My girlfriend looks like she fucks black guys

My girlfriend looks like she fucks black guys

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What about his?

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stop being such a fucking degenerate

rip mac millar

someone photoshop a picture of adolf hitler on that nirvana cd

becuz alex is for incels and mac for chads? or whats the joke there?


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it funny

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why would you save that if you don't mind me asking? What does posting a picture about the doings of some fucked individual do to anybody, all it does it just reminds us that this world we live in has some fucked up people in it.

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>it just reminds us
>why do you do this
truth hurts

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My girlfriend actually does fuck black guys. She has my permission too.

The chad cuckold, the virgin monogamist

that's it.
why do you save this stuff?You don't have to remind us. we all know this happens. The world isn't inherently evil or good. for every good deed, you can always find a bad one.

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Why are you afraid of saving stories, why do people take stats, why do people save any stuff?

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gotta hear both sides.

Yeah im sure the 9 month old baby was asking for it

well? I'm asking you, specifically. why do you?

dead people can't talk
kids can't talk
black adults can barely talk

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With how many pedos are here, some might think you're not being sarcastic.

I saved them to show people, see it for themselves.

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Is mu a pedo hub now?

Because he is a """political activist""" trying to bring attention to his cause of killing all non whites because of his cherry picked stories of a few sick individuals thinking its proving his point that an entire race of people is nothing but a bunch of savages.

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>a few
I've posted way more than three. I have lots. Guess my age?

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hey guys look i can do it too :D

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keep going I'm only 26 years old, I just registered to vote last year, you can catch up to me.

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You can't prove anything with anecdotal evidence, but I'm not going to deny that black people have higher rates of crime

no stop I never expected this

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I think we can all be honest and say this is something that needs fixing. However I don't think genocide is the answer.


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I'm not trying to prove a criminal case I'm proving a point

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you're stupid. for every fucked up crime story you can find about a black person, you can find one for a white person. Just use statistics to show the disparity

not funny

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well? what's your point? You said you wanted to show people, why?

to see if they'd call me names and start trying to stop me... To see what people have to say, hear their jokes, their reactions.

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I wasn't advocating for genocide. I think we should all acknowledge this and address the core issues causing it: poverty, culture, etc.

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>tfw an HIV positive black man will never rape your 10 year old boipussy and leave you with HIV forever
why am i such a degenerate holy shit

Did he have to look like a stereotypical pedo? The moustache give it away.


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so, you're just bored? do you actually have an opinion on all of this?


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if you use grindr you don't qualify as a kid desu
rape is still bad though

Yeah, shit's fucked

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they are not sending their best

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>in progress
how long it take to nut

maybe shouldn't come here if you can't stomach the /pol/ dancing faggots. not like Yea Forums has the redeeming qualities to make up for the rest of the site anymore, anyway.


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he stole her phone too what a fucking bitch

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I wasn't saying you were, i was refering to those that believe in the final solution. I agree that the issue stems from poverty and culture. Blacks for example are bogged down with gangster culture to an unhealthy degree.

you did it

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around whites never relax

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Why are Yea Forums people obsessed with niggers having sex with whites? This is one of my least favorite memes. Like seriously, black males have the lowest SMV of any group in Western society, they are no threat to you.

blacks got tricked into aborting their kids by the millions and their is no going back from that

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What episode is this? Man, I don't remember Cory in the House being this fucked up.


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this rapist is called cory from cory in the house almost everytime I post this

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Think. those kids would have grown up unwanted by unprepared and irresponsible parents. Their culture as a whole would have deteriorated even faster. You would see more of the types of crimes you are currently posting about and claim to hate so much.

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he doesn't look like a mutt to me

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so lets kill them? pretty sick desu I'd adopt them

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>X race rapes someone
>"kill all X race"

why not just kill all rapists lmao?

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why not?

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yeah. that's exactly what I'm saying. Just be rational. I hate saying this, but facts don't care about your feelings. Doing so would be the most favorable outcome for society. The adoption system is already a disaster.

Based calderposter, never 4get

WHERE ARE THE MODS? I swear to god if those hot pocket loving jannies don't come soon i'm saying the n word.

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Reminder that men account for 99% of rape cases. Men are the problem.

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If we just kill all black men. Crime rates would plummet.

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if we kust killed all white men crime rate would stop existing

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Im a single, ugly, tall white male. Why should I care about rape? Much less consider it my problem?

You wouldn't mind if I choked you with my cock?

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If we killed all men, it would plummet even more.

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don't fall for it. It's just bait

I we killed all women all life would stop and so all crime would stop

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And until then, men would resort to raping each other. Men are the problem.

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Im not really into raping stuff tho

Im gay and lonely and have pretty low standards so no

poor people are the problem. Happy to be part of the 1%

Actually go for it kill all men it's the same result as killing all women. Humans die either way, dipshits.

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Its almost like class is what matters not race, who’d a thunk it

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poor people are not the problem

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You realize women are turned on by rape right?

when you anamlize niggers like this you are pushing white women towards

This. Men are the problem.

poor people are pretty bad

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I already thought about that

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your "stats" are fake faggot

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he cries out as he strikes you

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he looks hispanic

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Niggers/men/poor people just need to address their anger issues by meditating and listening to more ambient music

shut up cracker

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actually I am gonna save this

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Remember when we had janitors?

I remember this one it was on the news

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You're new to this it's okay

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comfy thread.
I love reading this as I type this in my room in my beautiful house in a gated community, where I have limited interaction with niggers/poor people

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