>tfw give a guy tops but he wouldn't let me swallow his cum
Fembot Feels thread
>tfw my dad sold me to the magical kkk in order to pay off gambling and booze debts
Fuck off faggot
OP gave me top
in my drop top
t. guy
>saw this cute guy at the gym
>want him to fuck me
>don’t want to approach him
??? Help
Bentley coupe ridin with stars
Fake and gay
show benis
Being a whore really does tank your value like nothing else. Forget "market value", you're even worse off than any market value would ever indicate. The only thing left for a whore is death.
I doubt women browse this board
very edgy and rude
my gf doesnt like sucking such shame
>very edgy
The truth is often a bitter pill to swallow. Euthanize yourself, my dude.
This but with music
Some serious penis frustration going on in this thread.
read the greentext
Why are you obsessed with penises?
that is clearly a tranny
We all know you’re a guy
I thought I was on /r9k/ for a second. jannies, do your fucking work.