Why do people compare this to Death Grips?

Why do people compare this to Death Grips?

Attached: kero-kero-bonito-surprise-album-time-n-place.jpg (760x760, 335K)

Because they’re polar opposites, both have three members and a a prominent lead singer

same sound engineer on both albums, a guy called Rory Kozial, and he famously gave an interview where he remarked that the KKB album in his opinion was a better album

They can't think except in terms of memes.

death grips is the extent of their experimentalness and they have no other benchmark with which to compare

>KKB is experimental

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we did it reddit


This was a really compelling answer to OP's question but the name you provided gives no results on Google and doesn't match the wiki

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u really this dumb nigga

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keeping the belly full and balls empty

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I feel its because (while they exist on polar opposites of the spectrum), they have the same philosophy regarding making music - taking an idea and pushing it to the extreme

nice dubs, crusher

Because people compare anything kinda experimental to death grips for some reason

>look mom i posted le pepe so his opinion is wrong xDDD