"Learn music theory", they said

"It's enriching", they said.
"It'll improve your understanding of music and allow you to compose more complex music", they said.
"You'll hit a wall without it", they said.

Nine fucking years of guitar and piano playing down the fucking drain. All ruined by music theory. Can't play a single fucking thing now, can't fit ideas into the rigid framework of the music notation system, all creativity gone, mind permanently wrecked. Need some mind detergent to get out the stain of music theory, it's like shit smeared all over my mind. Too late in life to rebuild from here, can't figure out how anyone manages to make use of this. You've gotta have it drilled into you from birth in order to have any chance. Everything they say about music theory destroying all musical ability and creativity is true. It's like getting a sex change operation and expecting your new pussy or cock to be good. Don't ever fall for this fucking shit, it'll ruin music for you and you'll have to give it up.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Change your mindset. It's not a framework, it's a set of tools

Prob just need to learn more theory.

LARP detected

Guaranteed had zero creativity in the first place

>tfw learned theory and don't even think about it unless i get stuck when i'm working on something
>brain literally makes it a point to ignore it unless i call upon it

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every big popular musician has been instructed by just listening to music, they could've had a lessons here and there but for the most part is just "ear" and having a natural talent for rhythm

if dominating music theory was the key to succes every music student would become a popular musician....that is not the case and in fact the contrary is what we see in real life.

It's a steel cage for your soul.

>that guy who says he “knows music theory”
>has memorized most major and minor triads
>knows a few major scales (has to sound the rest of them out)
>sort of understands major and dominant seventh chords
>that’s actually all the theory he “knows”
every fucking time

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>learning music theory to abide by it

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That's not how music theory works you dumb nigger

>It's like getting a sex change operation and expecting your new pussy or cock to be good.
Such a good analogy. Sorry for your loss, OP.

>It's like getting a sex change operation and expecting your new pussy or cock to be good.

not really, its more like buying wheels for a car without even having one, you need to be creative to write good music, theory will only help you if you are already a creative as fuck person


You need to kind of work on your own brand of music theory guy

Why are you pretending to do things you didn't do?

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Your taking music way too seriously.
Relax and try to enjoy it again. Keep
thinking like that and you'll end up hating music


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most anti-theory fags were playing shitty boring things, but because they personally didnt understand what they were doing, it must be mysterious and creative.

>Everything they say about music theory destroying all musical ability and creativity is true. It's like getting a sex change operation and expecting your new pussy or cock to be good.
lol what a fucking stupid analogy.

Way to go retard.

Did you and me learn the same music theory bud? Everything you say you were promised is true for me

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that only means you either haven't really learned music theory and its uses yet or were never really creative to begin with
>every big popular musician has been instructed by just listening to music
this is bullshit.
>if dominating music theory was the key to succes every music student would become a popular musician....
but no one is arguing that


OP, go swallow a bunch of pain pills.

Fucking based

well post your 12 tone tune for the class then

This lmao. OP is a fucking retard.

Love when I go to jam with new people and ask them to play a simple 1 4 5 progression and they look at me like I'm retarded and say "sorry man I don't use music theory, I don't want to limit my creativity with rules". So they play an E power chord for an hour and let their creative juices really flow!

Would’ve taken about 5 minutes to explain. Maybe you’re just being a cunt?

Just start doing drugs to compose

>mfw learn music theory
>whole new dimensions of understanding the music from an analytical and structural point of view, now can see how all the pieces fit together and the intricacies involved
>understand how different tempered systems and compositional tools work; from medieval music to classical era to the modern eras
>call upon it when I need it (for this better inside understanding or my own fun at trying to compose music for myself)
>enriched musical listening experience

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/thread. And hilariously enough, all of that is still enough to write a decent song.

Music has no rules retard, theory is just a helpful guide, it's not the be all end all, you're just untalented and uncreative

>sorry man I don't use music theory, I don't want to limit my creativity with rules

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I've tried to do that when I bit the bullet and formed a duet with a guitarist who's been playing longer than I have. A month in he dumped me to play The Offspring covers with his buddies.

you clearly underestimate the power of triads

Great bait honestly

Learning theory revealed to me how good or bad were my musical ideas, some were pretty lame, but others held their own when analyzed theoretically.

Anyone who says that theory has limited their creativity is really saying "theory has made me dislike the stupid shit that I wrote but I'm too dumb to recognize it, so I'll just say I'm not as creative as I used to be"

is weed enough?

Playing music is for children
Grow up and get a big boy hobby

What book did you use to learn?

Yea, when I take a couple hits and start playing it’s like I’m instantly transported into something itd normally take me like an hour to come up with. It’s great

it's just an illusion

Kind of. Stuff that wouldn't normally catch your ear or sound good, will sound better. That can help though, like shutting off your inner critic

It's not music theory's fault you're low IQ and low creativity, and I say this as someone with only basic knowledge of theory

None of the Beatles knew theory

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>too stupid to understand or apply the knowledge you've been given
>"hurrdurr school bad"

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Music theory is just a theory, just like evolution. It still relies on belief and not knowledge.

12 tone is easier to compose than a classical sonata

you were always bad, just under the delusion that your music is good. learning theory set you free from that delusion, and now that you notice all the flaws in your musicianship you blame the theory? how self-centered
also this

yeah I think you'll right. It's good to make a long jam and cut out the good parts

Music theory is racist

I started with online stuff but the internet can be a double-edged sword (lots of good information but also a load of bullshit and badly (too complicated) written; and when you don't know much about the topic you can't filter out what is good and what is bad). Then I went to a few music theory classes but the first one was lame, but the second one I got lucky with a really nice (and hot) teacher that completely changed the way I thought about music theory. Then I proceeded taking classes and read some theory books (in my native language, not English so I can't help you there) and some other literature (like the history of baroque music from Monteverdi to Bach, again in my native language; but I also read an English one about 20th century music by Alex Ross called The Rest Is Noise).

Yeah it shows. That's why their careers lasted 15 years at best. George Martin knew theory though.

This is pretty much the argument theoryless brainlets have. It's like people who don't read books or can't even spell telling educated people that they're stupid and their worldview is limited or some shit lmao

lol no. Try composing a tonal mostly tonic-dominant chord progression classical sonata with simple 4+4 or 8+8 periodic forms and some motivic development, then try composing a 12 tone piece using all of Schoenberg's rules and not fucking up a million times in the process and scratching your head and then come back.

I'd like to see either of you compose either, I bet you guys both make some stock music sounding shit
The pro (pop) musicians I've spoken to don't know theory. Theory definitely has its place, but you guys absolutely overestimate its necessity in the pop world

I can't compose because I've never tried and I doubt I can do anything pleasant or relevant (it's just not my expertise), I can only play music, analyse it and educate myself. But to say 12 tone is easier than a classical sonata is bullshit.

>you guys absolutely overestimate its necessity in the pop world
Wrong. Where did you get this from? I don't estimate it at all in the pop world. It's not relevant there unless you're trying to describe how the same 3 chords that are in a million different songs are used slightly differently. That's a bit boring and pointless. The only description relevant in pop music is music production (which I would argue is also music theory because you are actually describing a compositional process) or some societal dimension.
And I don't give two shits about pop music or the industry.

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Why just dont be yourself?

imagine being this weak minded

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real musicians don't need to take classes or read books to understand music. only tryhards and tone deaf faggots do...
name ONE famous musician who needed theory to "wrap their head" around playing music. if robert johnson and son house didn't need that shit then neither do you

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>tfw you don’t know music theory but you still get called a musician by people

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>for a discipline that is not epistemological in nature

You all fucking fail at life, losers

That's like saying you forgot how to talk because you learned to read.

>all these SEETHING theorylets itt

Nah, I'll be taking the word of my boy Edddy as gospel thank you very much
>"There are no rules. I think it's funny when people take all these music theory classes, it's exactly that. It's theory. You have 12 fucking notes, the 13th one is the octave, do whatever you want with them. It's really that simple. There are no mistakes!" - EVH

Now keep in mind he's generally considered a modern day Mozart among music aficionados and there you go. Plus he's got all the fame, money, and women to back his statement up so... yeah. Theorylets btfo

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if true, by now your ear should be trained enough to recognize most chords without much effort so you can mix and match just by ear alone

>real musicians don't need to take classes or read books to understand music
Objectively wrong. muh feels is not understanding music. Reals > feels. Deal with it, brainlet.

>only tryhards and tone deaf faggots do
Nice projection.

>name ONE famous musician who needed theory to "wrap their head" around playing music
Literally every classical musician in the history of mankind. Now sit down.

>there are 12 notes
>just do whatever lol

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>generally considered a modern day Mozart among music aficionados

>Be succesful musician
>Build up some self taught prodigy myth for legacy reasons
>Family is usually musical and kid went to music school

Robert Johnson and Son House had teachers, too. If you think theory comes just from books and academia, you're wrong. Oral tradition and sincretism are vaults and sources of knowledge too. In fact, musicians learn a lot more from other musicians better than them than from books, which are only a slight sample of all available knowledge. Even records can count as musical master classes, and they can be theorized one way or the other. People all over the world call the dominant-tonic resolution differently, but that shit definitely exists, it's not some invention of you don't know it, even intuitively, you're not gonna get any worthwhile musician to play with you.

that idiot took piano lessons as a kid... he's just too stupid to realize that he was learning theory. He has a good ear which can take you quite far.... in rock & roll, which is like music for babies. I'd like to see that wank playing by ear on a jazz jam

ok so now you know stuff about baroque and bach and so on. but how does that help you with your modern compositions?

The trickiest part in 12 tone pieces is realizing that you can use orchestration to your advantage and have it have shifting melodic lines amongst instruments. That simplifies shit so much.


>your modern compositions

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That fucking piece of shit. Soulless garbage music.

Notice how most if not all of his music videos only show him, playing all the instruments. Because that's what his music is about. Not any kind of artistic expression. It's about him, being good at music. God I hate this guy.

pretty much this. But not too much on your first go.


"You and I" and "Hideaway" are legitimately good tho.

In reality ofc none of this actually happened, but nice anecdote I guess...
Now just go learn some theory it's not that scary.

Not it’s fucking not. Learning about WHY things sound good and HOW to make things sound that way is actually freeing. You actually become MORE creative, because so much of your effort isn’t wasted trying to reinvent the wheel, fix what ended up sounding like shit, or writing tons of stuff with no rhythm or melody.
That’s like saying roads and fences are a cage for your soul because you can’t walk anywhere you damn well please, even through swamps, off of cliffs and next to dangerous animals. It’s fucking idiotic. The roads get you where you want to go quickly, efficiently and safely, and the fences keep you from having to worry about getting rekt by the bull in Farmer Jed’s field 120 miles from your home because you didn’t know he was there or to stay away from him.

>all these failed musicians itt

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I'd love to hear about your endeavors

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I've made music using music theory since my first actual songs, that and listening to enough music to be able to get rhythms in my head is useful. It's frustrating as hell to use before you get used to it, but the best thing to do is contextualize what you hear in your head with music theory. Either that or write piles of shit that randomly comply to the rules of music theory until something good comes out.

I've been playing and "composing" music (mostly electronic stuff) for a couple years now, I've been playing since I was a kid and I still regret not knowing a single shit about music

I can play piano but it's all memory, I can't read a music sheet but I can play bach

it hurts my soul my I just can't read music

Stop whining and do something about it. I was the same, still am in many aspects but I'm working really hard to change it. You'd be good surrounding yourself with some real musicians for a kickstart.

i'm just starting to learn music theory now and i'm like "wow, i'm not a musician"

not enough time friendo

I would be happy to become a full time musician but nowadays it has become more a hobby than anything

hey man at least music theory is pragmatic

I can use elements of what I've learned from old music in (my) new music? Doing basically what the majority of musicians/composers do? You can't exactly do anything extremely new out of the blue.

You're right but I had a solo piano piece in mind. Yet it's still very hard and you need a lot of practice to do it successfully.

>Theory is useless.
So you basically reinvent an inferior version of the wheel via years of trial and error, and that's somehow better than just learning how to use a wheel?

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Music theory lets you have a decent understanding of what you're doing and can give you more ideas for when you're in a rut. People who insist it's actively bad to know this are just intimidated by the idea of practicing. Theory itself is neutral, it exists in every musician with or without their knowledge. It's like math. And it's rarely only the chord progression and it's not just knowing your major and minor scales and you're done for life. It's a lot of elements at once. It's the gesture. It's the arrangement. It's the development. It's the form, the structure. It's the way the harmony and melody come together. It's the choice of instruments. It's the lyrics, even, and the rhythm, tone, texture and colour. It allows you to reverse engineer things, which is a very useful skill to have. The only way to break the rules knowingly and accordingly is to know all the rules first. This has been proven time and time again by classical composers who analysed works of their predecessors and most of them have been a part of institutionalised education.

The idea that theory could be a negative knowledge comes from a bullshit romantic notion that good art is purely unconscious or emotional and that systematization and logic are antithetical to it. Intuition alone could never result in the monstrous feat of borderline engineering that is a great symphony.

The theories of psychoacoustics, biomusicology and so on indicate that there are certain musical and sound qualities we find pleasing regardless of cultural bias. A trained musician would be much more familiar with these and thus able to subvert and play with them. There's a reason classical music is much, much more interesting than the various folk musics of the world.

can you post something you've composed? I don't wanna judge you or anything, im just interested in how your music sounds with those influences you learned.

Personally ive never really learned theory, but i had a piano teacher for several years and composed my own stuffs as well.

Where do I even begin.

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You talk about classical composers here. Personally i think classical is boring. Why? Because they didnt have electronic instruments back then.

>has been proven by classical composers
classical, classical, classical.
Innovation is in electronic music, not in the same tired wankery on piano or whatever.

My music is garbage and I won't post it here because I'm ashamed but for example I saw Stravinsky's Rites of Spring and how quickly the time signature and rhythms changed (practically every bar) and I played with that a bit. It sounds godawful in a band though or at least I couldn't make it sound more natural. Then I used some shitty counterpoint ideas from Bach in some of my guitar work (one guitar plays the theme, the other imitates like a canon and so on).
The ideas are there, my execute is just garbage because I don't work at it because I'm not born to be a composer or very good musician. I like to study music though and I think I'm good at that.

Music theory is a set of guidelines that allow you to reverse engineer your favorite songs so you can make your own ideal songs that you enjoy.

Say you have a favorite song, be it rock, pop, rap, jazz, etc. Music theory will allow you to break down your favorite genres, songs, bands, albums so you can borrow and combine elements you like to create something new.

"Wow, I really love x singer. What types of scales, notes, techniques do they use? Wow, I think I'll experiment with that and see what happens."

" I like this band's drummer and his drum breakdowns. What types of rhythms do they play? Ah, I see. I'll throw that beat in my song and maybe switch some parts to my liking."

" I really love the atmosphere of this track here and how it feels like x emotion. What types of chord progressions do they use? That's pretty neat, I'll use those progressions and see how they fit in my song. And maybe i'll switch these parts up here so it fits better with the rest of my song."

Boom! Before you know it, you've made your own song with practical application of music theory,

Who do you think invented electronic music?

I talk about musicians and composers. I point out classical composers because their works have the greatest span of variety, complexity, emotion and philosophical ideas. When classical is good, it's the best in my opinion.

>Personally i think classical is boring. Why?
Because people who don't read think books are boring. It's going past your head because you don't understand it, most likely. Just like someone who hasn't read since kindergarten trying to read classic novels; it's not gonna work. You can obviously change this though if you try.

>Because they didnt have electronic instruments back thenž
Back when? Messiaen used an electronic instrument in his symphony in 1945 and there were earlier cases of certain two French classical composers literally laying down the groundwork for electronic music to even exist and a German one created one of the most early and very influential electronic pieces ever. Not to mention the futurists at the turn of the century in Italy. Electronic practices were born out of classical musicians and composers.

ok, thats interesting because you've said you can use Elements from old music in your own. Which seems like you compose some awesome shit, yet youre ashamed of it. I think thats a bit weird sorry. But who knows maybe youre really good and are just afraid to put it out there?

Anyways tell me what you think of my song pls >(inb4 le shill) i just wanna know what you think about my song because i don't know anything about theory, couldnt even tell you the key that song is written in:

>t. heard a Mozart piano sonata once and thinks he can talk classical and history
Yeah sure buddy.


does anyone have and recommendations for a good book on music theory? i want something more theoretical, perhaps musicological, not a student book

Well not a single person, but lots of persons. Whats your point? Lol

I'm pretty sure they mean more that the music of classical composers was better than most other music at their time, if a classical composer were given the possibilities we currently have with music and the time to learn modern-day techniques they could likely make good electronic music.


thog don't caare, still boring lmao

Don't take it so hard, just give it all you got, and if you like something you come up with, just share it. If it's good enough for you, it's certainly good enough for sharing. It doesn't have to be finished or perfectly executed for you to share it... don't be a perfectionist either. Perfection needs time, not a single masterpiece was composed in a single session. You need to take some time off an idea and let it sit, then come later to revise it, maybe add or remove things. Most of the works musicians became famous for were ideas that had been wobbling about in their desks for years. They certainly shared them with their colleagues and got feedback from them. Nobody can become their best on their own. We need the teaching, motivation and feedback from our peers. That's my two cents.

People who don't read think books are boring.

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>attention span zero
>need a constant beat to know how to react to the music
>need zappy bleepy bleeps to calm autism

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yeah i think books are boring come at me bro xD

My point is that you have no idea what you're talking about. Electronic music has its roots in classical.

>yeah dude those boring brainlet "beats" youre listening to, pathetic.

You can think that, freely. No problem. Just don't act like you know what you're talking about or think you're some sort of authority on the topics at hand. Cheers.

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The road to success is paved with failure. Don't be afraid of being shit and your music being shit. As you practice more, your music will progressively get less shittier.

The quickest way to grow is to put your stuff out there and let it get ripped to shreds by critique. Get opinion from the both the expert, who will give you technical advice, and the casual, who will tell you if your song is listenable and enjoyable. Both opinions are important if you're to make music that is good to listen to.

forgot pic

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user, either this is ironic or you are more autistic than the rest of us

I can think that classical is boring and I did listen to it yes. Of all those old eras the only music worth listening to is romanticism. Everything else = wank

yeah or it were just some autists like kraftwerk who happened to be good at writing catchy synth tunes. But nooo they probably all were fluent in bach and Mozart right? Big LOL my dude.

Romanticism was the birth of wank in music, nice bait tho

Like I've said: it clearly went over your head. You probably listened to babby's first composers Chopin and Rachmaninoff (missing the fact that you grew up listening to tonal music and that pop music uses harmonies that are at Schubert's level at best so it's a psychological fact that your brain is wired to like this) and declared that it is worthwhile, congratulations. But you've got absolutely no knowledge and no experience of any other period, we get it. Anything different from what you're used to is an acquired taste and it takes knowledge and experience to change this. You don't have to, obviously, and not all of it is for everybody, but don't don't act like a high and mighty authority, you're lost here, kid. You don't know what you're saying.

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>nooo they probably all were fluent in bach and Mozart right?
Ralf and Florian met at the Robert Schumann Hochschule so probably

how do I get into music theory, Yea Forums?

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I know this is bait, but are you trying to imply that Kraftwerk invented electronic music? Just trying to understand your baiting technique.

>they probably all were fluent in bach and Mozart right
Uh, yes. They most likely were, because most of them were sound engineers that went through institutionalised education and/or academia. Especially the Germans and French, obviously (the actual pioneers).

Also, plenty of krautrock artists were classically trained.

not bait, please enlighten me who is that godlike entity who """"""""invented"""""""" electronic music all on his own and all it's songs and instruments.

Not what I'm saying but okay my dude. I listen to beats too, I just don't need one specific instrument or genre to cater to my narrow and undeveloped tastes. I have a very diverse taste in different musics. Take care now.

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>spoonfeed me now because I don't know what I'm talking about

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post some good classical please, im interested

Here you go my friend

ah it's the Classic "i have no evidence to back up my claims so im gonna go with the spoonfeeding meme reply."

2bh senpai, fuck Music Theory, if you're making music, just figure out what's in tune and throw shit together

Here are some of the channels that helped me learn music theory (and more importantly how to apply it):

> Rick Beato

> Signal Music Studios

> Busy Works Beats

> 12 Tone

> Adam Neely

There's probably a few others but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head

funnny but no actual good music. thank u, next.

music theory is just the language used to understand and express musical information. if you're illiterate and communicate in grunts then you probably don't have much to say, and even if you did, you couldn't say it eloquently.

how many successful and talented musicians knew music theory? maybe 19 out of 20. don't kid yourself.

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Schoenberg, retard

bet none of you theory fags have ever composed anything worthwhile in your life lol.

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Every good musician knows at least some theory, consciously or not. You don't suddenly become less creative when you learn what things are called or how they work. No, at worst, learning theory may only make you realize that you actually suck.

>search keyword "electronic"
>no hits
thanks for wasting my time, faggot.

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most of them here may've made a good song or 2 and most of them will likely be like "I CAN DO TRAP MUSIC!!!!" while a lot of them sit here and act like they are better than everyone else cause they understand a stupid line of thought that literally only uber nerds use or like to know. Fuck that shit. MT is dumb


Wait, you think popular music is good? AHAHAHAHA

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>search keyword "schoenberg"
>no hits
>maybe it's written with umlaut?
>no hits
fuck you buddy


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Also note that virtually every name on this page right up until the paragraph about dub reggae is either a classically trained musician with or without engineering skills or an engineer with a thorough musical background.



these retards actually think that all the star musicians they love actually haven't studied music.

>here are some of the channels....

Too bad they are the wrong ones.

>Alan Belkin


>Art of Counterpoint

Aphex Twin didnt study music

first of all he's not that great, second of all, yes he did.

I'm more interested in books desu, but I'll check these out and see if they have some book recommendation videos

you're right, every German first contact with music is through Bach, Mozart and Beethoven

no he studied electrical engineering or sth. also yes he is the greatest musician of all time.


he studied music, also he's of average talent.

prove that he studied music.

I forgot about the filter, to be honest

>the greatest musician of all time.

what do you mean by that?

yes he is, he has an advantage however because he was born into a time where he had the ability to use synthesizers. nobody before the era of synths can beat him because all they had where some boring piano and string instruments.

Rick's videos generally are quite good, but too unstructured for beginners I feel. Adam Neely's stuff is the Vsauce of the music theory world, which isn't to say it's bad per se, but I'd be surprised if a beginner learned very much from him.

t b h without spaces = desu

wow that's a dumb filter

>that's a dumb filter


Desu O'Connor

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>It sounds godawful in a band though or at least I couldn't make it sound more natural.
check out the japanese band Ruins

that's also an issue of institutional access, up to a point

you really think someone like... Drakee knows music theory?

The instruments are irrelevant. If you need 50 synths to make a song, you're probably not that good. It's the same with guitarists and their pedals, the more pedals you see, the shittier their musical craft...

There's definitely something to be said for that but don't forget tinkerers like Robert Moog and Raymond Scott

>The instruments are irrelevant
this is were im done arguing with a creativlet and brainlet like you. youre either some fucking neckbeard tipping his fedora over his classical shite or youre some oldfag who cant get into electronic music. sound design is one of the most important factors in music. electronic instruments opened up dimensions compared to acoustic instruments.

yeah but many fewer people are going to disagree with the idea that you need an education to succeed at tinkering with electronics

and Raymond Scott is a prime example of institutional access, his music education gave him access to the world of big band directing, which gave him the credibility for people like Moog to take him seriously and help him out.

he didn't study music, he said in interviews that he relies only on feeling. anyway, his strength lies in attention to details. this is his most advanced track: youtube.com/watch?v=wSYAZnQmffg

The virgin music theorist...

The Chad intuitive musician...

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this lmao

dude wtf its up with this fuckin doglma o

>MT is dumb
So you basically reinvent an inferior version of the wheel via years of trial and error, and that's somehow better than just learning how to use a wheel?

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you're retarded, he uses alternate tunings and all sorts of theory stuff

>he doesn't think knowledge and experience of music is subconscious as well

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>le reinvent le wheel argument
yeah thats literally all talentless coping classical neckbeards have lmao

seventh chords...aren't those for like, fag shit like jazz?

Weak bait, my friend. Have a nice evening.

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sound design and synthesis is cool and all but - sorry - it's still sound. For sound to become music it needs cultural and a human components. Nobody can reproduce Aphex's sounds precisely cuz they're based on sound only. I can't play his bloody songs on a campfire because I'm not a fucking robot. When the cunt dies, nobody will be able to keep developing his ideas cuz there's absolutely no reproducible code in them. Probably the software on which he did them will be outdated or the formats obsolete or the synths no longer manufactured, so nobody will be able to look at his sequencers and he'll be completely wiped out of any musical tradition which, just so you know, musical tradition has been around for more than 100 times the time you've been alive and it's for a good reason: only the information that can be stored and replicated -wether through scores or oral tradition and (playable) records can trascend generations. Classical music has done so in part because of it's systematic approach and meticulous keeping of scores. How many musics have lived and died throughout the world together with the people taught them just because they did not have a recording method that could stand the test of time? I'll tell you: Hundreds od Thousands + Aphex Twin's


>knowledge bad!!!1111
>m-muh aphex twin and jimi hendrix!!!
Yea Forums is so pathetic lmao. The COPE is real.

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In five years, if you remember writing like this, you will feel intensely embarrassed.

digits of truth

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no, you're retarded. first of all, he started mentioning alternate tunings only in the recent years, and made only some experiments with it, the majority of his work (for which he is most famous) was made in 12tet (with maybe some exceptions on saw2). from a music theory standpoint his melodies and chords are simple.
>all sorts of theory stuff
like what?

Scott established Manhattan Research in 1946 and Moog met him in 1957 so the guy was definitely plugging away by himself for a while, it was something ancillary to his main career and a private passion really. Even after they met I don't think Moog was a patron or shill for him, just helped with little odd jobs like getting a hold the sub assembly of the Theremin so Scott could mess around with it and stuff. Even Moog himself you might think he'd be well in with the Columbia Princeton electronic music center crowd being as he went to university there but that doesn't seem to be the case (although I bet they're proud of him now). You're welcome to pick flaws but I still feel what they did was relatively entrepeneurial and outside of academia to about as much of a degree as you could get away with back then. Scott's musical background, acumen and success wouldn't have hurt but he had to be an enthusiast to get into it in the way he did as much as Aphex or anyone

>embarrassment for crooked writing while mansplaining EDM pussies why their idols suck

>can't fit ideas into the rigid framework of the music notation system
if you can't fit your ideas into music notation you need to tune your fucking guitar.

good digits, but you probably suck at making music t b h .

You guessed right but what does that have to do with anything? Theory = prescriptive =/= descriptive = composition.

nice, so its true all you fags can do is talk about music l o fuckin l.

Well it's more than not being able to talk about anything at all. ;)

>Yea Forums - Music

Autists shouldn't attempt music.

Based high IQ user.

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Likewise, friend. I'm out of this bait thread. I'll see you around.

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See you around.

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talentlet escaping.

Its not a theory to begin with, of course it is "pragmatic", you "can" play music. Music is pragmatic.

how can theory so drastically determine how much a composition sucks? do you take the bus to work blasting liszt in your headphones?

cant believe so many people fell for this stale as fuck pasta

Not a single example, but:
>Wendy Carlos and her Switched On Bach series are cornerstones of electronic music with the first recorded bass drop
>the tape manipulation and robotic experimentations of people like Varese and Cowell, with Cowell being one of the first to use a drum machine ever, made by the creator of the theremin
>Hindemith's use of the Trautonium, an early electronic instrument
>American post-modernist classical and tape experimentation, notably the Minimalists and especially Terry Riley
>Stockhausen and his pupils

>he doesn't listen to his composer of choice on his way to work

Feels are the essence of the art.

lol imaging having "a composer of choice"

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Any good theory books that use little to no sheet music? I prefer piano key illustrations cause I'm a brainlet

because many people here unironically believe and defend this

>impying pop musicians don't know theory

There are some melodies that just can't be contained in music notation system. You'll run out o pf notes or you won't even have the symbols to represent the complex rhythm. Some music just can't be written down or communicated in any way.

Musicians compose music with reals, not so much with feels. The emotions of the artist are practically irrelevant; the way the artist codes those emotions into the message/art is key and what makes music good. Mozart's music isn't good because he was a whiny bitch but because he was a genius craftsman.

frankly no but if your commute is taking enough you need to listen to multiple pieces (unless you're listening to webern) then you're better off moving

how tf did you get that

Then you don't know any real musicians

lol ok retard

You clearly don't understand that composition and making music in general is mostly a rational and thinking job, even if it's subconscious decision making.

>Innovation is in electronic music
Not sure how much more innovation is left to be made in electronic music, both from popular and academic perspective. We've had stuff like granular synthesis, non-standard synthesis, live electronics, noise etc., but all of that is a bit played out now.

Music theory people just like to make things sound more complicated than they are. It's always used to cover up a lack of talent. They want others to get all tangled up in it too so they can strip them of their talent as well. Just a bunch of piece of shit crabs in a bucket.

comfy as FUCK bro, its like toggling for songwriting

wrong lol

you can write some pretty interesting shit with some inversions that cause the notes to stay together instead of hop around, use a progression that subverts expectations and has a weird arpeggiation pattern +reverb/delay and blam-o instant music

Yeah how dare those music theory people tell me what this rhythmic pattern or this chord progression is called. So fucking complicated and pretentious, I'd much rather say it sounds like "pewwwp ewww bow owowowo owww pewww".

Mozart's music definitely starts off from a primarily emotional standpoint, but that is built on by a fantastic depth of musical knowledge by someone who was extremely skilled.

I agree, I don't think this is a counterargument but rather we are in agreement. Obviously emotions and life experiences are an important factor in how an artist expresses himself (and the quality of this) but when strictly speaking about making music/composition, rationality is at the wheel.

fucking RIP OP you are finished. maybe leave here and go to Yea Forums

try psychedelics

Theory is useless in a musical crisis

Literally the opposite lol

Theory is only useful if you don't want to be an artist.
If you want to be an artist, just develop your own style. That's what Hendrix did.
He could barely play but because he was different he got famous.

>just b urself
>just do whatever lol

>t. no creativity

>t. plays a powerchord for 30 minutes and lets his creative juices really flow

I'm going to have to agree with you here
You have no clue what you're talking about. Of course theory is important, but if you think they weren't constantly inventing instruments to invent new sounds back in the day you're fucking retarded.

What's funny is there's people who have gotten very famous and successful just by playing power chords.
You're mixing up artistry with musicianship. You don't need the second to accomplish the first.
If you want to live out some Whiplash fantasy, go ahead and waste time learning theory.
If you want to be a good artist you have to have an interesting style.

I don't see how anyone expects to be talented or unique if they're going to do music theory. You'll be just like everyone else.

Look man whilst I actually agree with you, this still stands true you just learn what others have been doing and develop your own shit, it's that simple and with theory it's faster and easier.

You too, see >You'll be just like everyone else.
lol as opposed to... subconsciously making the same stuff like everyone else

Pretty fuckin cool user(not the guy you’re replying too)

thanks bro

>using simple theory is the same as using no theory at all
okay retard

How can I begin to get into actual music theory? I’m an untrained bedroom guitarist and I want to have an actual understanding of music. I try to sight read once a day for ten minutes or longer. What else should I be doing daily?

2. Marinate in the new perspective
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!

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I don't understand why people are so eager to destroy their creativity with music theory. It's like they're afraid of being thought of as non-intellectual, so they feel the need to get validation and be "certified intellectual musicians", not realizing that they're destroying their musical ability in the process. Maybe if they had some other intellectual achievement outside of music, they wouldn't feel so insecure about their intelligence to the point that they had to resort to music theory. They're closing themselves off from a big world of music. Oh well, they're choice.

Music theory is a descriptive tool for fuck sake, how many times does this need to be said?

You've gotta take one route or the other. You can't serve two masters.

you obviously didn't bother to read my post above, you idiot. by his own admission, he only made the music by feeling. he didn't use the theory.

Ya that

if you're learning by yourself try to listen and transcribe a lot of music.

Motif development:
1. Listen to a lick (preferably not too long; 4-5 notes max.)
2. Write it down
3. Analyze its context (how its notes relate to the chord in the background) find it's formula.
4. Develop it (everything below written before played):
4.1 Transpose it to other keys (this will help you to visualize the fretboard)
4.2 Transpose it to other harmonic contexts. (step 3 helps with that) i.e. write it on top of other songs.
4.3 change its notes longer or shorter (note value change)
4.4 rhythmic displacement (move it all over all the downbeats/upbeats that compose your bar)
4.5. lengthen it or crop it by adding/removing notes to it.
5. play it again over some chords, and try to develop it while playing.

To learn chords memorize their guide tones: 3 and 7 for 7th chords.

i.e. Ebmaj7: Eb(1), G(3), Bb(5), D(7)
guide tones G, D
guide tone for Eb major triad : G

a guide tone is a tone or combination of tones that gives a chord its unique tonal quality. If you play a G - D or D - G interval over an Eb bass or under a melodic line with some notes found in the Eb major scale, you will automatically render the sound to Eb major7

>could barely play
You're a master baiter

I cant even masturbate anymore unless I use a polyrhythm and moan triads through the circle of fifths

>by his own admission
you idiot

>tfw on the verge of getting a major indie record deal
>everyone says my album demo is great and I'm a talented artist/musician
>mfw I wrote it all myself without knowing any theory
>mfw talentless theory fags ITT SEETHE

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>The paid professionals around me are all telling me I'm great
hoo boy are you in for a letdown

Seethe harder theory nerd

If your demo so good why don't you post it? Oh wait, it doesn't even exist

>everybody says I'm talented
>I believe them
no need for a strawman here pal

>he doesn't know the legalities of that
Color me surprised, theorytard

second this

uploading phony records is not illegal yet

you're a pussy if you let what is essentially an organizational tool ruin music for you. you can either keep whining like a 12 year girl on her first period or learn to grow a fucking backbone and move the fuck on with your life. the rest of us genuinely don't care.

Paul McCartney did later learn to read music and And George must've at least known a scale or two.

its just your dopamine thats messed up after years of destructive habits

do pic related and youll be fine, good luck user

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whats better knowing music theory or having millions of plays on spotify?

What's going on in this thread?

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knowing music theory, because it allows you to interact with good musicians on the same level

The music you wrote wasn't creative, it was unknown to you.
Welcome to the club, now be useful and innovate or kill yourself.

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you use music theory to explain things, not to invent them
shit sounds cool/shit to me, but why? look at the theory

practice improv
it'll force you to work on your creative muscle while also driving you to learn more theory

>art music

if music theory ruined your ability to create music, then you probably fucking sucked at writing anyways. how the fuck could a bunch of theories prevent you from expressing yourself?


That shit's genuinely going to fuck you up, actually. The idea's sound, the implementation's deadly.


i believe him. no need to learn theory to make indie music. fuck off theory fags.

music is a feeling. there are some sounds that arent ideal but if I'm mutting decent I could pretty much just play random 2 or 3 note chords/power chords plucked from a scale and it will sound good.

I dont really believe muting theory would diminish this. I'd still be shit when I'm not on beat, and good when im on beat. but I do believe that a concept of music wherein there are magical pitches and combos as defined by theory... this type of thinking can be defeating if the player is not always trying their hardest to improve rhythmic sensibility. but yeah with a balanced mindset i dont see how theory would ever hold you back.

Not all of us are faggot who needs to be spoonfed rules. I transcribe my emotions into music. Keep your beta theory

Same desu
I was more creative before i learned how to play
now I just edit myself over and over until I get things right

>destroy their creativity with music theory

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Having some decency and not being an industry pawn.

Oh look another retard who doesn't know what theory is. Your music is shit btw

when i have an idea in my head i simply try to fit it in some proper key and if i can't do it i just redo some of the parts to fit in.

and yeah, i totally understand you. this what happens when you take an emotion and fit it with science

it just helps you write the music and memorize it, it wasn't meant to fuck you over and give you more rules to follow.

I hate music theory so much

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Why do you hate describing the music, lady

Well and truly:

I'm retarded & dont bully me and im not trying to be anti-theory or pro-theory. But how is learning theory to understand how certain things "work" in songs any different from doing it without theory? your understanding without usually isnt very descriptive or complex but it seems to get the job done some of the time, even if its limited to "the drums do that in that way so i could do that" etc.

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give us an example of one of these melodies

indie is one of the lowest tier of pop music though

>when strictly speaking about making music/composition, rationality is at the wheel.
this. during mozart's time (and even more so in the time of bach), being a musician was thought of the same as being a carpenter or any other thing- it was just a craft. It wasn't until the romantic era that the whole "IM LE ARTIST MUH EMOTIONS" shit became the norm

This is the most idiotic post in recent years

it mainly speeds up the process. for example, in band rehearsals the fact that we all know music theory makes learning songs exponentially quicker (we can just be like, "ok so the progression is I vi IV bVI" or whatever), whereas if we didn't know any theory every member would have to pick out all of that by ear instead of one person just being able to tell them.

Just because you don't know it doesn't mean it isn't applied. I think a lack of theoretical boundaries is why key modulation is so common in their songs

Even during Romanticism, there was the entire point of "Ok, MUH EMOTIONS, but how do I represent those emotions?"

Nah, I'd say that all the songs they learned and studied lead to their modulations being so ridiculously common.

Based and correct. This sort of "genius cult" began in the romantic era where the (correct) view of the musician as a craftsman started dying out and being replaced with this bullshit notion that that good art is purely unconscious or emotional and that systematisation and logic are antithetical to it.

maybe, op might as well roll the dice, what is the alternative

Pretty eloquent as LARPing goes though. Sometimes I wish I knew how to play an instrument, and musical notation, since at least 4 times a year I wake with a dreamed song still going, sometimes complete with lyrics that make sense, and I can usually improvise variations on it in my head as it plays there. But the faculty fades over 30 minutes of waking, and never approaches the always-ready command I have in synesthetic visual choreography. Can't imagine what it would be like to go from vision to sound. I suspect that Mozartean prodigality somehow works that way, borrows from vision's easy power of organizing as if from outside time.

Buddy, go to church and sing some hymns. If you know any music theory, you'll appreciate their simplicity in basic chord progression and counterpoint on top of being designed for a crowd to sing. It's amazing when you suddenly understand why the Old 100th's final cadence doesn't have a unison 7-8 like you'd expect.

I was constrained by my own ignorance until I learned about harmonic minor.

correction: the glory be

heh. Unless you're Stravinsky. Then you're BASE jumping off those cliffs.

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But the genius is for fluency in system, for playing with abstraction. Of course there's no such thing as a genius for feeling, and the artists of the romantic never contended that, though morons among fans of anything do, whatever the zeitgeist favors when it comes to feelings to convey and provoke.

I guess that tells you: the romantic composers were so meticulous with their writing they made it look easy.

If classical music theory is a fence that keeps you safe from sounding awful, the romantics knew all the holes and low spots in that fence that they could cross to go cause mischief and hop back in unscathed. I only took a semester and a half of theory, and I liked it.

Listening to Widor's 10th Organ Symphony "Roman" and his Bach Memento. Any recs?

What's dangerous about it?