy was wrong, and posted proof of a black guy that likes xxxtentacion, therefore proving him wrong. Then you come chiming in with some stupid ass allegorical "hehe take my sheltered bubble word that THAT proof right there is WRONG"
basically you had nothing worthwhile to say but you hate xxxtentacion and his fans so you had to chime in because you're a sheltered child with no restraint who can't help but get upset when people like things that you don't like

X was one of the greatest artists of the younger generation. Nigga was an inspiration

only people on here know about scaruffi. nobody goes to his geocities ass website

That is some deluded spout I am reading.
>One black guy likes his music, therefore all of them do
Is what he was implying.

based and Jahpilled

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How is he implying that you stupid faggot? Please explain. He never said that at all. You're implying he's implying that because you're a delusional faggot who will make up any goalpost he can to not be wrong.
You said "all his fans are teenage white boys"
He posted a fan that was black, therefore proving the statement "all his fans are teenage white boys" factually incorrect, aka WRONG. You got btfo, just stop replying lmao

Nah, he was just a dumb nigger boy.

lol of course he didn't mean that xxx has no black fans. Are you fucking 12?
Probably like 90% of his fans are white.

you are fucking retarded