Music taste is a pretty pathetic way to measure social status, non?

Music taste is a pretty pathetic way to measure social status, non?

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I have no social life so music is all I have

>Social life

What is that?

What's the point of listening to music if not to make others feel bad for having an inferior taste in music?

it's all i got

Attached: basedgod.jpg (400x400, 22K)

yes BUT if you only listen to hiphop you are a just a simpleton.... even if you are a black "militan" you should listen to more sustantial compositions at least something like Miles Davis "Doo Bop" album:

No I unironically measure you by how long your playlist is in hours. Mine is 500 hours long. How about you?

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>implying there are enough good songs to fill those 500 hours
your playlist is shit

Lol. What a pleb

yeah fuck that guy

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yes because the entirety of humanity surely can not have produced enough good music to fill a sparce 500 hours in the last 100 years.

You are a fucking joke.

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*ting ting ting*

if you have found that many good songs already you must be a fucking incel

Playlists are plebeian tier, and only for low iq, short attention span subhumans.
Patricians only listen to full albums.

Na dude I'm bluepilled AF

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You do realize that you can have playlists of albums?
unbased idiot

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>You do realize that you can have playlists of albums?
You do realize the same applies right?
Are you too lazy to browse your collection and pick something, instead of having a giant list that just goes on, you giant faggot?

Maybe if you weren't such a beta you would realize that I don't need to pick if all my saved albums are purely bangers.

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that has nothing to do with what I said you pleb.
>lol haha I was just pretending to be retarded the whole time

I don't know if it's scientific yet but the link between being irredeemably cookie cutter in the worst way possible and having banal taste in music is certainly prevalent

Keep spouting bullshit. That's' honestly a classic, pretend as if the other person is trolling to feel superior because you can't comprehend the fact that I might not want to pause what im doing all the time to pick out a new album to listen to when I can just have a playlist. What you are saying is fundementally unreasonable. Playlists is one way of listening for a specific type of situation where you are doing something. To say that it's bad is dumb. You just want to stir the pot.

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I've always agreed. Listen to whatever sounds good to your ears.

>all my albums are bangers
>apparently mood or vibe has no influence on what you listen to
I mean if you were being serious then its even worse, I just made an assumption that you were smarter than that, and thus trolling.

>Playlists is one way of listening for a specific type of situation where you are doing something.
How is a playlist easier than playing an album and then picking another one in 30 min or 1 hour or whenever you finished it, do you really not have 30 seconds to do so, and if you dont then you clearly dont care about the music and are just looking for some background elevator muzak tier garbage to distract you.

Again, thanks for confirming that you are indeed a pleb.

1. You are
2. They are
3. I have no problem with a different mood every 30 min to 1h
4. Why would I for no reason.


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