Hey, Yea Forums. Hi. What do you think of this album?
Hey, Yea Forums. Hi. What do you think of this album?
its good
it's a piece of shit and so is any other aphex twin record
Why would anyone listen to Aphex Twin's music from three decades after his peak?
Name three (3) artists who do drum machine shit as good as Aphex Twin. I'd honestly like to hear them.
>Name three (3) artists who do drum machine shit as good as Aphex Twin
I literally can't. Nobody is as bad as Aphex Twin.
fart noise
shart noise
shit noise
Its an EP, not an album
Carl Craig, FLashbulb, Richard Devine, Meat Beat Manifesto, Alec Empire, Spiral Tribe, DJ Rashad, god I could keep going for days this is the easiest shit i've ever done desu
Flashbulb lol - invalidates every other artist you list. Nice try pleb but you don't have what it takes.
If you think flashbulb is any less corny than anything RDJ has done you're hilariously mistaken
Anyways I wasnt listing artists I all like, just ones that are equivalent to RDJ In terms of drum machine programming. I do love carl craig tho prob my fav dance artist
>Meat Beat Manifesto
He has beat in the name for a reason
It's great. Not as good as Syro but he's still pushing the envelope.
I'm not even defending AT - just laughing at someone who can hold up an unashamed, slavish and self-confessed imitator of AT as an example of his superior or even competitor. Which tells me that you really know very little about the subject. (He had one good song as Acidwolf, that I admit.) I love CC too, but hopefully not for the same reason you do. Sayanara, sucker
>an unashamed, slavish and self-confessed imitator of AT as an example of his superior or even competitor.
Are you illiterate?? ALL I SAID was that flashbulb does drum machine shit as good as AT. Which he does - Kirlian Selections, while basically a wholehearted ripoff of druqks, does drillnb at least as good as anything on drukqs, even if it is ripping him off stylistically, it's an example that AT isnt standing alone on some untouchable platform of Drum machine skills, and that some random poseur can reach his level by just imitating his sound. For Fuck sakes, I'd say Go Plastic does Drillnb drum machine wank about as well as AT as well honestly.
gaysex babby mad
t. someone who doesn't understand music.
of course go plastic is as bombastic if not more on a sonic fuckery/complexity level, and ive never listened to Kirlian Selections, but I guess it's also pretty mental on the drums, BUT THATS NOT WHAT IS SO GOOD ABOUT DRUKQS.
Whats so good is the melodies, the melodic phrasing, the harmonies, the storytelling. 1:21 to 1:26 on 54 Cymru Beats is already more melodically sophisticated than the 2 albums you mentioned, that 5 seconds is more creepy and forward-thinking and effective, and it's nothing to do with muh drill'n'bass or drums. 1:08 - 1:19 in Cock/Ver, 3:01 - 3:37 in Switch, the repeating 5 note piano melody in Mt Saint Michel, and then the fucking melodic MOVEMENT 3:19 - 3:46 of the same track, the way it isn't the same thing ever bar, it tells a story that is fucking UNREAL emotional, the repeating melody 2 thirds of the way through Ziggo, the way Taking Control shifts at 4:03 and the fucking unreal soft pads that come in, then the bombastic climax.
It is these moments of melodic phrasing, compositional beauty, an unreal level of control and pacing over music that I haven't seen anyone else do that sets him on an untouchable platform, but not on Drum Machine skills, who gives a fuck about that, that's just 1% of his music, on a platform of melodic composition and narratives. NOONE has reached the level of composition on Drukqs, yeah Go Plastic is mental but I can count the melodies on that album on 1 hand, Drukqs is in a league of it's own.
And it PISSES me off when people just think his music is just muh drum machine skills, it's like you don't actually hear what he's doing. And before you say that you were JUST talking about drumwork, a phrase like this "and that some random poseur can reach his level" is completely out of order because the drums and his melodies are so intertwined, you can't separate them like that. The drums in Vordhosbn MIRROR the melodic movement, it's insanely well done.
>tips fedora
This desu
It always puzzles me when people call Druqks a retread of RDJA when the tracks are like 10x more developed in terms of overall composition
the guy was responding to this post vro, which is the correct target for you're post too. at least more so than the post you actually replied to
dammit Yea Forums your music taste is reddit as fuck as always
T69 Collapse was decent, but not his greatest. Not really a fan of the rest of the album
ending to abundance is peak afx, 1st 44 has a great ambient moment 2/3rds of the way in, and pthex has a real strong ending. the only weaker track imo is Primavera, the drop 1 minute in is huge and the second verse is pretty fucking sick but the weak 3rd act and the fact ive listened to it so much mans its become a bit bland. t69 collapse is GOAT tho, that tune is something else.
>syro releases
>Cheetah comes out
>Korg Monologue single (which is exactly what you faggots wanted)
>Most recent album with an innovation and new spin to IDM rich with detail, hard work shows
What the hell do you guys want?
memerap and waifus
>DJ Rashad
literally just naming random well liked electronic artists
Also, the flashbulb's piano compositions are quite good but his drum sequencing and sound design are prettymuch dogshit
whoever told you that selected ambient musci 85-92 is ageing good don't trust him
this album is kinda mediochre
His soundcloud stuff is much better
His soundcloud stuff is fucking dogshit can this meme die already?
far more varied and interesting. let me guess you were born after 1995?
patrician choice
Squareousher, Venetian Snares, RJ Valeo
RDJ is a way better musicians but Squarepusher's drum machine/sequencer work on Go Plastic is beyond anything anyone else has ever done.
David Bowie
>neo-Yea Forums hates Aphex Twin now
this place is fucking dead
This place died when it unironically started obsessing over Grimes and death grips.
obviously this was a Yea Forums thread
>posts the same shit 50 times in a row
That's not an album you fucking retard
It's his best release since drukqs
ok, this is it. I'm officially done with Yea Forums. I'm a huge aphex fanboy, but these threads are fucking boring my ass off. at least bring something new, be creative or just don't discuss it at all. I've seen this thread in different formats at least 50 times on here lately.
Luckily I'm getting shit done in real life, so I hopefully won't have to waste any more time with you doomers, and I'll be able to start making my own music
>I've seen this thread in different formats at least 50 times on here lately.
that’s gaysextwink shilling his stuff here as he did back in 2014. dude’s clearly broke
ape ex