What music is the best music?

What music is the best music?

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folk and blues

Gentle Giant Cardiacs and Magma


That's too vague

I've only listened to two songs by Cardiacs, one that I liked and another that sounded like epic meme xD music.

They elude me.

punk and its offshoots, post-hardcore, skramz, the list goes on

The solo piano works of Claude Debussy

noise is the final frontier and the best

Post-rock, excluding 3rd-wave soundtrack bait Godspeed You Black Emperor! cover bands

Post Punk is the only correct answer

Music reached its peak here: youtu.be/jdYG-Nh_AxU

Which artists in particular?

Industrial metal

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reminder that only retards think there’s an answer

>muh subjectivity
fuck off

what do you think is “objectively” the best music then?

dance music

Field recordings of me fucking your mum

Post-Punk, of course.



XXXTentacion's soundcloud

>genre with one good album
>the best

yeah and that one good album is Deathconsciousness because Loveless is shit.

Trap, xxxtentacion, Jazz and Classical

Rock and all of it's subsequent subgenres are the only things of any artistic worth in art and pop culture

shit got me there

I'll send you the album, it's called "Whale calls for sleep and well-being"

unwound, slint, rites of spring, fugazi, shotmaker, etc

haven't seen anything this good yet

Anime OSTs
Specifically Monogatari, Sailor Moon, K-On!!, and FLCL

Wow, fuck no.

>listening to 'music'

That is literally the most cancerous shit I've seen. Worse than anime OSTs.

The Beatles.

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Rock between the years 1964 and 1980 of course

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I mostly agree, but as far as KPOP songs go, it's not that bad.
>Worse than anime OSTs.
There are plenty of anime OSTs with good music on them. The one to Big O, for instance.


at least you made her happy :))

The music that I like.

Sweet music

Electronic since you have no reason to not like it. Name a vibe or mood and it has it.

Drone is the logical conclusion of music

Acoustic vibe, live concerto mood.

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Black metal.