>tfw no bf
Albums for this feeling?
hardmode: no Fiona Apple.
>tfw no bf
Albums for this feeling?
hardmode: no Fiona Apple.
Other urls found in this thread:
Xiu Xiu - Fag Patrol
It's raining men
>tfw no beardy bf
No shit, Sherlock.
I came here to get the feels, not a boner, stop posting cuties. Unless you have more, if so, feel free to post.
i have so many more of this guy
you look terrible
I'm genuinely wondering if this thread is 100% gay people or if there are any females
zip them and send me, pls
here reddit.com
he posts new photos regularly
I've always been here Lauren.
I'm not however the fuck this bitch is, sorry.
>tfw no bf to listen to can, talk talk, and joanna newsom with
stop being gay
twin fantasy
guy looks like a child
how old are you?
all fags are pedophiles
Machine oiled Cuck - Tim Heidecker
i love how the absolute most obvious choice has not yet been stated
>Liz Phair - Exile in Guyville