Hello Yea Forums, I ignored Trance (and its associated genres) in the 90's because I thought it was garbage that required no effort, however in the last couple of weeks I've been exploring the genre and figured I'd spend my Saturday sharing some of the gems I've found along the way.
(I want recommendations too so please share if you've got any)
I don't know if you will like this. It's not generic trance music, but Gnawa music, an hypnotic mixture of Sahelian and North African music.
The music is also actually used for ritualistic trance in Morocco : >In a Gnawa song, one phrase or a few lines are repeated over and over, so the song may last a long time. In fact, a song may last several hours non-stop. However, what seems to the uninitiated to be one long song is actually a series of chants, to do with describing the various spirits (in Arabic mlouk (sing. melk)), so what seems to be a 20-minute piece may be a whole series of pieces - a suite for Sidi Moussa, Sidi Hamou, Sidi Mimoun or the others. But because they are suited for adepts in a state of trance, they go on and on, and have the effect of provoking trance from different angles.
The local scene here in Northern Ireland is very much a techno orientated and driven thing, but Trance is every other DJs "first E music" and guilty pleasure. A lot of them love this shit unironically. Never been into it myself but that is a good mix.
Anyone else listens to really shitty trance? It started out as an inside joke with my friends but I keep going back to some tracks years after
Robert Carter
Also thanks for the reccs/links OP, not in a situation where I can check them out but ill keep this pinned for later use
Julian Powell
>200's these can be considered oldschool already, trance sound drastically changed in ~2007-2010
Adrian Jenkins
There was a massive stylistic shift somewhere between the early 90's and the late 90's that interests me. Perhaps it was where the style became commercialised and distilled down to its most basic components but the early stuff seems to have its roots in Acid House, Breaks and Ambient while the later stuff became more about emotional sounding synths, hooks and big choruses.