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Kpop general
Anthony Wright
Other urls found in this thread:
Josiah Stewart
Chewy more like pooey
Colton Gonzalez
any sharkman in
Dominic Clark
Hunter Garcia
i don't believe you
Carter Anderson
Bentley Gray
is that nana?
Nolan Scott
pcy is our girl
Luke Hernandez
first for bang chan
Chase Young
Literally just me
Jordan Allen
you guys dont mind if i spam this thread with nabongs do you?
Juan Flores
That's a mullet I can get behind
Elijah Allen
now nayeon
Gavin Price
he especially looks like his sister there lol
Chase Miller
Bentley Collins
Grayson Morgan
Caleb Morris
Aaron Walker
Jose Green
What is CLC
Gabriel Howard
friendly reminder that nayeon is dating a bts member
Kevin Bell
doubt you have enough nayeons to do it all thread
Ryder Jackson
Jaxson Reyes
word but xiumin
Jose Hall
predebut irene...
Michael Rogers
Luke Adams
Daniel Morris
you're doing gods work. im still building my itzy (lia) folder once im ready i will join you in the sun brother
James Nguyen
post her
absolute goddess
Easton Gutierrez
Evan White
Bunny more like her face looks funny
Kevin Robinson
looks like she is rolling a joint
Bentley Clark
because of his raw alien beauty and funny mullet
Joshua Brown
Wyatt Sanders
omo yeji
Jeremiah Ortiz
Isaac White
Jose Martin
Zachary Parker
jeongyeon, more like goddessyeon
Julian Price
her name is park yoora, she got married last year and part of exo got invited as well
Jaxson Wood
Ryder Phillips
Dominic Anderson
marry, kill ,fuck everyday all day
Matthew Baker
Cooper Rogers
that is a point in favor of bunny you dummy
Sebastian King
she a cute
Levi Cook
Jordan Wood
Cooper Powell
fat cat got owned
Charles Fisher
Connor Scott
ill post my waifu if you promise not to call her a slut
Ryan Hernandez
This only raises the question: who has the best butt in kpop and why is it sohee?
Leo Reyes
they look the same
Michael Hill
same colossal faggot
Austin Bennett
she looks like pcy in drag
Hudson Smith
Jordan Foster
she smoking a marijuana
Logan Gutierrez
Zachary Parker
Kayden Garcia
how is yeji so hot bros
Michael Smith
ok....i promise...
Nicholas Powell
Adam Anderson
Logan Rogers
ehh, i guess we were in very different circles in korea. either way, when it comes to kpop, yg has weed at their studios for sure, or at least used to have some back around when big bang - feeling was recorded.
Austin Sullivan
I apologize for my previous post
Blake Powell
yeji mommy
Jaxson Bailey
really copying bts with these cloakfags
Charles Nguyen
>thick as fuck eyeliners
>a fucking mullet
am i back in 2004 when rain was popular? this some top tier gayboi shit.
Josiah Davis
Mina(Jap and Kang) poster...
Christian Phillips
Jonathan Kelly
Asher Reyes
Jaxon Stewart
Jeremiah Jones
Caleb Perry
fucking based, i love that song
i still need to listen to their live albums for songs like this
Isaiah Lewis
yum i love snickers
Aaron Bennett
I like my gaypoppers short.
Brandon Jones
Dominic Flores
Mason Foster
i'm glad we forgave jucchan for dating that guy
Chase Brown
We love Momo here
Gavin Bailey
i remember when i used to jerk off to nana back in the day... fuck, she was the best.
Ethan Kelly
what did i do
Blake Reed
is that nana??
Anthony Smith
10 10 10
Michael Jenkins
Eli Murphy
yeah pure girls don't have thighs like that
Jace Howard
Jaxon Rodriguez
Eli Anderson
youre under arrest
Lucas Williams
she will always be
Benjamin Hernandez
more like whochan
Austin Murphy
Ian Rogers
I used to be against wide faces, but then I realized wide faces are superior because you have a greater area to cockslap and blast on. Prove me wrong.
Connor Martinez
6.5. 9, 15btw so no rating
Charles Ward
David Howard
What's with the ATEEZ shilling?
Ayden Kelly
what did he mean by this?
James Perez
I'll post my waifu if you promise to call her a slut
Chase Myers
Isaiah Scott
2yeon for life bro. never forget
Nathaniel Morales
this guy gets it
Dominic Clark
William Bailey
i love nana
Christian Nguyen
BASED yejichads saving the thread
Dominic Flores
i want to wreck sugas face
Luis Jackson
I'll take it over bts shilling
Brody Peterson
Austin Flores
Kevin Jenkins
you motherfuckers its been 10 minutes yet we already have 100+ posts slow the fuck down please
Connor Wright
Cooper Collins
pocket boys are the best
Joshua Sullivan
stupid idiot
Brandon Parker
it's just one guy. look at the time. always a minute after
Blake Moore
ok...i promise...
Anthony Stewart
Leo Jackson
freaking CUTE
Sebastian Martin
Sucks that txt will probably beat them as roty.
Jaxon Hill
thats a nice p
Robert Myers
t. cuck fetishist
we all know your waifu's pure
Liam Ward
Matthew Kelly
i have enough nayeons to fill several threads back to back i just have to hit the sack
Matthew Wright
Start soon I already have 1k pics/vids kek
Eli Edwards
first love
never 4get
Julian Peterson
dont do it
Adam Harris
Adrian Walker
Dylan Torres
Wyatt Richardson
their live albums are amazing
also this medley was gold
Jackson Gomez
Oliver Turner
what do these girls have incommon:
Yeji, Hani, Nana, Yoojin, Doyeon, Lisa
Benjamin Nguyen
changminbros wya
Cooper Phillips
Dominic Stewart
Ian Jenkins
literally a cumslut
Hunter Taylor
>anyone who talks about a bg that's not bts is a shill
Are we really doing this again?
Daniel Young
post the biggest cock slut idol (male idols only)
Camden Adams
Ayden Ortiz
b-but it's a glorious nana thread
James Clark
I could escape this feeling, with my China Girl
I feel a wreck without my, little China Girl
I hear her heart beating, loud as thunder
Saw they stars crashing
I'm a mess without my, little China Girl
Wake up mornings where's my, little China Girl
I hear her heart's beating, loud as thunder
Saw they stars crashing down
I feel a-tragic like I'm Marlon Brando
When I look at my China Girl
I could pretend that nothing really meant too much
When I look at my China Girl
I stumble into town just like a sacred cow
Visions of swastikas in my head
Plans for everyone
It's in the whites of my eyes
My little China Girl
You shouldn't mess with me
I'll ruin everything you are
I'll give you television
I'll give you eyes of blue
I'll give you men who want to rule the world
And when I get excited
My little China Girl says
Oh baby just you shut your mouth
She says ... sh-sh-shhh
Justin Ramirez
cute hobo granny
Easton Johnson
why do armys always lash out when another boy group is getting posted?
Bentley Rivera
Brandon Butler
Ryan Peterson
god i miss ot12 exo so much
Brody Thompson
>she will never dive down and rip your dick off with a swift bite
just kill me already
Sebastian Richardson
a classic
Michael Sullivan
Kevin Green
forgot your bacon
Blake Martin
post yuna's ass
Jonathan Murphy
Colton Jones
You ever noticed how SM posters are the best posters around here
Levi Gray
Carter Parker
Dylan Harris
gonna tribute those
Jayden Rogers
long legs? also nugu?
idk i only know hani, nana, lisa
they can also dance well
Nathan King
Tyler Hill
Wyatt Turner
Justin Butler
ok here she is
Oliver Diaz
Brandon Howard
William Gray
Based yejibros blessing the thread
Jason Evans
i want to listen but i still haven’t listened to lay’s discography either
Ethan Brown
nugushitting gaypoppers run this
Cameron Reed
san after i let him devour my brain
Carson Lee
is that uggo supposed to be one of exo's visuals?
Robert Watson
Brayden Jackson
lmao fucking weeb nerd
Logan Sanders
Henry Murphy
Charles Green
why does yeji look so old?
isn't she still like 19?
Matthew Ramirez
Kayden Cook
Luis Johnson
run away little gays. fear my guillotine
Nathan Murphy
forgot to link
Hunter Bell
Austin Bennett
ateez deserves it but txt will win anyway because of big hit dickriders
Jose Martinez
thick ropes on suga's wide and sweaty face
Julian Miller
Seeing him stand next to the other members is always fun. I want them to pick him up.
Tyler Adams
masturbating for the 11th time
Hunter Moore
please do it now. im begging you.
Kayden Gutierrez
probably got passed around the entire anime club in high school
Jason Price
Nicholas Foster
Bentley Wilson
Adrian Miller
She doesn't
William Roberts
their makeup stylists weren't fucking around that day
Jonathan Sullivan
yeah no
Juan Roberts
be careful. too much and you die
Alexander Baker
loona isn't from sm
Ryder Cook
William Collins
I don't miss Kris because you can tell he genuinely hated being in a kpop group, but I do miss Lu and Tao
Ian Lopez
Hudson Miller
freaking cute
Camden Butler
why? it was more chaotic
Daniel Wilson
that smile is devilish as fuck
Jonathan Roberts
James Perez
don't make me pull out my gay slaying saber
Samuel Rivera
Cameron Diaz
>take off 80% of their makeup
>all look 4/10
Aiden Flores
their songs are shit and the one that shilled here are a a fucking uggo. why would they win roty lmao.
Colton Jackson
Lincoln Ward
your waifu is a dumb gook
Jaxson Carter
She looks cuter
Connor Phillips
oops, thought thats pcy
Ayden Howard
my favorite whore
post her protein extractors
Alexander Lopez
slugroastie is only bad because you keep giving easy (you)s
also it's not one person get it right there's quite a lot of em
William Brown
someone webm bacon coming out of that closet
Connor Anderson
you're so young omg
Thomas Morales
Dominic Morris
idc about ateez but that scammer clone could get this work
Jaxon Richardson
>their songs are shit
Dylan Gray
Michael Hernandez
Isaiah Allen
NEW blackpink diaries ep.2
Daniel Wood
the metaphorical closet?
Samuel Reyes
forgot your bacin
Kayden Scott
Jaxon White
yeji looks like an uglier version of gin ichimaru
Jack Ramirez
stop posting yejuggo
post Yuna
Jayden Collins
no you're bad because you're fat and obnoxious, slugroastie
Luis Carter
no one cares
Ethan Gutierrez
Jack Phillips
i knew she reminded me of someone
Nathan Reyes
Leo Baker
I haven't listened to most of lays music except the singles, maybe I just don't like how mandarin sounds
Luke Morris
Nathan Cook
Carson Thomas
BASED yejichads also known as slugchads saving the thread once again
Anthony Myers
Brody Powell
No, she's only half gook
Landon Campbell
Kevin Moore
fuck off roastie, we hate you
Tyler Ross
Kevin Ward
Henry White
David Adams
kys faggot
Xavier Martinez
omg roastie
go back to twitter please
Ian Ortiz
Here's the bighit dickriders.
Brandon Brooks
thank god yejibros scared slugroastie
Parker Butler
Senorita is fucking lit
Adrian Green
now this ie epic
Austin Gomez
Zachary Butler
6 in a row nice
Grayson Collins
no, the one at 0:55
Samuel Kelly
Blake Bailey
support txt
Juan Green
Joshua Turner
Lucas Moore
Jacob Thompson
meant for
William Mitchell
fucking BASED yejichads also known as slugbros saving the thread
Luis Sanchez
we don't associate with you, landwhale
Nolan Green
Find a new slant
Mason Campbell
Jack Morales
t. big hit dickrider
lmao imagine supporting a group without even hearing their debut track
Xavier Davis
Yejiniggers are overstaying their welcome. Watch as soon you'll get the sluggo treatment
Camden Brooks
>smshiters calling out other company biased posters
Parker Mitchell
based bros aka chingus aka friends aka compadre's also known as chads saving the thread
Ethan Wood
fuck off, slugroastie
Hunter Lee
this cracked me up, cause i'm literally one of the biggest fans of lay around here, but i barely ever listen to his music.
i did watch almost all his reality-tv-interview-movie-series content, though (i'm fine with mandarin), that's already a lot of work
sometimes i would watch his performances on mute, cause his dancing is just soothing by itself
Parker Roberts
Jacob Rogers
Sometimes that shark he looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. And, you know, the thing about a shark... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'.
James Peterson
Michael Rogers
girlpoppers, who is your favorite gaypop group?
Kevin Miller
woah woah. don't say that
Luke Lewis
yejispam >>>>>>> sluggospam
deal with it
Chase Davis
Josiah Morgan
Nicholas Cox
Luke Rivera
Isaiah Jones
BASED yejichads saving the thread once again i'm glad we all love seulgi here
Julian Cox
why is he like that?
John Bell
don't post it i just ate
Ryder Hall
Jordan Barnes
I don't follow gaypop because I am not a faggot. Girlpop only may gayfags rot in hell
Asher Mitchell
>slugroastie spamming yejuggo because she keeps getting btfo whenever she tries to spam sluggo
Jonathan Garcia
exo baby
Jordan Perry
Nathan Collins
Eli Richardson
yeji is so cute bros
Caleb Lopez
it's already starting
everyone is getting tired of her spam
Isaac Rogers
KQ is NOT paying me to ask you to watch this cute dance practice
Dylan Hill
seonghwa has top visuals
i love my undead bfs
Isaac Anderson
Bentley Adams
Josiah Long
Nathan Miller
Dominic Miller
>tfw you only want just a tiny girl
Cameron Taylor
bts for my wife
Adrian Jackson
how old is this girl
Connor Gonzalez
Liam Moore
i freaking love Hwang Yeji!
Luke Young
if gaypop fans follow girlpop, does that make them straight?
Aaron Morgan
Landon Diaz
I don't post yeji myself but she's cute and I approve of the spam
Henry Price
yeji looks at least 40 years old
Christian Parker
speaking of sm.
what are some good girls' generation songs?
kanye west recommended me gee and ive been liking that one.
especially the part that goes gee gee gee gee baby baby baby gee gee gee gee baby baby baby.
Isaiah Adams
Lucas Rogers
Logan Martinez
Jose Watson
we are chads
Brayden Edwards
Brody Taylor
very true all the yejiposters are based and my friends
Easton Fisher
genie (tell me your wish)
Jackson Hall
Matthew Carter
nice gap
Landon Reed
how did the shark become so popular here ?
she killed the sluggo posting
she broke kpg autistic meta in one (1) fucking week
Connor Harris
Zachary Robinson
*faints because she's too cute*
Gabriel Bailey
>killed sluggo posting
now that's based
Easton Taylor
Andrew Taylor
wtf yunabros explain
Eli Hernandez
Luke Bailey
I want to pull on his mullet.
Ian Turner
wooyoung looks so cute here
Cooper Baker
itzy won by sabotaging loona because they can't win fairly
Henry Lewis
fuck shes has big boobs. the second biggest in izone