Why is so much rap dark and atmospheric now?
What's your favorite rap album with these qualities?
Why is so much rap dark and atmospheric now?
What's your favorite rap album with these qualities?
Lyrics don't matter as much, so it tries to capture meaning with feeling and atmosphere.
What examples do you have of this?
Did 2012-2013 finally reach you and the NPC's around you?
young thug and playboi cartis existence, songs like lean 4 real by playboi carti
love rodeo, 10/10.
rodeo, birds and dark sky paradise are the top three.
Young Thug has the best lyrics though
Fuck off back to mutt.
Lean 4 Real is the fuckin goat
Night Lovell - Concept Vague is great if you haven't listened
the only word i can think of is haunting. like i wonder if we'll ever get anything else like it again.
>lyrics don't matter, tries to capture a meaning with feeling and atmosphere
>rap has no melody or harmony in it, just beats you're meant to rap over
This is why modern rap is shit. Rap beats on their own are fucking boring to listen to and it's the lyrics and flow that makes rap songs stick out, if you have neither it's basically sleep inducing.
>this opinion
>video game reaction image
Hello, incel!
Honestly, modern rap kids are some of the most incel looking motherfuckers I've seen. They are almost all skinny twinks with no muscle on them at all, some of them even think that they are buff cause they have a low bodyfat percentage for some fucking reason. I've also seen them doing low tier crimes like stealing someones drugs and shit like that and then brag about it in order to seem cool and they usually end up in trouble. I don't see fans of other genres do this.
Rap is all about the lyrics, without harmony or melody all you have is the lyrics and flow. Beats can add some atmosphere to those lyrics but without anything of substance it's just generic background noise.
Besides, if you know that Sam Lake is someone video game related you're just as much of an incel.
you think you owned me but that was weak af you lame ass fukboi
Virgin incels like you should be castrated.
>old rap was so much better than modern.
talking on slow boring beat
im from the streets and shit
Imagine being so pathetic that you listen to twinks who pretend to be gangsta only to then cry like babies when they ruin their lives by getting involved with actual gangsters. Modern rap kids are pathetic and so are you kiddie virgins.
Rap/Hip Hop is gonna fall hard during the 2020s.
>thinking anyone gives a shit what fuck niggas like your loser ass thinks
>fuck niggas
>anime picture
Nothing cringier than white twinks thinking they are as cool and tough as their black "heroes". Maybe if you ate more you'd grow some actual muscle.
you lift weights i life guns, dafuk you gonna do about that pussyboi??? exactly, run like a bitch, and anime is lit af rn you out of touch boomer ass nigga
Why do you avatarspam with an incel character? I bet you're white too lol.
Nothing cringier than twink rappers holding guns, their trigger discipline is of and quite often they hold their guns in such a way that if they where to fire them they'd break their wrists.
Emo niggers
This. Modern hip-hop isn’t hip-hop.
It’s the work of the kikes
Old school hip hop was the work of jews too.