Have you ever met a famous musician

Have you ever met a famous musician

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who is that you're standing next to will?

I've met several that aren't exactly "famous", I write letters to the lead guy in an emo band.

which one is death grips

Yea, I do it for a living.

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What’s Fred like? I always thought he would be like pretentious and douchey even though I love Portlandia and some of his other stuff

Left obv

I think you mean Mr. Grips

how tall is willy

Really nice guy. One of the nicest I've met actually. He's one of the few people that actually hang around and meet every single fan that goes to the merch table.

Sup Austin bro, did u enjoy the CSH show last night? Where did you find Will outside behind Emos after the show?

About 6'3.

He was hanging around the back of Emo's after the show. I was the only one to meet him last night. How'd you know it was the Austin show btw?

i surfed with thom yorke but didnt snag a pic

What’s he like? I don’t ever know what to say to artists really dig, like Panda Bear sticks around after shows but I don’t just wanna be like “hey man I fucking love everything u make thanks”. I assumed it was a pic from last night cause it was your most recent post and you’ve got other pics of the 360 bridge, Waterloo and Daniel Johnston

>What's he like?
Very nice guy. We shot the shit about Daniel Johnston and Austin/Dallas. His favorite DJ record is 1990. I said I preferred "The What of Whom" by him and he said he would check it out on the ride to Dallas since he hasn't checked out his earlier stuff. Very very cool guy. I'm going to the San Antonio show if you want to meet up, drop your insta or whatever and I'll hit you up.

>I don’t ever know what to say to artists really dig, like Panda Bear sticks around after shows but I don’t just wanna be like “hey man I fucking love everything u make thanks”.
Panda is really cool. And honestly dude, I know it kinda sounds cliche but they're just people. Some musicians are huge assholes, but I'm respectful to everyone. Panda is def one of the most respectful people I've met. Just talk to them as if they're some random you just met, because they kinda are.

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No but Avey Tare talked to me on Insta the other day

Post convo

I met Dylan Carlson when I was 14. He was really nice. I used to have a photo of me with him but I lost it.

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>literally shoves a book in his face
>is nice to you because he needs to sell tickets for his tour

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>About 6'3.
horry shiet

I'll shove my cock in your mouth if you don't shut up nigger

brb sending this to avey so he can block your 2 follower incel ass

Met Gira after a show, he was cool, signed everything you wanted him to sign, took photos with people, can't really expect much from an old man who just did a 3 hour set.
The guys in Bolzer are not really famous per se, but they were also really nice.
Dusko Gojkovic was also really nice, watched him rehearse and he signed two cds I had, a kind old man.
Jeru Da Damaja was also really cool to me, despite me being a naive little fuck, but still very cool.
Think that's about it...yeah, pretty much...
I rarely go to shows, so, I don't get to meet musicians, and even if I do, I don't wanna bother them too much.

Where you from lad?

Where are the famous people

Those are the most recent. I got over 300+ pics

Koz and me singing a duet

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I saw Flying Lotus at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>His favorite DJ record is 1990. I said I preferred "The What of Whom" by him and he said he would check it out on the ride to Dallas since he hasn't checked out his earlier stuff
Nice, I’ve really only heard Hi How Are You and a lil bit of 1990, need to listen more
>Panda is def one of the most respectful people I've met. Just talk to them as if they're some random you just met, because they kinda are.
Good advice, glad to know he’s a cool dude. Can’t wait to meet him some day and talk about making music
>if you want to meet up, drop your insta or whatever and I'll hit you up.
Cool dude, I may drop a throwaway email address later. Not crazy about dropping my insta on Yea Forums lol

Ur cute

please be my fucking gf i don't know how long i can keep on living like this

save my life

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just standard after show shit etc etc
a guy I know once got stuck in one train compartment with The Pyramids though

Did u fuq?

You going to the SA show?


Nah, last night was fun and enough for me. I’m going to see Spiritualized and Death Grips this month tho. Shoot me your insta I’ll add you (or not it’s whatever) [email protected]

>blurry pic with half of her face covered by her hand
cmon man

Sent an email

Someone post the pic of Will's boipucci


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I'm friends with Will, otherwise no

who is the 4th row down and middle?
I know the face and can’t fucking put a name on it, some indie/bedroom guy

Sup fellow 210 bro and mr 512 bro

nevermind i remember
the guy from current joys

O o f

Hey Andrew, why you on Yea Forums?

I got a photo with J Mascis at a music fest he played at while on tour for one of his solo records. He didn’t say much, I don’t know what I expected.

Not him, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are a handful of people who go on Yea Forums who know Will

so i was on holiday in some small town in england where thom yorke owns a house and it was late evening and me and him were surfing the same small beach at the same time

Sup fellow Texan bro

>About 5'15

thats a real ouchie bro

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I got to sing with him too. Was this from his most recent tour? He looked great and seemed to be in a pretty great mood.

This was in September, the first show of the tour. He was very jovial and talkative (for him at least) and I loved the entire set. He played "I'm Not Laughing At You" for the very first time that night so it was great to hear it on the new album. Love Mark to bits

I work for a big three record label. I don't work with artists directly in any regard so I don't see much, but occasionally artists will shoot promo videos in our office.

Any specific names

Well, I went to W&M the year lower than Will and I met him outside the Meridian once. Idk? I met Keifer Sutherland at LAX, but he was all pissy cause he was flying to NYC to settle a legal dispute after punching his hair dresser.

based nick rattigan

show us your tits

I peed a little this is hilarious

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i have a picture with avey tare. I put my arm around him :)

I hung out with the great Rod Stewart once

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post the pic you coward

I wouldn't call John Maus famous.

The people want to know: have you met Tillman, and what’s he actually like?

Eugene Robinson of Oxbow

I don't have a picture because it was my first concert and I was shy but I got him to sign a CD

was he nice?

yeah i met this guy back in August

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can you set me up with him please
i've been in love with him for 5 years

what a faggot you are, honestly how do you live with yourself? why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>can't take some light banter so he says the n-word like a /pol/-baby

we get it, your cock is tiny

I would have expected him to not say anything, literally

wasn't even me, just the fact that you're a passive aggressive little faggot that wants to publicly shame someone for using a no-no word is enough to insult you big man

>cock on the mind

truly cock-obsessed

>actually thinks I sent it to avey


that's not will toledo, that's just my friend tony

oh shit what up tony

gira is cool as fuck and super humble. i was shocked that he was only like 5’10

I met a Beach Boy and he wouldn't give me the time of day

I one time received a mini drum lesson on fast ride patterns from Jeff Hamilton if he counts as famous.

Another time I was at a jazz camp and my group instructor sent a video of me to JP Bouve because they were friends and he complimented me (I know it's not meeting, but it's cool). At the same camp Marquis Hill was one of the group leaders too.

I doubt that's actually you but pls be gay and hung. I'd smash.

I've met a few, the most notable ones are probably Thom Yorke and Interpol

Interpol are dicks.

yeah he's a chill guy

I never met anyone famous in my life

second this please

we've seen your face before spicky boi
I remember the one you've took with MBV

Yea, I'm trying to not be an attention whore tho

met Flylo at a music festival in Calgary. Was very low-key, he was at a show before the night of his set and I noticed him. Shook his hand and talked to him for a moment. Really nice guy. was so hard not to ask for a picture with the guy (he's easily one of my fav artists) but decided not to cuz I didn't want to draw attention to him. Anyways tho he's really a down to earth guy.

here's funny part of this story, I notice Flylo was chatting with a young guy (looked about the same age as me, I'm 21 now and i was 19 at the time of the festival). I just assumed it was some random fanboy like myself, at one point he asked me for rolling papers and to smoke up and I didn't have any rolling papers on me (mega mistake). Turns out the guy who was asking for rolling papers was actually IGLOOGHOST, didn't realize till he opened up for Flylo the next night. I feel like such an idiot now, I didn't recognize Iglooghost cuz I had no idea what he looked like at the time but I was very much into his music, and the guy wanted to smoke up with me . . . fuck. now I just think how legendary it would've been if I would've smoked with IGLOOGHOST and possibly Flylo. Worst part is I thought about bringing them before the show but I decided against it. baka.

don't know why that ended with "baka" meant to say "baka"

fuck .

I thought about bringing "rolling papers" before the show but I decided against it. It was DJ Premier playing and I thought fuck it this a show I gotta be hammered for. f.m.l

david j from bauhaus / love and rockets, anton from brian jonestown massacre, johnette napolitano from concrete blonde, perry farrell from jane's addiction.

why would you take a picture with this ""musician"" get some taste

I smoked a cigarette with Michael Gira from Swans.

I've met

Julian Casablancas (he knows me as a huge voidz fan from the internet, can't say he likes me, but we have chemistry), Elias from Iceage, all of Death Grips, Mac DeMarco, all of Deafheaven, Xiu Xiu, Bradford Cox, all of Animal Collective,The Fat White Family

how was anton, user?

How did you manage DG

top secret information but they're how I managed Julian Casablancas

>top secret

Lmao dude. I know how to meet them, I'm just wondering how you did it.

>I know how to meet them,

For death grips? Just follow them after they get in their bus. They don't meet fans after their shows.

my nigga

kys normie faggot

I went to see The Lovely Eggs once and they were stood next to me watching the support band. Had a bit of a chat with them but didn't take a picture because I'm not a FAGGOT