songs that make you
Songs that make you
It's too gorgeous
i felt like another person after blasting it
first heard this song in a moment of hopelessness. It means a lot to me.
>Girl with armpit hair
>listening to songs
>not putting on the artist's whole discography and listening from start to finish everytime
It's like you don't even like music
You can faintly hear him say "In Rainbows" in the background. That moment actually occurs at the golden ratio of the duration of the whole album which is kinda cool.
youll cowards
shit hurts
Kinda cringe and forced. I prefer when he says kid a on kid a
How is it cringe? That's one of the most gorgeous moments on the album and it coincides with the golden ratio at 2:49.
how to into golden ratio in music
Take the whole duration of the album in seconds and divide by 1.618.
It's cringe because of how hard he had to try to force his jojo meme into the album. The kid a bit on the other hand was more like they were fucking with vocal effects/chopping and just naturally happened upon something that sounded cool, then interpreted it as saying something it wasn't, "kid a". Rather than actively trying to shoehorn the album title in at just the right moment like some pretentious art school student who just learned about fibonacci last week
seriously? why that number
I mean, there are other reasons to attack them but just because they're following common concepts of art doesn't seem to be valid. That's like saying every cinematographer who uses the rule of thirds is cringe.
It's a matter of being actively pretentious, the method they use to do so doesn't matter
Nigga how the fuck is that pretentious in any sense? It's not exactly easy to hear either. You need to really listen to it a bunch of times to make it out even if someone tells you it's there. I only found out because I had the individual stems for the track. It seems more of an inside thing for them really.
Songs that make you E.T?
>I can't figure out what it is, but she's slipping from my grip.
>I can't figure out what it is, but she's squirming like an infant.
>She can't figure out what it is, she said
'You don't make me feel important.'
>I don't know what to make of this, I ask 'what's it like to feel important?'
>I can't figure out what it is...
You okay?