Name a stronger AOTD contender

Name a stronger AOTD contender.

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Underrated masterpiece

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here ya go

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For me, these are strong contenders

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It's gonna be the album death grips will put out in this year or the next

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Stabscotch - Uncanny Valley

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i-i cant

People who weren't around for Yea Forums the day the pitchfork review dropped will never understand.

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>Airs it out in your path

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In all honesty this has more to do with personal taste but yeah

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Greatest of all time

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unironically any other album released this decade.

This ones better

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unironically this

Every single one of the Phonemenomicon albums.


The most likely
Maybe in the top 10, but certainly not 1
These are all fuckin terrible, not a chance

I love this album but I wouldn't call it AOTD material. It's no masterpiece.

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Post yours, faggot

Tomorrows harvest is the only album there that cant go toe to toe with the others

not really man. after the first one there’s like almost nothing of substance. did anyone really listen to all of them? after the first 3 it was just a waste of god damn time

There aren’t any masterpieces from last year or most recent years in general, at least not any that have been spoken of loud enough for me to be aware of at all

your taste is dreary and dejected, its really no wonder you derive no pleasure from congratulations

just noticed this thread is AOTD not year
Still though “masterpieces” are very few and even if there are any that might not be the best thing. Too early to even consider though since we’re still in it, the Daughters album is one of the better releases in recent years but I wouldn’t call it the peak of anything.

You goddamn know most people will be praising TPAB as aotd though because p4k is the world now.

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in hh

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TBK is stellar but you obviously have meme tastes

my pick

yes these and yeezus

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You know you have to be 18 to post on 4channel right?

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this too

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Probably the best OPN album

>he's been on Yea Forums for at least 9 years

But is Blackstar good if you take David Bowie out of the equation? It being stapled to the context of Bowie’s history isn’t enough to make it in the same league of acclaimed music without history behind it. Blackstar is pretty good but it’s hard to keep calling it more than just adequate when forgetting about Bowie’s factor.

I have too :(

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Way too easy. Also far right one came out the same year and is a far better noise rock album.

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also I forgot to add I See Seaweed to that.

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>using .5's in a 1-10 scale

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He looks surprisingly nice with a pedostache

Good taste, but is right. Also, Psychic falls off really hard really fast.

none of these even came out today

It's most likely gonna be one of these or pic for the general audience. Only like a couple tracks off each of these myself though so Idk if I would say ALBUM of the decade.

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Isn't trying to decide on a singular AOTD kinda impossible, especially considering how quickly music changes today?


nailed it

He's not wrong. TPAB is the thinking man's choice for AOTD.

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This album was just okay.


You can argue that point with so many albums? Would Nick Drake's, Jackson C Frank's, and Daniel Johnston's work be as compelling without knowing about their tragic lives?

I would say yes. I've listened to most of his discography and BS is definitely one of the best.


that album was marketed to mass zoomers which bumped up the score

zoomers are not "the thinking man"

it's actually awful

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It's an amazing album but no way is it his best

But Fantano doesn't use .5s I don't get it

>All the top 3 is hip-hop
>If that wasn't bad enough, two of them are West Coast

It was the best album that came out that day.

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TPAB is racist's choice for AOTD

how does it feel knowing that every album released since 2010 can't compete with Adz?

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>Imagine thinking a rock album would be considered the best album of the 10s

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My first thought

absolutely love swans but still haven't listened to this album yet

no doubt this.

>Post yours, faggot
Not him but he literally fucking claimed To Be Kind is his choice.

suicide inxy just do it already

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This for sure

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One of mine AOTD's

But it's easily this

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lol no, that album is a joke

Wing wong Bing bong daughters sucks ding Dong

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based but all of them naturals is better


*blocks your path*

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It's either TBK or YWGWYW from a white standpoint
It's either TPAB or MBDTF from a black standpoint

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The year I became a motherfuckin G alone tops any of the other rap albums in this thread

wow you guys got some nerve not posting this

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literally anything else



Also great. For some reason it feels like something bigger and grander deserves to be considered AOTD but No Now doesn't really have that, not that it wouldn't be in my top 5-10 picks.
I'll go ahead and nominate pic. Also Not AOTD but not far behind are Au De La, Saucers Over Lincoln (more of a personal favorite), Cohost, and maybe Amen 3.
Tons of really great releases this decade but none that feel like they stand out as better than the other greats so much that they'd be the best of the decade.

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Fuck I forgot to also mention a definite top 5, Loud City Song, and also the jazz album Green Light.

yeah, i mean, how could it not be?

Reminder that is any of these albums is in your consideration for album of the decade, you expose yourself as a Fantano-drone with no opinion of your own.

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Mah Nigga.’ Sublime Album

Pic related my choice

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Fantanocore = patriciancore

Better than Daughters
Better than Grimes
Better Than Sofie
Better than Kanye
Better than Swans
Better than Travis Scott
Better than Kendrick
Better than vaporwave
Better than Sufjan
Better than Mac
Better than Daft Punk

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would love to agree with you, but no. great album for sure not AOTD.

Fantano likes to breathe air too so stop breathing you drone.

This is the correct answer. Absolutely deserves the No.1 spot.

How crazy did Yea Forums go when Pitchfork's review dropped?

In Colour has a top 10 position.

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But user, I'm In Your Mind Fuzz is a better Gizz album.

>How crazy did Yea Forums go when Pitchfork's review dropped?
95% of the catalogue was mbdtf threads for about a week straight iirc

shut up little bitch, go suck on Scarfufi's tit

so obsessed all he can think when he sees one of those albums is "REEE FANTANO"

user you posted King Gizz on accident lol

if you don't think at least one of these is just in the conversation for AOTD stop being a contrarian

Not even their best album of the decade lmao. Fantanofags disgust me

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Is that your only response? Let's be honest, Fantano has become the internet tastemaker that's let everyone know what they should like. S/t was way better. Get over it.

These are all valuable choices but my money is on pic related. I don't think I've listened to anything that celebrates the death of rock and roll in the 21st century by digging up its corpse and plugging electrodes into the skull in order to reanimate it. You can almost smell the rot and sour stank in the album artwork alone. Viet Cong is doodoo compared to this

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It's the only response that makes sense. Just saying that's a retarded assumption to make. With that one Japanese album with the girl on the cover last year I didn't know he'd reviewed it until I got obsessively called a Fantano drone when I mentioned it.
Besides that, that Daughters album was #1 of the year on RYM and a meme on here before Fantano touched it.
Lastly, I've never listened to a Daughters album in my life. I just think your assumptions are retarded.

unpopular opinion here

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>Me assuming that Fantano affects people's view of albums is retarded
Seems to me you are the retarded one sir. That album got so much buzz from Fantano's positive words. No one talked about Daughter's before his review here, or really anywhere. Now it's "album of the decade", which is entirely a parroted Fantano opinion. We saw the same thing with TPAB. If you want to stick your head in the sand and act like Fantano has no influence on anyone's opinion that's your prerogative, but if any opinion is retarded here it's yours.


pic related by a pretty long shot
also good choices, would like to add ceres and calypso in the deep time and mista thug isolation

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>No one talked about Daughter's before his review here, or really anywhere
>that Daughters album was #1 of the year on RYM and a meme on here before Fantano touched it
Sorry you got on Yea Forums for your first time this week so you don't remember.

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Good choice but I preferred Blue

fantano reviews popular albums, albums don't become popular thanks to him. literally nothing wrong with liking an album it turns out he also likes

Is there any evidence of this? This is just you saying it. If there is, who cares about RYM autists opinions? Fantano has way more reach. I guess this concept is just really difficult for you to grasp.

>albums don't become popular thanks to him.
Explain all the top 10s album on RYM being Fantanocore, then.

doesn't it get tiring being such a fag all the time?

There is some idiotic notion that people don't have influence on other people. Maybe he wants to feel like he arrived at conclusions himself rather than just parroting, or maybe there's some vested interest in making the normies feel like they aren't just fantanodrones. It's anyone's guess, but either way, the notion is ridiculous and it's confounding how anyone could even argue for it.

whats the second album on this chart?

Swans - To Be Kind

yikes, none of these albums would even break top 10 for the 2000s, probably not even top 25 in other decades.

except this one

If it came out next year it'd be considered next decade sorry bud.


lol 2 hour album of schizoid rock, shocker that fagtano likes this shit


Struggling to narrow it down but I'll highly rec Big Brave - Au De La from 2015

>Is there any evidence of this? This is just you saying it.
pic. I knew the "omg fantanodrones ruining the rankings 'n' sheit" would crawl out of the woodwork so I screenshotted it.
I don't visit RYM as a user but it's about as good a tool as we can possibly have for gauging what the majority in the Yea sphere think of certain albums. idk how YOU'RE measuring Fantano's influence outside of the number of people you see calling each other Fantano Drones. Because I'd be curious how you specifically measure a reviewer's influence like that.

You mean all-time? Those are just widely accepted classics that everyone's heard (bearing in mind that the amount of ratings that an album gets also influences its spot in the chart, so all you're getting is albums tons of people are listening to. They're not all getting their opinions from Fantano.
Not even saying nobody at all is influenced by his tastes because that'd be retarded. Just saying that it's stupid to go assuming someone is a Fantano drone just because they happen to like an album that he gave a good score to (like how he (apparently) did a video for Sleater-Kinney - The Woods and now I can't mention it without his name coming up).
If people who called anyone who liked an album Fantano likes a Fantano drone stopped doing that, there would be like 75% less mentioning of him on Yea Forums, and the other 25% is just circlejerk threads about how awful he is (I don't watch him, idk maybe he really is that awful).

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That dropped hard.

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based as fuck

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More than that.

Seeing Daughters next week. Really excited

my man

>not Nonagon Infinity

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Gloss drop
Eye contact
Any Frank ocean project
Virgins and ravedeath 1972
0 and 0%
Any tricot
Patagonian rats and trash generator
IDK like lots of shit comes to mind and slips

Polygondwanaland is better than Banana, and Nonagon infinity is better than both.

you're obviously new because Yea Forums has been talking about Daughters for fucking ages at this point, check the archive if you don't believe me.

Great show. Alexis was bleeding on the crowd by the end of the Nashville set.

obviously this just by sheer acclamation

don't listen to the others i think you're right user

maybe i can't into jaar, but darkside is the best thing he's done imo

>by sheer acclamation
TPAB is more acclaimed.

Pretty much agree w/ and
>Polygondwanaland is better than Banana
>Nonagon infinity is better than both
hell no, not even close. NI is easily one of their worst despite that opinion being unpopular.
Poly = Quarters! = SoBE = IIYMF > FA-FYL = MOTU > PMDB = GS > The rest is irrelevent

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Wow. Seriously? Blue was poppier and well... sunnier. Kin was so oddly experimentally darkly synthpop. Fucking love it.

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Great choices

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this is too good for Yea Forums don't bother


it's actually blonde, it's a perfect album

Gotta love the one guy spamming for this piece of crap album. Stop samefagging for this album asshole.

It's the 24th best album of all time, bucko.

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one of my favorite albums but i don't think i could call it AOTD
it's probably this

Pic related is a better noise rock album
Only acceptable choice itt so far.
I haven't seen this version of that album cover before

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>Racist gang rap fan

You know you listen to these albums a month before and like them but Fantano made a review so time to hate it because I'm told what to hate by people


lack of replies to this despite how easy it is to make fun of just proves that Yea Forums secretly loves daddy mac



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but The Money Store is honestly the best DG album

This. Theres some other good ones in this thread but this takes the cake.

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For me it's Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of The City
For critics it's probably Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly
For Normies it's probably Ed Sheeran - Divide
For Yea Forums as a whole it's probably Death Grips - The Money Store

>For Yea Forums as a whole it's probably Death Grips - The Money Store
You're not wrong.

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The fact that this was posted gives me faith in Yea Forums again

>For Normies it's probably Ed Sheeran - Divide
normies BTFO lamo

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Great opinion

All great picks except Pure Comedy. Not bad but ILYH is a 10/10
6.5, wrong Iceage album

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move itcotkc and bink to the left and add loveless

the columns are decades you can't move stuff to the left.

That's not how decades work.

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