Does anyone else think this movie was made to expose the progenitors of true Norwegian black metal as a bunch of...

Does anyone else think this movie was made to expose the progenitors of true Norwegian black metal as a bunch of puerile edgelords and nazis? It’s like they made an intentionally bad movie that deliberately portrayed Euronymous and Varg as stupid, petty, and narcissistic brats. The whole movement seems so ridiculous and immature when it’s all put into perspective. I don’t think I could ever take a fan of Mayhem or Burzum seriously after seeing Lords of Chaos. Maybe that was the point.

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Varg already explained on his youtube channel about it being a jew production, so yes

Alot of music scenes are just a bunch of young kids doing dumb shit, yeah

euronymous's gf in the movie was entirely made up lol

"the great thing with LoC is that it pisses off the elitists!"
I have read this sentence a few times in my fb newsfeed. what it actually means:
"buuuhuu huuuh I tried hard but didn't manage, I don´t belong to them."
and, pissed off by LoC? why? no one is. smashing an outright shitty film doesn´t have any other emotional impact to us than the satisfaction of knowing bettter. now lech over that!
Black Death Metal is elitism. being true to the tradition. Dead, Euronymous, Count Grishnackh were, the vanguard of BM´s renewal was, too - DSO, Katharsis, Ofermod, or the Finns. every man and woman who knows what this is all about is. most importantly, the radical avantgarde hails the true tradition, too. everyone who ever pushed this, our arform, any further (or was enforcing its intensity) rooted in elitism and the understanding of an approach which the hip Vice BM generation tries to ridicule as "trueness police and their rules". but we ARE true, in our quest, in our motivaion and our intention. and we are exactly at the point again, like back in 1992. when the streamlined Metal mainstream belittled and ridiculed a small elite who were dead serious about it all and openly stated how shitty the lighthearted, boring, copycat-y, mainstream-assimilated and stale the hurt-no-one scene had become. we are at that point again. and WE ARE THE ELITE! YOU ARE FUCKED! ALL HAIL ELITISM!

>a bunch of Jews made a black metal film that depicts the members of the scene as negative
I am shocked

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Yes, but also, Varg himself has spoken extensively about how juvenile, petty, LARPy, disorganized and not serious the whole thing was in the first place so I don't know how dishonest that aspect of the film is. Haven't seen it but I heard they made Varg fat so obviously that at least is a bit of propaganda to make sure Varg doesn't come out as the most likeable/relatable character.

>when the holy wood jews try to make a hit piece upon metal, but metal doesnt care about being popular so the movie just sort of gets forgotten about after a week


>Does anyone else think this movie was made to expose the progenitors of true Norwegian black metal as a bunch of puerile edgelords and nazis?
... Was there ever a doubt of this?
>It’s like they made an intentionally bad movie that deliberately portrayed Euronymous and Varg as stupid, petty, and narcissistic brats
am I missing something? That's what they were... did you actually believe they were really deep satanists and channeled the souls of old vikings or something? lmao
>The whole movement seems so ridiculous and immature when it’s all put into perspective.
It was. They were good at making music, but the whole act was by all means edgy rich kids doing edgy shit, until a couple autists like Varg chimped out and took things too far
Excuse me but I don't take cues from a literal ex-convict chimp

Also, the whole anti-christian thing is laughable. Christianity is dead. When black metal musicians in Western countries start making explicitly anti-Islam music, let's talk
I remember when those christian black metal came about and everyone laughed, but a return to Christianity is the only that would halt the push of Islam into Europe. Nowadays some black metal musicians LARPing as crusaders or something would be pretty badass and more ballsy than being an anti-christian "satanist". Being a satanist for shock value is tame. Nobody will give you shit for pissing on a crucifix. Ridicule Muhamad in your music, guaranteeing that you will be ostracized by whites and putting yourself at risk of being killed by a Muslim fanatic and then we talk


wow user, very insightful, I can see you spent 3 days on /pol/ and have absorbed deep knowledges. You're like 4 years late for any of this to be relevant or even edgy. You already missed the time to start JBPeterson-wave black metal.

How has Varg any redeemable qualities other than making about 3 good albums? He literally behaved like nigger

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it's jew perversion towards sodom and gomorrah cashing in on the true crime fad because true norwegian black metal is devoid of the witchcraft used in pop music

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I believe I am the less /pol/ person in this thread. Go get a fucking clue, retard

>da jews
Ah, yes. The argument.

>When black metal musicians in Western countries start making explicitly anti-Islam music, let's talk
But they do.

>posts entry level post-reddit invasion nu/pol/ wokepills
>I'm not /pol/ everyone else is
What in the heck did he mean by this though seriously?

jews hate metal because they cant destroy it like they did to rock music. The only way to destroy it would be by making it top 40 music. But then they will have been forced to make music that isnt niggers or pop sluts popular.

So even in death metal wins against the jew

I, too, am also afraid of questioning the actions of God's Chosen People™

To some extent you're right but, as a genre metal is far from innocent of cultural corruption and degradation. Organized (((satanism))) (e.g. The Church Of Satan, Anton Levay, etc.) actively supports some metal in the US.

>post pointing out the indisputable reality that the political system known as Christianity is dead in Europe and the political system known as Islam is slowly taking over thanks to its association with a rapidly growing protected class
>other posts of people going full DA JOOS
>it makes more sense to accuse the former rather than the later of being /pol/

Weird. I had no intention of making this into a pol thread. But look at you guys go. We’re like a piece of meat being fought over by two rabid dogs. This site is so strange. I learn so much about humanity and propaganda on here. I wonder if people ever perform any sort of social psychology experiments on sites like Yea Forums and Reddit...?

True Satanic Black Metal are bands such as Darkthrone, Aryan Satankampf, Graveland, the Gestapo 666, Satanic Warmaster, Beherit and Impaled Nazarene. You can listen to Metallica if you want, but you do not understand anything about the real Hitleric Nazi Black Metal. You are just a poser and you can fuck off the whole scene. Black Metal is real music, not intended for animals like you, but the real Satanic Misanthropists who do not care about people like you dampers.
Black Metal is music for the elite and you do not understand it. None of you understand the real Satanism. You ridiculous little kids. Our worldview is based on Wotanic Hitlerism, on a personal level satanic individualism, collective level Hitleric Fascism. Without an understanding of the theoretical occultism, it is useless to dream of understanding the Wotanic worldview. None of you can understand Wotanism, for you are all intellectually earthworms. You can not reach the elite level of Satanism, so why even you dream about it. Satanism and Black Metal are the elite. For real misanthropists

>I wonder if people ever perform any sort of social psychology experiments on sites like Yea Forums and Reddit...?
That's literally what both sites are

christianity and islam aren't political systems, and muslims aren't a class.

>it makes more sense to accuse the former rather than the later of being /pol/
it makes sense to accuse both of being absolutely bullshit lol

>satanic wotanism
Odin slays the worm. He's more clearly identified with the Christian concept of God or angels than with the Christian concept of Satan. Seems like you are actually just taking names you think are cool (Wotan) and edgy (Satan) from ideologies you don't know anything about. Assuming this is not just an ironic post.

Ah, yes. The argument.

>the progenitors of true Norwegian black metal as a bunch of puerile edgelords and nazis
>stupid, petty, and narcissistic brats.
>The whole movement seems so ridiculous and immature
I mean Varg has said as much, that's why I don't get why fans are so buttmad.
Varg himself is way, waaaaaaaaaay fucking harsher on the scene himself than anything that was in this movie. In fact the movie is pretty goddamn celebratory at times.

any religion with a goal of gaining more followers is inherently political

implying there's anything wrong with that

Metal doesnt give a shit about being right wing or left wing. Its about extremism, and being anti poser.

Pol fags and sjws dont actually care about metal, its a politcal culture war for them. They are both posers.

metal is impervious to destruction because its basically inverted pop music. It thrives on inaccessibility and elitism.

In the 2010's the jews tried making metal for people who dont like metal. And when that didnt work they tried stealing metal and trying to make it rap. But metal beat them to the punch about 20 years ago with nu metal.

How many times does it have to be said.

No one can destroy the metal

so is this movie any good? i been wanting to see it cause i like mayhem and the cinematography looks cool.

yeah it's good

>christianity and islam aren't political systems
all religions are political systems. they are important tools of group cohesion and control
>muslims aren't a class
they are still a minority, and in the West, minorities are protected classes. Muslims are protected because being anti-Islam is widely perceived as being racist (because most Muslims are brown, of course), even though Islam isn't a race.
The problem is that although most Christian don't give a shit about religion anymore, most Muslims are still ardent Muslims and are Muslims first and Belgians, French, German, etc. second

No. If convincing others is the basis of something being "political," then it's political activism to recommend a friend a movie you saw. obviously that's not political and your definition of "political" is wrong.

it seems to me that calling something "political" is just a strategy people use to get away with trying to control other people's decisions and personal associations.

>most of the posts ITT seem to be written by an illiterate
Why am I not surprised?

religions (especially the abrahamic ones) have value systems that overlap extremely heavily with politics, like trying to dictate not just how the followers of the religion should function but how the society as a whole should function

It’s entertaining. Don’t go into it with very high expectations.


user... it's pasta that's been posted for years.

>they made Varg fat so obviously that at least is a bit of propaganda to make sure Varg doesn't come out as the most likeable/relatable character
yes, that is what the average movie-goer will find unlikeable/unrelatable about him

It definitely paints them all in a negative light, but that's part of the point. They were pretty ridiculous, impulsive youth. Varg was literally 15 when he started making music and was 19 when he recordes Hvis Lyset Tar Oss.

They for sure got some things wrong and it almost painted Euronymous almost positively compared to Varg. Both of them have issues.

But the whole thing where they showed Varg fucking a ton of women really took me out of that. Like that is so obviously not him.

All in all like a 6/10. Good cinematography. Acting was fine.

one thing is religions being political and the other is religions being political systems. Sure they overlap with politics but these days they aren't relevant in any western society. Things like the economy have a lot more political weight than any abstract value you might get from your culture.

>a bunch of puerile edgelords and nazis
I already thought this before watching the movie.

Just read It literally reads like it was written by a 12 year old. Varg is a total manchild.

Fuck off kike. Go subvert another environment

This was a great and accurate film, they nailed Varg

Taake has made anti-islamic songs.
Also the scene was always anti-abrahamic

>portrayed Euronymous and Varg as stupid, petty, and narcissistic brats. The whole movement seems so ridiculous and immature when it’s all put into perspective
Seems like an accurate portrayal to me.

>dude everything is a jewish conspiracy even this niche shitty movie nobody saw!

you people are braindead. sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

yeah it's just a coincidence™


They should've let Hideo Nakata (Ringu) direct it and star this chap, like originally planned.

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