What went so terribly wrong?

What went so terribly wrong?

Attached: mu - music.png (196x53, 2K)

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the continued existence of Yea Forums of course. this place should have been shuttered long ago

the other boards came here after a while

The average poster on Yea Forums now is a braindead obnoxious retard. Asking what went wrong with Yea Forums is the wrong question. Asking what went wrong with Yea Forums is the right one. Same memes being recycled for half a decade, actual boomers posting on the website, shills fucking everywhere. The most pathetic thing is that Yea Forums is now stealing memes from normalfags through, for example, tiktok or instagram. Yea Forums is no longer upstream of internet culture.

2016 /pol/ happened

i still maintain that if we banned all the generals Yea Forums would get better

/pol/, soundcloud rap aka yung lean specifically, anthony fantano, k-pop posters, plebbit, post-2011 tripfag

for one Yea Forums is the most obnoxious board on Yea Forums. it's filled zoomers and underage, trannies, faggots and women.

Unfortunately, this. Yea Forums as a whole is going to shit. It has become too big for it's own good and the quality has faltered. It's been declining and will only continue to do so. The memes aren't even good anymore.

>going to shit

It's already far beyond the shit stages. Plenty of people complained of this place going down the tube before rrreddit invaded, turned to shit during and after gamergate, then finally sealed the deal during the 2016 /pol/ invasion. You've been swimming in shit for literal years now buddy

less cool kids with cool taste and more 45 year old republicans who heard about /pol/ on thedonald reddit coming in

Music was a mistake.

>45 year old republicans who heard about /pol/ on thedonald reddit coming in
there are none of those on Yea Forums
most Yea Forums posters are underage kids trying to be edgy

you mean malleable, obnoxious 16 - 21 year olds who had garbage parenting and depression that took /pol/ to heart

ask me how i know you need an underage ban

Nah, they're there. Occasionally you'll see a thread for something like Motley Crue, Kiss, Grateful Dead and 2-3 boomers will get in long winded arguments in them.

dude. generals are keeping mu alive what are you on


nigger music, nigger sympathizers

Yea Forums was never good.

One word: newfags

ok but Yea Forums is still 99% underage kids trying to be edgy and it always was

/pol/ and niggers

the memes suck now bc zoomers have no creativity or sense of humor

/pol/threads like can stay up for an hour
jannies are fucking braindead

/pol/'s a minor problem on here desu
the real issue is there are too many threads about the same old Yea Forumscore or pop and rap music that can be discussed anywhere else, while threads about new music get ignored or a couple replies max. Yea Forums's become more casual and poptimist so this place isn't even that good for recs anymore like a few years ago.

Yea Forums is a generational phenomenon that is ending. We're like a bunch of Myspace or AOL holdouts. All the cool people went to reddit, but now that's died too and nothing replaced it.

Yea Forums has always been the worst board on this site and I say that as someone who has been coming here since literally 2003. I think it has to do with music being one of the first things people use to carve out an identity, so you get a lot of very young people here that are hormonal and edgy and emotional who think they're right about everything and everyone else is wrong. Also most people here just have fucking terrible taste.

The old internet is dying because of the corporate take over. It's both scary and very depressing.

notice how there's barely any underage kids in here to shit up the thread? its because they know they are the problem

Yeah. Cox is starting to push a service called Contour, which is exactly what the net neutrality people were warning about

Everything is souless and entertainment in general is dying out. I really don't know who to blame. Some people say it was the corporations, some people say it was the jews, honestly, I just think the world is collectively deciding fun is a waste of time. It might just be me, but I feel like there was no one outside on halloween this year, and christmas just doesn't feel like something special anymore. I might just be getting older but I can legitimately say there have been times where I looked out the window and it physically looked like the world was less colorful than it was before.

It's probably the fact that the internet has taken over everything now that I think about it, like how we all fiend for dopamine from electronics more and more each day as a species, that's just what I think though.

It's not just you. Kids don't go outside anymore and have fun. Why would they when high speed internet and competitive video games exist.

I was about to make this same argument. People having constant access to the internet right in their pocket is the only slow drip endorphin fix they need. The thing that makes us all more connected also makes us less likely to actually go out and do things with each other.

Internet has replaced TV in terms of how much time people spend with it. More time then when people just had TVs in fact. Smart phones hooked to every hand and ear.

Why go out when I can talk to you guys about David Bowie or whoever 24/7 on demand and see hot nude girls online instead of having to embarrass myself talking to them?

Expanding on that, I feel smart phones destroyed the internet more than anything else. In the late 90s and early 2000s you had to own a computer, which many, many people did not since they were very expensive. You actually had to have some intelligence to be around on the internet back in the day. Now, it's just Google/Youtube, Facebook and Twitter.

>physically looked like the world was less colorful than it was before

Unironically blame this on pollution, technology, and overpopulation. could just be the depression though

Should’ve been shut down in 2008

Attached: 2007 sucked.png (1823x718, 211K)

the board has always been pitchfork/fantano drones so when pitchfork and fantano became bad outlets the quality nosedived

And that’s a good thing! Here’s why

yes lets ban the 5 remaining threads where people are actually discussing music at a level beyond youtube and spotify algorithms


exactly, it's a robotic zombie horrorshow that shouldnt be alive

Shitlibs and R*ddit influx

Yea Forums is less it's own unique community and becoming more like the rest of the site. It had it's own sort of culture and vibe for a while, it was more elitist and hipster compared to the rest of Yea Forums. /pol/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums shit didn't leak here really. Yea Forums has little board specific memes anymore, now it's the same Boomer Pepe Wojak shit.

Yea Forums used to be huge with memes.

Vaporwave, Fantano, Death Grips, ITAOTS, Viper, Ocean Man, caveman spongebob, Car seat Headrest, scaruffi beatles copypasta, all this shit Yea Forums popularized that spread to the rest of the internet. When's the last time we actually influenced anything?

What do you think is the current upstream of internet culture? To me it seems like it's twitter, which is sad cause every time I go there it looks like a bunch of attention whores

Twitter and Instagram are the new, hip, trendy zoomer internet now.

Those numbers don't lie.

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speaking of memes, was the bowie drum machine meme and the cowboy rivers cuomo spam something that was recently introduced to this board, or was it another rehash like ITAPOTS/MPP memes

I stopped going on Yea Forums because of all the epic Pepe shit but I always thought Yea Forums would hold out because it was always its own thing. Came back today to see this thread. Sad!

I know stormfags and the Donald infected the entire site, but they're still a minority here. I think Yea Forums went downhill long before the election

industrial bowie was a meme like 2 years ago
weezer's always been meme'd

bro I'll take jason aldean posting at this point

but is there a controversial yet influential site like Yea Forums used to be? Or does that just not exist now?

Wow, I'm actually feeling nostalgia for the old Yea Forums. I came in 2010 when share threads were a thing, EFG and get threads were abound, puddi was the big meme, /x/ had good content, there were fake coupon threads, Yea Forums wasn't just porn...this place has no soul left to it.

Controversial doesn’t exist anymore. It’s shut down and banned if it tries to rear its head.

8 chin kind of but they're not really that well known outside of the whole imageboard culture plus they only have a couple boards that get big activity.

Niggers and Jews. Soon China will say hi.

It's to the point I will only browse Yea Forums once or twice a week if that. 95% of the other boards I could do without. /x/ is complete controlled opposition over there now with LE and others dictating what goes on there. /x/ was amazing a number of years ago.

every group of people for all of time since forever has considered the current version of the thing they like to be shit and thought it used to be better. that "back in my day" sorta thing has always existed.

If you genuinely think things are better now, then you are either lying, a teenager who just came to the board last year, or are mentally impaired. Perhaps all three.

when Yea Forums gets in the news, it gets more exposure, and when it gets more exposure it gets shittier

>"cancer killing Yea Forums" meme after FOX news internet hate machine report, Oprah saying over 9000 penises, and project chanology shit
>celebrity nude leaks, "hacker known as Yea Forums" increases traffic and turns Yea Forums into a porn board
>2016 election, /pol/ gets credit for several big memes, Trump retweets pepe frog and Clinton speaks about "alt right" which is associated with /pol/, every board devolves into political shitposting

Maybe it’s because things are constantly getting worse

Yeah, Yea Forums changing was huge. That was the site most people discovered. If you were there in the old days you know that it was a board that literally anything could happen on. It was genuinely scary at times. I haven't been on Yea Forums in years, but it turned in a porn spammed shithole that was full of censorship last time I was there. Can't imagine it now. All of Yea Forums turned to shit after the influx of people discovered it.

Holy shit I forgot about that Oprah shit.

>every board devolves into political shitposting
Not every board, just the ones with the cancerous /pol/ shitposters. Not everyone is participating in it just a couple of autists

Some person killed another person a couple months ago and posted it on Yea Forums besides that I don’t know what goes on there

Yet Yea Forums is ass besides the occasional kpop thread. Sharethreads are almost verboten now.

I remember a few of those murder threads back in the day.

>people politically shitposting was a norm 5 years ago
Yeah nah you fucking cunt at least shitposting was relevant to music and contributed to the culture. Bringing politics up does nothing and brings down the quality, it’s not even funny

it's almost 99% porn dumps
maybe a couple roll threads or "andy six log of shit"

>kpop threads
>not cancer since day 1

We've been having this thread like every single day as of late. Nothing is going to change. This whole site is going to keep going downhill until we're all eventually forced to leave once Hiro finds more ways of trying to profit from this site

Says the cunt who made the 2nd xxxtension thread that has 100 views. Please die in your sleep tonight.

He was the hero we didn't deserve. Why did he abandon us so long ago!?

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There are tons of decent threads on here, it’s jusy that everyone responds to shitposting or the bad threads. Encourage good threads and the board will improve

8ch@n is there. Ripe for the plucking. Let's take it, bros?

What? Take your fuckin meds schizo, jesus

Hosted on Yea Forums

This is what the top of the catalog looks like every time I come here and almost immediately lose interest in hanging around. Yea Forums has the absolute worst posters and shittiest unnecessary generals

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at 9.41.50 PM.png (1400x1168, 1011K)

There was no 2016 /pol/ invasion.

metal general and bleep general are the only good things left about mu.

Kpop faggots are and have always been cancer, crypto waifu tards.

Mu is shit because it was ruined by poptamism and irony trolls and low iq millinals/zoomers who dont actually like music

They don’t even pretend to not be a waifufag thread, they literally just are.

As someone who has never been a regular on Yea Forums, who last visited this board (I think) when Bowie died, who last posted on this board well before then, I'd say it's probably pretty similar to what's happened across Yea Forums. Not enough lurk moar. It's especially bad on boards that have more accessible topics, like Yea Forums and Yea Forums. I mean, things have been going downhill on pretty much every board for years, and that's always how people talked about it, but the rapid decline of these boards over the past few years is at a whole new pace. I had heard multiple times that the community on Yea Forums had grown like 5 years younger and now that I've checked up on the board a couple times in the past week, I think I believe it. People have got to step up and just tell people "shut up and stop posting for awhile", don't even bother to legitimize their opinions with counter-arguments. Sometimes people are just flat out wrong or in the wrong place, even for subjective tastes like music.

That site is better overall, but not enough people are there.

Yea Forums became too normie. Lost it’s edge


Yea Forums is the last good board desu

no, the edge just migrated to /pol/.

The only problem is that 90% of Yea Forums posters are total faggots

Every thread gets like 7-20 posts, unless it’s a hip hop thread, then it gets 200. As has been the case some 2010. This board doesn’t know how to talk about anything other than hip hop.

One can find old Yea Forums come the witching hours. Australians never fail to bring it.

This is spot on. Should also mention that Yea Forums was hit the worst in the past year. It went from one of the most fun boards to being almost unbearable, similar to Yea Forums at this point, just a repository for low effort newfag garbage.

This. Notice that when p4k became boring shit and now feels like a pop or hip hop mag, this board turned to boring shit.

Yeah, I had to leave Yea Forums because of how shitty it got there.

needs more massaposting

Pitchfork definitely was a HUGE presence in the late 2000s. You had daily threads about what was hot on Pitchfork at the time. Now look at that site. It's a total joke.

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Yea Forums definitely is not the same as in 2007-2014 and it's depressing. As some anons has pointed out already, the 2016 election fucked this whole place up in the ass. Every thread in here now are race-bait threads, twitter screenshots about some e-celb saying dumb shit, waifufaggotry, more /pol/ themed threads, some dumb SJW drama bullshit about some musician, etc etc. I mean, I don't mind the occasional shitposting (shit like band has two drummers), but Yea Forums lost his charm.
I guess one of the most memorable things about this place (in recent memory) was the Machinedrum e-mail thing and the devin-chan AMA he did in 2014. Even the DJ Aaron Ellis shitposting was entertaining.

“Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.”
(Martin Mull)

Every board has gotten worse. My main boards used to be this one and Yea Forums and they're both irredeemable garbage now. I've also noticed Yea Forums and /his/ have been getting worse lately.

shitposting became more rampant and discussion about anything is unwelcome.


Yeah that's why Yea Forums doesn't give a shit about new indie rock as much anymore when that was the majority of stuff here, and it coincides with p4k's shift away from indie. When Yea Forums talks about indie now it's mostly older bands or people memeing about Clairo/snailmail/some other indie waifu that they don't actually discuss the music of.

Its because the mods stopped caring along with anyone else every other post is like "kill your self you pathetic piece of shit trash, no one likes you go die" along with shitty /pol/ bait threads (saw one up for 6 hours the other day before it was taken down), and anything else that's at least vaguely music related.
>Even the DJ Aaron Ellis shitposting was entertaining.
That and the Lauren Mayberry thing with Brandon before it just turned into shitposting and him fucking arguing with Montie in every thread

He didn't help the forum either. He was just as bad as Brandon when he was using his trip.

instagram meme pages
fb, instagram, twitter pages all hopped on "post ironic" Yea Forums style humor memes a couple years ago and now they spawn most of that shit (dumb shit like Hey beter, those skeleton memes with the wordart, Gang weed gamers rise up, "hit or miss" girl, etc are all shit from instagram/tiktok/facebook/twitter/etc) and newfags here repost it.

all this place has been creating on it's own is >that 30 yo boomer and frog/wojak heads recently though.

It's pathetic that most of Yea Forums's content is reposts from the normie internet now when it used to be the other way around.

Told ya.

Those boomer memes can be hit or miss, there's been a couple that have made me actually laugh. Usually meme's don't do that for me.

>normie internet
Yea Forums IS part of the normie internet. Anybody can post here. Millions of visitors and a top 500 visited site in the US.

yeah they also go on /vr/ and have lengthy discussions about Amiga games and shit

those visitors arent really going to Yea Forums though. Yea Forums has like above average traffic for a Yea Forums board but it's still behind /pol/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /gif/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums

Yea Forums as a whole's traffic has been declining too

Some of them are pretty funny