Baby Goth thread

Baby Goth thread

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fuck off to Tumblr

>not actually goth
d r o p p e d

modern pop culture is a rapid race to the bottom



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I dont see how thats music related? Read the rules if youre new to the site.


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Is just just HIV+ or does she have full blown AIDS?

You know, I'm probably older than you, but when I was a teen in the 80s, I remember the adults saying my generation was the worst and most degenerate one ever. So it's not like people haven't always been claiming this.

>inb4 some autistic drawing of a guy with an energy drink

Die waifutard


they were right then and they are right now. IMO 80s is when it really started happening, and it hasnt stopped since

Don't you have an AC/DC or KISS thread to be posting in now, you old fucking piece of shit.

I'm the same age as you and I remember when my paren ts freaked out when my sister started getting into Madonna and break dancing.

i see threads like this with people who are covered in tattoos, who dress like pirates and i can't understand what kind of life they must be living. Myself, i can hardly get through from day to day and there is no such thing as wiggle room in my daily routine. If something happens, i have to do something or be somewhere my life turns upside down, i lose sleep, i can't eat and my whole body tense up. Ive tried so hard to get a job, to arrange a living get a education, find friends and customize my everyday life in a constructive way, yet i still fall into depression and sadness every two-tree weeks.

shit. what im trying to say is -- these people, how the heck did they come to where they are? what kind of alternative reality do they live in? and how the fuck do they keep themselves from ending it all with all that alternative shit smear?

>shit. what im trying to say is -- these people, how the heck did they come to where they are? what kind of alternative reality do they live in? and how the fuck do they keep themselves from ending it all with all that alternative shit smear?
It takes more drugs than you can comprehend.

thats another thing. i know im getting deep into self pity here but still. I've done drugs several times in my life, even on a daily basis for a short period and it never ever made anything better. it made things slightly worse for half a day and then it wore off. do people in general enjoy drugs? i mean, what do they get out of it? isn't it just a small rush and twice the anxiety the next days? I've seen people in their thirties drink until they threw up and they still kept drinking and laughing. they drank until five in the morning and woke up just fine, only a bit tired. when i drink much i wake up with a rope around my neck. music for this feel?

people aren't the same my man, sorry you'll never be a soundcloud rapper but that's life

*crack* siiiiiip yep thats me a boomer meme lol

MatPat's wife Stephanie thread.

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call it a hunch but i don't think face tattoos will age very well as the decades roll on

Shut the fuck up, boomer.

Especially not when your career ends in three years and you can't get any jobs outside circus freak or extra in a horror movie.

This woman is a mother of two. Think about that.

What does she listen to?

shit popstar is shit

She seems to really enjoy 2000s R&B based on the GTLive streams that I've watched.

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There was a time when polyphonic music was considered the devil's work and the ultimate degeneration of music.
Trips of truth.