Talk Talk Discography

What were their best songs? say a top 10

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New Grass
After the Flood

The Rainbow
I Believe in You
New Grass
After the Flood

The five essentials

absolutely accurate and based

if i's my life and life's what you make it aren't in your top 10, you are a shit taste psued

the rainbow
I believe in you
ascension day
after the flood
new grass
living in another world
life's what you make it
tomorrow's started
it's my life

It's My Life
Living in Another World
Stand by Me
The Rainbow

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The Rainbow/Eden/Desire
After The Flood
New Grass
April 5th
Lifes What You Make It
I Believe In You
I Don't Believe In You
It's My Life
Ascension Day
Such A Shame

missing Taphead, Ascension Day, Wealth, and Life's What You Make It.

New Grass is their very best, though.

>It's my life
meh, it's alright it's a fun track but nothing amazing
>Life's what you make it
absolutely, top tier fucking music.