Pretty much any album aside from commercial pop music or music that's made for dancing will sound better with headphones.
anything that's good because you'll want to hear it better. as long as you're not at da club.
also liked that album on first listen but listened to it again lately and it's pretty meh
yeah but im talking about ones that make you go holy shit because of the difference and nuances in production
it tapers off hard but the first 4 songs are beautiful
nah , this is the typical pleb responce, a well produced record sounds much better on a good set of loudspeakers, headphones don't come close, this is mainly because music is produced and masterered with loudspeakers. the thing is that is "easier and chepear" to get good sound on headphones, that I totally agree, but doesn't come close to the real experience of listening "the dark side of the moon" on the real thing...I wish I could listen only to my loudspeakers all of the time but for different constraints I end up listening to headphones most of the time...
begone boomer retard
OP here, while i completely agree with what youre sayin, im limited to pic related. the main reason for this thread is because i was listening to this remix of tove lo - habits (guilty pleasure. we all have one) and it honestly sounded like the music was floating within my head, and each layer could be heard clearly and independently from the rest, and im trying to find anything else that can kind of replicate that
Kid A and Amnesiac somehow sound better on headphones than monitors.
Bullshit. Do you even make music? Obviously not because no one In the industry calls them loudspeakers. You fucking plebian stop talking out of your ass. If you were a professional you'd know near field monitors are used for mixing and mastering while "loudspeakers" are used to impress idiots who know nothing of mixing like yourself. Now gtfo
Also literally any modern pop album sounds "good" with headphones. Everything is so compressed when it comes to modern pop/radio shit that you might as well listen to music with your phone's peaker because that's really what it's meant for.
MSP has the most depth from radiohead on headphones
Literally all shoegaze.
good call. kinda forgot about this for a bit
>most depth
please explain? I'm genuinely curious what the term depth means in headphone audio
production sounds pristine, songs seem to be more textured within the album. listen to daydreaming or glass eyes and youll know exactly what i mean.
Anything by Shpongle
literally everything
only time speakers sound better is with a lot of bass
that makes sense, thanks. ever since i got monitors a couple years ago i haven't listened to music on headphones
everything by this man
what the hell is happening on this cover
I played this album on car speakers once, it sounded like random bleep blop noises and I couldn't hear many elements