Drop AOTD three times in a row

>drop AOTD three times in a row
Eh... nothing personnal kid

Attached: thom.jpg (640x606, 59K)

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90's - The Bends
00's - Kid A = In Rainbows
10's - AMSP

>inb4 OK Computer > The Bends

based as FUCK holy shit

>>inb4 rational argument

>90's - pablo honey
>00's - the eraser
>10's - tkol

A Moon Shaped Pool is far from being the album of the decade

I want him to be my daddy


OP here, silly me, wanted to post pic related, my bad!

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Why does this board circlejerk Thom Yorke so much, when the only guy with brains and talent on Radiohead is Jonny?

Thom's just a pretty voice

thom does the majority of the songwriting. also ed is the patricians choice

But Jonny is who turns it into art

No that would be thom and nigel

Thom writes most of it and Greenwood arranges it. They're pretty equally important.

>ed is the patricians choice


tell me more

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Waters-fronted Floyd was only consistently good for one decade. Floyd did some incredible stuff and have a greater breadth of material and styles than Radiohead, but Radiohead have had staying power and quality now for over 20 years.

Faster jonny
