What the hell was this guys problem?
Pink Floyd
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We don't name them, but we all know who he blames for the world's ills.
comunismo equals authism
he has a moral conscience and refuses to suck the (((dick))), or at least puts on a good act
He was doing all of the work by the time of The Wall, and he was unhappy with the audience too. You can sort of imagine it that if Waters was doing all the music making and the others were dialing it in and Wright leaves. Then when the split actually happens and GIlmour is like 'we'll make it happen', then Waters might well be why didn't they before? They just didn't co-operate.
someone decided to send his dad off to die for Israel
He was a controlling asshole long before that. He thought he was the leader of the band making all the songs his way.
No wonder they were sick of his shit
Rodger "attack the views of racist Jews" Waters
Rodger "they invades Venezuela, I bring Assange to Australia" Waters
Rodger "Syd is void cause I own Floyd" Waters
>tfw autistic communist
Lost Muh Daddy in The War.
"Well, you know, none of us have ever been the best of friends"
Deep down he knows that he'll never be as far down the abyss of luciferian gnosis as Syd was
Has neither talent or predisposition for it
Nazis killed his dad in WW2 and thaz scarred him for life
he wrote the lyrics and was in charge of the aesthetic direction but Rick and David remained head of the music department
He was an arrogant prick that fucked a great band. I heard that his dick could reach his asshole and he could fuck himself. His wife looked elsewhere...
nicht really. Roger is Dark side of the moon and the wall,
>73 years old
>selling all his gits
h-hes gunna be alright i-isnt he?
I doubt he's going short .
Ate drumpf
Ate israel
Ate thom yorke
Ate gilmour
Ate Roy Harper
Ate The Division Bell
Luv me dad
Luv me venezuela
Luv me the wall
Luv me nick mason
Simple as
He looked like a retarded horse when he was young and was probably never a cool kid in school so he took revenge on his Chad bandmates by being a controlling dickhead. Really was a conceptual genius though, the direction of PF's most important works was with his input.
He always struck me as an incel of his day
what his beef with yorke?
idk whatever
He was too based
>Luv me nick mason
Roger tried to kicking him off the band and yet Nick still want to hang out with him. He's just too pure for Waters.
Based Nick was the only member of Floyd who wasn’t fucking miserable all the time
Waters also fired Richard Wright after they finished the Wall claiming he had a major drug problem but then hired him back as a salaried session and touring musician. Apparently his drug problem wasn't THAT bad
What an asshole shitting on the most underrated member of the group. Gilmour doesn't even want to get the group back together anymore because he doesn't think they can't make their sound without Wright
I don't think he's selling the black strat right? Or is that one going too?
Imagine being Nick Mason. Your guitar player looks like a male model, and your first guitar player was beautiful and became a martyr. Your keyboard player is hot and quiet which only makes him more attractive. Your bass player is a musical genius and 6'2". You can't write a single note and your drumming is nothing special. So for people to even acknowledge your presence you retroactively sell yourself as "the funny one" even though there's not a single piece of footage where you make any jokes and Gilmour completely outbants you
That drum intro to Time tho
What about it
played in israel
roger waters in game of thrones
Didn’t he have an actually decent solo album though?
Everyone knows that David Gilmour was the real talent.
It's all going for charity.
he's a dirty fucking manlet
The correct answer
Syd was a straight laced brit who wrote good pop melodies. Acid fucked him up but there's nothing "mystical" about him, only retards think so
he's a prick who thinks he knows what's best for other people's country's, capitalism for me socialism for you
It is that they left Roger to do all the work and then when he quit they got all uppity.