Song with no harmony or melody is considered good music

>song with no harmony or melody is considered good music
>song with no harmony or melody with actual gibberish for lyrics is considered good music
>song with no harmony or melody with actual gibberish for lyrics, written and performed by someone who can't pronounce English is considered good music
>song with no harmony or melody with actual gibberish for lyrics, written and performed by a literal gangster criminal and menace to society who can't pronounce English is considered good music

How do you guys cope with the fact that everyone around you is a retard with shit taste?

Attached: this guy.jpg (330x330, 57K)

by having shit taste

Can you give me a song that contains no melody?

It’s actually harder to cope with the fact that everyone around me is capable of appreciating how based that is, which, I assume, is why you haven’t even started

You keep using that word.
Does it even mean anything?

Based? It means cool

Then just say cool you fucking mongoloid
Based has another meaning and is an adverb not an adjective
Fuck you suck my ass

How is based an adverb

I walked to the store very based.
the car in front of me was based driving.
she spoke really based.

69's hair palette is based on skittles
= grammatically correct
69's music is based
= incorrect, kill yourself