what’s the first thing you do?
You wake up as taylor swift
apologize to kim and kanye
go on Yea Forums
fuck BBC and film it.
Suck my toes
Get pregnant because it's almost too late desu senpai
Count my money in the bank.
masturbate furiously in front of a mirror
Say "nigger" to everyone passing in front my house
find my missing ass
Also profess my undying support for Trump and anything I say after today is a result of DNC brainwashing
How is this not first post? There is something seriously wrong with you fuckers
post sexual photos of myself online and have sex with random fans
Transfer all her money into my real account. About time I bought an island or two.
What if you never get switched back?
Put on the sexiest bra and panties she owns then get two dildos and start DPing myself
Take a poo and email pictures of the poo to my male email address
I'd like to experience ovulation the minstrel cycle in general
> the minstrel cycle
Feel the boobs and figure out what vaginas are like
whats different then?
Make an industrial noise EP
>minstrel cycle
Make a black metal album, followed by a digital hardcore/breakcore album, then make a noisecore album, perform with The Gerogerigegege, and then kill myself
Make a limited edition of lathe cut 7" singles out of ice cream bucket lids and sell them on urban outfitters for $150
release a deathcore album.
the whole media machine behind her trying to figure out why t-swift made metal would be interesting
Meant to put $15000
lose weight
advertise earphones near a fresh vegetables section of supermarket
Pleb cant handle a real woman
Check my internet history to prove whether or not I'm actually a channer
normally if i imagine waking up as a girl i'd kill myself, but if i were t swift for a day i'd totally fuck up her career - post nudes on every social media platform, shittweet at every artist, and most importantly publicly denounce feminism as the gravest of all evils
>minstrel cycle
Thanks I needed that laugh
t. landwhale roast sandwich
Are you trying to tell me she shops for groceries? If I was even moderately wealthy I'd certainly have someone else do all chores for me.
post obese taylor
I'd love it to wake up as a girl. I was supposed to be born a female but because of a cruel twist of fate I was born a pathetic beta boy.
ill go find my real self, and literally fuck myself.
right is unironically better
roll a spliff. eat something. shower, shit, shave.
Uhm, ring up Karlie Kloss and spend the rest of the day in bed, how is that a question.
That was just a publicity shot to make her seem like an average person. She has peons who shop for her.
she's ugly
Then get your Swift self pregnant, then pay your real self off with millions of dollars in hush money.
Make my dream album of savage, serialism-influenced death metal with a real choir.
mental illness: the post
Take a fatty dump in the toilet cistern at a Subway restaurant
make a spoken word album exposing the jews
Expose myself as a reptilian to the world
Publicly defend Harvey Weinstein and Ryan Adams, saying that immigrants and libtards are to blame
dubs confirm
Probably ask Lorde to have sex
Make a post on Yea Forums with a picture of today’s newspaper and sign that says hello Yea Forums as the image and as the subject I’d put “stop listening to me” “get a better wifu”
Do a collab with guided by voices
That's a good one
Do weed
Get pregnant
Bottle and sell breastmilk
Abort baby
Based. Try to Fuck Robert to
Kill myself
Get a female boner
Tell the world that transgenders have a mental illness, depression isn't real, black people are shitters and women are worse than men
This except dont ask her
probably buy whatever i wanted
Eat a pack of crayons and then piss myself
Transition into a man
she has an ass and tits now though
Shove a couple hundred dollar bills up my ass then immediately switch back. Next time Taylor takes a poo she will poo out the money haha.
within one day?
As far as I know about sex and pregnancy yes
Obviously shitpost, then post nudes on Yea Forums with a sharpie in the butt
Shitpost on Twitter and transfer all my money to my family before living streaming my suicide disguised as a new music video
sniff my farts
Wasn't there a theory that Swift lurks here?
Say my daily prayers to Moloch in order to maintain our covenant.
Yes I do, and you guys are ALL perverts!
have deranged sex with 5 lucky male fans as part of a contest
>just wants to have deranged sex with 5 guys
I have no game, but this unironically sounds like a halfway good idea.
as a woman though
Trips checked.
>minstrel cycle
>learn how2music
>work up from obscure to star
>enjoy success
>go out of style
>live on past glories
Aren't them the ones Who need to apologize her?
>minstrel cycle
Do a bunch of crystal meth
lez out on one of my many model friends
send myself nudes in the chance I return to normal
I’d team up with two male producers and make a Synthpop album then challeng Lavren to an oiled bikini catfight and kick her ass
dude, you're in every other thread. get lost
Have lesbian sex.