Scene kid culture from the 2000s is seeing a slow revival thanks to rappers like xxxtentacion, lil peep...

Scene kid culture from the 2000s is seeing a slow revival thanks to rappers like xxxtentacion, lil peep, joji and other rappers of their caliber, seeing this slow (but present) revival of nu 2000s scene culture got me thinking.

Will most of these rappers be remembered in the same vain that bands like My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte and 2000s Green Day are remembered?

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Maybe. X and Peep are def up there in terms of what they've brought to the rap scene. Joji, on the other hand I think came a bit late, since artists like Yung Lean already had his lane covered.

Half of those rappers are dead

It’ll suck just as much too. Corporate influence in the scene, godawful stans, weird hair, etc. Its only a matter of time until these guys end up on warped tour.

And you leave mcr out of this gerard way did nothing wrong and should not be associated with scene kids

They still inspired an influx of these rappers making music usually about depressing themes that can resonate well with teens and young adults, which has the room to recreate a new 2000s scene culture which is happening.

Bump and hump

Yeah these ugly depressed niggers are the modern day linkin park. Only now it's 2018, so since they're not white their music is hailed by retards as unique and innovative.

Bump and hump: The final attempt

>Will most of these rappers be remembered in the same vain that bands like My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte and 2000s Green Day are remembered?
If you mean I think they suck ass, yes.

I mean in like a general consensus, most of the bands mentioned are remembered solely catering to the weird/outcast crowd (scene kids) much like how I'm seeing these rappers being associated with a crowd similar to that.

Nah, lil peep and x will be looked back on as having a way larger influence. Lil peep would have been the Kurt Cobain of this generation if he didn't die. It's so fucking sad because he was only 21.
RIP lil nigga, Rip.

But, it is for the genre user..

When they grow up? Most of the scene kids considered those bands influential until the culture drifted and they grew up. Who mostly listens to x and peep? It's mostly teens and young adults, who listened to MCR and GC? Teens and young adults.

No it's not.

Isn't that exactly how they are remembere deven now?

Scene music wasn't new though, it was a continuation of counter cutler movements like grunge and punk before it. Kurt Cobain is critically acclaimed so much for bringing these themes to the mainstream. This is what peep and x have done. Some of the hottest artist right now are popular for coping their emo-rap style, like juice world. MCR, Good Charlie and blink 182 were just coattail riders of Kurt and this is why they have no clout anymore.

Ok, young lean and say bones and may have been doing emo rap first, but x and peep blasted it into the mainstream.

"nu scene culture" has almost nothing in common with 2000s scene culture

shut the fuck up retard.
>other rappers did it first but they weren't black so it doesn't count
kill yourself.

It's almost exactly the same minus their humor.

>lil peep
user, I....
Also that is not what I said. I said Lil peep and X brought the style to the mainstream.

it's literally not lmao

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Most of them look like they just came out of 2007 except now they have face tats and soundclouds instead of myspace.

Dumbing a style down for the appeal of the masses is totally different from being unique and innovating with your music.

i don't think i've seen a single person in the last couple years who looks or acts like a 2000s scene kid, and soundcloud and myspace aren't even comparable

You mean like Nirvana did with Nevermind?
Keep trying though.

What does Nevermind have to do with anything retard.

>i don't think i've seen a single person in the last couple years who looks or acts like a 2000s scene kid
They still exist and I've seen them a lot more in recent times with these new rappers, friends with a few of them too.
>and soundcloud and myspace aren't even comparable
Soundcloud is turning into another myspace, has lots of weird outcast teens using it too.

not the guy you are arguing with but damn you are retarded

Are you illiterate? Take some time off of pol and learn how to converse.
As I said before, Lil Peep and X will be looked back on as for blasting the style into the mainstream like Kurt Cobain did with punk/grunge. They didn't even dumb it down and Yung Lean is trash, in fact Id say Lil Peep refined the sound but that's just my opinion.

Never mind is a genre defining album that ended one era and began another. Idk any clout/soundcloud artists who have made any contributions that have even a fraction of the impact. Music goes through phases like this. What exactly would clout rap be overtaking? Trap music??

You listen to Lil Peep and think he's talented. You're literally a stupid faggot (i.e. a gay retard) and probably not old enough to be using this site.

All the edgy dudes like XXXtentacion and Scxrlord are LITERALLY building on crunkcore lmao

Same shit, just with less colorful and more edgy aesthetic

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They influence is very small man. Their influence is not widespread or even close to the mainstream despite what the music industry is attempting.

Thanks for the support user.

> Well looks like I'm out of options.
>I know, I'll insult his taste!
>Ha, Checkmate.

You have garbage taste and I regret conversing with you.

remembered as shitty music for tweens of their time? which most grew out of and find cringy and more or less the only time they are only played ironically anymore... yea? i guess os

Your handicapped and taste are subjective.

>confirmed underage
Tastes are subjective but only a moron would believe a fad to be anything more than fad. Things that seem new feel less new when you realize that it's being manufactured instead of naturally occurring.

X may have been an industry plant but Peep was never signed and pretty underground up until his death and his best work wasn't even his studio albums so your wrong about his sound being manufactured.

just a lot a talk and a whole lotta nothing.
keep living kid

Who is this referring to?

My bad he was signed but still, his mix tapes were superior to his studio albums anyway.


He asked a good question?

its been a while since ive heard this cringecore shit ahahhaa

I listen to music for what it is and try to hold bias or comparison to other artists. It was hard to listen to Peep and not think that this is essentially good charolette for a generation of white kids who accept rap now because of Eminem.

This shit is fucking retarded.
The scene/emo thing was awesome.
This faggot "rap" bullshit is not.

The worst genre of music steals from one of the cringest genres of music. Results were destined to be great.

Gerard Way was a poser faggot and MCR sucks dick.

Poser to what?

Rap is objectively not the worse genera of music, although I will admit its definitely down there.


As a young adult, I can vouch that Lil Peep, X, and Joji don't have terrible music to listen to when I'm feeling under the weather. I for one think they're at least somewhat unique as well. They make music that can be considered generic, but so does just about every artist.

Funny you say that because both lil peep and x started on soundcloud and got popular through the music they made, on soundcloud. Your argument is dumb, so stop being a cunt and let people enjoy music unless you have actual criticism. Hered a typo for you if you don't have a proper response.

Lil peep will get way more clout than they did.
Joji maybe.
XXX was an industry plant.

I like some of Xs shit and i get the ties to numetal. I was an impressionable 10 yo that thought linkin park was the shit cuz of their metally sound mixed with rap and also really liked the effects in their music videos. Come 8th grade i wear a linkin park tshirt and someone starts telling me linkin park gay and im like what nigga? But yeah he was right. I didnt have someone showing me cool shit like he did with older brothers.

The aesthetic is edgelordy. I listen to everything nowadays and its given me perspective. Still fun to goof with it.

Hes a poser faggot? What the fuck was he posing to be? Dude listened to metal and made a punk band with a unique sound. Dude can fucking sing too and ended up getting his comic put up on netflix. What the fuck you done with your life?

Mcr are pop rock not punk lmao

How can he pose as emo when he himself claimed to never be an emo band?




>You're literally a stupid faggot (i.e. a gay retard)

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Rap music in inherently disposable, the culture around rap has no respect for the past. Even you stupid zoomer keep shitting on boom bap rap.

Rock music culture has a great respect for its legends.

This wave of soundcloud rap in a way was even worse than 2000's emo. Bands like MCR, made albums, they had substance. gerard way was a faggot, but you knew he wasnt pretending to be.

Soundcloud rap was shallow, about image, singles, and all the music they made was an after thought.

2012 2014 teen emo here peeps alot better than my gay little bands I used to listen too buttt I still like them

Attached: Lil-Peep-16-Lines-screenshot-2019-billboard-1548.jpg (636x421, 37K)

emo happend in the 2000's not 2010s

STARTED theres generations of emos user


thats why rock has stagnated with stuff like greta van fleet

where as rap can still respect its past artists and still move forward with new sounding repackaged stuff

I realise I am 4 hours late but if you are reading this then you should know that the Nirvana of your analogy is Kanye/Cudi/Drake. They brought personal emotional rap to the mainstream and X/Peep were the continuation of that sound but for angsty 13 year olds. In essence you are wrong and cloudrappers are the modern nu-metal.

>Waiting 4 hours for your opponent to leave so you can get in the last word in an internet argument with somebody who's probably underage.
You better have been actually doing shit user otherwise that's the saddest shit I have ever seen.

>I realise I am 4 hours late


The number of posters went up when he replied.

It's not a revival, it's more like a spiritual successor. Those guys took inspiration from all that horrible scene kid emo music and made their own music that has similar qualities but is horrible in its own distinctive way. I have a feeling the pushback is going to happen soon like when everyone got tired of the obnoxious scene aesthetic in the early 2010's. We can see the excesses of the sadboy / emo rap fad with the generic, uninspired rappers like Lil Xan and Joji who have flocked to the bandwagon because it's what's popular. The sound is played out and it'll son be time to move on to something new.

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I'm not the guy that was in the thread earlier. I just read through it and noticed no one had bothered to correct that dude on his 'x brought emo rap to the mainstream' shit.

Red and based-pilled.

Blue and cringe-pilled.

>doing anything new in 25+ years

Grrr, I'm ten times more gangsta than you.
Grrr, I'm ten times more gangsta than you.
Grrr, I'm ten times more gangsta than you.
Grrr, I'm ten times more gangsta than you.
Grrr, I'm ten times more gangsta than you.

You better not be lieing user.

It was shit then and it’s shit now
I will grant both had some good music, but the overall aesthetic is absolutely cringe

Exactly why Peep and X are so significant, they tired to change it.

i still think x was the most interesting out of the soundcloud wave of 2016-18, the punk influence he had was refreshing and although he was a fucked up person and obsessed with his "deep mentality". he had a lot of range but i think he was an awful album artist and really did well with releases on soundcloud

That user has my back

Two things.
1. Drake has done jackshit to advance the genre what are you talking about.
2. Although Kanye and Cudi were definitely unique in the fact that they, mostly Cudi, did get emotional and talk about depression and such, you certainly can't be compared to them to Lil peep, Joji, or X.
The other anons comparison still stands as Kanye and Cudi aren't even close to being emo rappers.

X was a very talented when it came to 17, but his more mainstream stuff was what causes the stigma that he is just an ape

Peep was also very talented, but he died to drugs, so obviously his music should be ignored and brushed under the rug

But this is definitely a revival of scene, just look at the fans of the two. The fans are nearly identical in appearance, social interactions, and age

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>but he died to drugs, so obviously his music should be ignored and brushed under the rug

yeah what lol

1. Take Care deserves it's place next to MoTM and 808s. Not in terms of quality but certainly aesthetic. I don't like Drake but that's the way I see it.
2. Just like Nirvana is not close to being considered nu-metal but paved the way for it's existance.

Not really thou, metal was always a really emotional genre, going from pissed off to sad is not a big leap.

Scenecore was more niche while X and co are broadly popular mainstream artists.

mcr and good charlotte shit are regarded as has beens now because they didnt really bring new to the table artistically while X did (like him or not he was an innovator in hip hop). X will have a far greater legacy than these bands because he was a game changer.

No, he will because he died and his youthful image will be the lasting memory of him. If he grew older, he'd be washed up in 10-20 years and probably in jail. Icons that don't break up or die at their peak aren't going to be remembered as immortal legends because we're going to have their old years and shitty later releases stick in our mind, or we'll grow to see them become irrelevant and uncool as the trends change.

>Icons that don't break up or die at their peak aren't going to be remembered as immortal legends because we're going to have their old years and shitty later releases stick in our mind
If only Mick Jagger had died in 1971...


That's what rap did too. I was just going along with that guys analogy to explain how cloudrap and nu-metal are the same trend a dozen years on.

There are a few exceptions like Bowie and Radiohead though. These artists had the artistic acclaim along with commercially though so maybe that's why they could keep it up and not become washed.

Wolfmother and Tame Impala are more mentionable. Greta Van Fleet is shit-tier. Check out Parlor Mob if you want a Zep ripoff.

Which makes the Rolling Stones all the more sad. They had critical acclaim but turned into the ultimate washed up Spinal Tap band.

>warped tour

should i tell him?