Song ends with singer getting up from his seat

>song ends with singer getting up from his seat

Attached: a58e8d1dcab7e9598f60ae8bf567b31cb6a25e233f0001a6113d68d3d1e407ae.jpg (540x540, 31K)


Attached: tumblr_pepo9sSNWl1ukoi7g_400.png (400x439, 175K)

>song ends with singer asking if they can bring a horse into the studio

Attached: 1448170969407.jpg (400x267, 23K)

>singer altso plays instumemt

Attached: 1547404686436.jpg (707x682, 74K)

>band member shouts "FUCK" during recording

Attached: 1550878739407.jpg (750x563, 40K)

>song ends with fade out obviously cutting out solo

Attached: 1547619654860.jpg (480x480, 15K)

>song ends

Attached: 1531817927391.jpg (736x736, 84K)

>song ends

lol loser

>song starts with band having a conversation using lots of curse words in the studio and then begins playing the song over it slowly

Attached: L9MlEPw.jpg (807x659, 37K)

beat by 20 seconds
mamma mia

>song ends

Attached: IMG_9255.gif (598x453, 606K)

>song ends

Attached: IMG_9256.jpg (590x350, 65K)

>song is over

Attached: 1546335697858.png (849x462, 358K)

>album ends with field recording of conversation in japanese

Attached: cover.jpg (960x960, 230K)

>Song ends with coughing down the microphone

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 48K)


Attached: 1550854006396.jpg (600x524, 36K)

>the song is over

Attached: 220px-Whosnext.jpg (220x220, 21K)

but dont hate him when he gets up to leave


Attached: 5c1e891f-8bbe-4182-90de-292dbb42fa3f.jpg (1024x771, 121K)

>song ends with one satisfying note and beat

Attached: 1545589749728.png (576x768, 266K)

Prove you're not Mossad by praising Jesus Christ while catposting.

same (you)

>album starts a minute long speech about how amazing the band is

Attached: Mogwai-Young-Team.jpg (600x600, 138K)

>song starts with whistles and chanting

Attached: blincadebal.jpg (671x671, 92K)

>album ends with singer putting down guitar


>it's an 18 minute long uplifting trance extended club mix

Attached: b29.png (421x500, 151K)