what did MGMT mean by this?
What did MGMT mean by this?
Wow. Is this real? Holy fucking delusional narcissism.
Absolutely based
They’re ashamed that their fans are intellectual infants and they wanted to share it.
I liked thier second album, because i listend to it a lot during college
I loved Congratulations when it came out AND voted for Trump.
This dude sucks though, shitty radio comedy guy.
Holy fucking autism. Are you incapable of understanding that they're not being completely serious?
The tides are turning and the normies are finally seeing the light. But MGMT will never forgive them.
Trump is actually doing a decent job. Hillary would have us knee deep in Syria right now. She bombed thousands on Libyan civilians, hello!
Still less retarded than 90% of Yea Forums posts.