Blade Runner 2049 is my favorite film. What kind of music should I listen to ?

Blade Runner 2049 is my favorite film. What kind of music should I listen to ?

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tears dropping on the ground of your apartment right next to the bottle of booze

The meme-ification of this scene's made me hate it.



Blade Runner 2049 Soundtrack

never actually watched br2049 but this is the impression I get from what I've heard about it

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this is a good pick
machine girl

Witch House
Stuff like :
Randy Prozac
Hong Kong 2046
and 2814 : Dawn of a New Day

You can navigate from there and stuff on your own, I think

tangerine dream

Tfw a blood black nothingness begins to spin

What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love?

Autechre - bladelores

Why dont you take a seat sir.

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just don't listen to music. Find something else to do and go away.

This movie is retarded showy bullshit compared to the original. If you think it's better than or even as good as the original you are automatically not a smart person.

top tier critic my friend
