The Final Cut

Anyone else here love this album? It’s a shame the history books declared it as PF in decline and a waters solo effort. It’s much more than that, it’s wonderful.

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Here is RS’s 5 star review (written by Kurt Loader of all people) and P4K’s 9.0 review by Chris Ott if anyone needs any convincing that the album is worth listening to.

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Yes. I think it's better than animals or wish you were here.

It’s a wonderful record for sure. I try to turn everyone I can onto it, mainly because it’s reception by Floyd fans

Fuck all that we've got to get on with these

I think it's a Dark Side pt. II



I will say it’s an absolute shame that Rog relegated David’s voice to one track, and it happened to be one of the most maligned on the record. However David’s solos are FIRE on each track they’re on.
It’s heavy on the emotional turmoil for sure, making it more relatable for fans with family issues and paranoia about socio political climates, specific about certain topics in a way that DSOTM wasn’t
Fucking chills every time

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Love this track

It's a good album, but you can see where David Gilmour has said it was a direction he didn't see fitting of Pink Floyd. I remember I listened to it a lot in the summer of 2004.

Fucking classic for sure
See Dave says this stuff but then he says that great gig was a little too long, so idk what his idea for Floyd ever way, like was WYWH his perfect example for what floyd could be?

>in a way that DSOTM wasn't

I believe I mean that, FC covered topics not covered in DSOTM however it contained the same if not more emotional content

Was the Schoolmaster based?

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>Several pieces of music not used on The Wall, including "Your Possible Pasts", "One of the Few", "The Final Cut" and "The Hero's Return", had been set aside for Spare Bricks, and although Pink Floyd had often reused older material, Gilmour felt the songs were not good enough for a new album. He wanted to write new material, but Waters remained doubtful as Gilmour had lately contributed little to the band's repertoire.[5] Gilmour said: "I'm certainly guilty at times of being lazy, and moments have arrived when Roger might say, "Well, what have you got?" And I'd be like, "Well, I haven't got anything right now. I need a bit of time to put some ideas on tape." There are elements of all this stuff that, years later, you can look back on and say, "Well, he had a point there." But he wasn't right about wanting to put some duff tracks on The Final Cut. I said to Roger, "If these songs weren't good enough for The Wall, why are they good enough now?"


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not a big fan, but then I haven't listened to it in a while so that opinion could change

The main problem with David is he was not only stubborn but also he grew less confident as a songwriter the more roger started dominating and the group starting writing together less (so between WYWH and Animals). So when Roger essentially starts writing on his own and the band shut down working together David realized he had to work on his own and just didn’t do it enough (ironically not stopping him from releasing a solo album of songs that he wanted to use that he could get out of the shadow of Floyd and also because Roger probably didn’t want to use the songs David wrote). Plus it didn’t help Rick was also massively depressed around this time and basically stopped writing.
Give it another listen.

Rick did nothing wrong

Kek I agree. Also ironically it didn’t deter him from writing songs for a solo album. It also didn’t help that David and rick didn’t write lyrics as good as Roger did around this time. I mean the last breath of solo work David and Rick wrote were in their pastoral psych days pre ‘72 so maybe they were stuck in that writing mode and not modern Floyd mode (?) I have no idea it’s all speculation.

top 3 pf release imo

While we're on the subject, Momentary Lapse of Reason is pretty underrated too

My ratings of my top 3 Floyd albums changes so frequently that on certain days it slips to third place. I’d say it’s in my top 5

IDK, Division Bell was better

It’s got 80’s ALL over the god damned place, but for a band that essentially had lost its most important member and its heart musically (Rick, delegated to a session player role with no writing credits). It’s underrated but no better than Atom Heart Mother. I re listened to it last year when I read the Comfortably Numb book about them. Also Division Bell reeks of new age early 90’s shit. It’s pretty bad lol

pretty shitty album, has a pro-kike song (possible pasts)

I think the album is not nearly as bad as most critics say. My issue with it -- and probably Gilmour's issue with it -- is that it's a very un-Pink Floyd album. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Artists SHOULD be allowed to stretch and explore new possibilities.

Where the album has a serious drawback is that it has no real memorable hooks. Basically, all of PF's albums from Dark Side through The Wall had at least 2 or 3 memorable hooks. It's an album that does not encourage you to play it again anytime soon. In that regard, it's sort of like an album of unused demos: Fun to listen to once, but an album you could live without.

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It’s essentialy when Rick was ousted, so you lost al that color and texture they were known for (filled out here by session guys and Michel Kamens strings, which work in this context but aren’t true to the Floyd sound). So that was one drawback to the sound.
I gotta agree with Roger on this one. David’s always having other people write lyrics for him.
Just then the phone rang

A Momentary Lapse of Reason was a solo Gilmour album

Yeah essentially. It was him on a houseboat with session guys and others writing lyrics, but in David fashion he stubbornly kept Floyd alive (probably for the money, probably for the fear that his solo work wouldn’t sell nearly as much without the Floyd name on it although idk I’d really would care) HOWEVER those two albums and tours sealed the Floyd legacy for multiple generations to come who also came to love and discover them so I can not fault them for that. Same can be said for late era Grateful Dead and The Rolling Stones.

*although I doubt he’d really care about sales


David or Rogers solo works?

what would a late PF album sound like if it was Barrett-led?

should have been released as a roger waters solo album

Probably something similar to Kevin Ayers' work

Probably like Gong or Van Derr Graff Generator

like an english Boredoms

Like complete and utter shit

Maybe if Barrett did bath salts and pcp instead of acid.


This, Barret Floyd is mediocre and bores me to tears

Maaaan you must be boring

love it
>saved OC

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I mean it didn't have that 80s productions

exactly. it's just good without attaching itself to any real sonic trend

Floyd were really good at staying out of any sort of trend and being ahead of the curve and also having excellent engineering for their era. The final cut is a great example of this.

probably hard an obligation to the record company †bh. gilmour says he and nick "just sort of floated into it and suddenly it became a pink floyd record" (paraphrasing)

This is true, even though it didn’t stop them from working hard. I read in the comfortably numb book that Roger and David were in the car together near the end of the sessions and they said “it’s a shame we won’t be able to work together anymore considering we work so well together”. Well they worked well on creating music and recording it, everything else at the point was arguments. It’s well know how bad they got at each other but how they also respected each other (somewhat/sometimes).

Was intrigued why the Pitchfork review was only available on the Wayback machine, didn't realise they were deleting reviews

YEP. They removed all of Ott’s Reviews which is a bummer because his historical reviews are dope. His review of the first three eno albums is super good

Yeah. I checked the other waters albums and they’re either bogged down by production or concept (radio kaos, amused, ca ira). His only solo records worth listening to are his latest one and maybe Hitchhickers (which I wish was more Floyd like and maybe like KLF’s chill out but I didn’t write it so I can’t change that).

they remove a lot of old reviews including a bunch of 10/10s awarded to kiss and the "shit cat" john coltrane one

Pitchfork never wanted the works to know that Kiss is actually kinda good (at least back then..). Also that shit cat review is hilarious and also hilariously bad. Man Ryan couldn’t write for dick back then. Also when Zach from diiv and his gf got busted for drugs, it was Ryan’s drugs

And then AMLoR showed up.

and just about ruined the legacy of PF in one big budget momentary lapse of judgement



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Shit cat, why you gotta delete old reviews?

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The lyrics on the Division Bell are some of the most passive aggressive bullshit I've ever heard

Most of them were written by Gilmour's girlfriend

>Polly Samson is credited as a co-writer on seven of The Division Bell's 11 tracks

Pink Floyd was over after Animals. Everything after was just jerking off. I remember being bored by " when the tigers broke free" as it got radio play in the day. I LOVED The Wall. That song turned me off. Outcuts from the wall. Are you serious? After forty years, I find The Wall boring. Can't Waters move on?

so how do you feel about The Final Cut