This is the best dance/house track ever made

prove me wrong (You cant)

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's cheating but no one can ever top this user. You're kinda close though.

thats cool as well

please never talk about house again

fucking this

>please never talk about house again

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party rock is in the hou
se tonight

pretty nice thanks

Yea Forums's taste in /bleep/ is awful

this is top notch production you loser. Bet youre a boomer who drinks monster and listens to jungle or some shit lmao.

butchering amen break for the 1000000000000000th time... now THAT'S bleep...

Why doee Yea Forums hate the Xx again?

Classic but cant compete with todays production
this lol

cause it's popular

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For me it's DJ Sprinkes - The Occasional Feel-Good.

nothing but fucking drums and some sounds. genius.

Only came to the thread to post this, well done.


Because its shitty and bland

What and Daft Punk isn't?

sleeper banger incoming

dude what. this isnt techno or house

>it's another Yea Forums pretends to know anything about dance music thread

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Yea Forums only listens to French house and brostep because they're all Yanks

Yea Forums used to have amazing threads about some of the most obscure rare good techno and dance music tracks. those days are long gone now though.

>what is /bleep/

It's a dance track you fucking brainlet div.

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whatever man. we live in 2 different realities. one where i read it as techno. and one where it is now dance music thread.

>its another "I know it all better than you plebs post", without actual proof or example of whats supposedly better

Does this link work? Trying out new software. Post some tunes.

>"""""""""""""""""dance"""""""""""""""" track
1. this isnt dance/house/techno
2. its shit.

That's pretty clear, your reality appears to have brain damage as well as reading and comprehension issues with its entire population.

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have you ever been outside ?

I'm not gonna educate you or lose my time posting tunes.
Go on Discogs and Youtube and educate yourself, you have ton of resources to explore various dance music cultures, if you're interested.

I know you hear the "I know it all response" a lot around here, but most of Yea Forums really is clueless about dance music.

how do you know. maybe your reality is the one with all the problems friend. look around. quantum physics states perhaps my original reality is the truth.


Jesus christ, back to Yea Forums with your utter, pleb tier netflix taste.

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whats wrong with netflix?

have you ever visited a school where they taught you how to argue with sb? lmao

Give me a really good obscure track to impress some girl that goes to electronic parties and drops acid. GOTTA BE REALLY GOOD BROS, DON'T MAKE ME LOOK BAD

That's a no then..

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This board is so consistently embarrassing.

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>not lose time posting tunes
but brag about your "patricianess" with empty meaningless statements that dont change anything you complain about. omg so hard to look up 1-3 tunes you think are the pinnacle of dance and post them here. Im gonna have to post pic related AGAIN sorry.

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thats me also: i bet youre just afraid to be judged, just as you judged me for posting that jamie xx remix.

dont wanna educate me? thats fine, you dont need to, i produce electronic music since 10 years and play the piano since im 7 years old. i know a thing or two about music.

This is fucking trash FUCK YOU

yeah, a no from you that you never received any education on how to communicate above brainlet level

I didn't post that to brag about knowing more music than you do, just wanted to let you guys know that you should get to know the massive world of dance music before claiming to know the "pinnacle".
I know you guys get off on trying to rate things and put every music scene in a boring hierarchy, but I honestly couldn't give you 1-3 tunes that would even represent a fraction of dance music culture.
You want some tunes? I can post some recent digs, but they're not going to make you search for yourself to find out how much music there is and how varied it can get.

mate, I don't have a problem with being judged.
If you really think that boring and cheesy piece of shite house (not even yt bait lo-fi house is this drab) is the pinnacle of dance music because you've been watching FL Studio yt tutorials since you were ten, that's fine by me.
But it also tells me I should not waste my time educating you.

Nah it's good proto-techno.

>you should get to know the massive world of dance music before claiming to know the "pinnacle".
>I know you guys get off on trying to rate things and put every music scene in a boring hierarchy

where does this retarded Yea Forums sentiment come from believing that everyone around you is an NPC who doesnt care about the music he talks about here and doesnt look it up yourself? are you some existential philosopher questioning the reality of the people around you? then its probably gonna be hard talking to you, since i cant convince you with logic that I do in fact exist, have an autonomous life and have listened to a few more dance tunes than whats being played on the radio or whats popular on youtube.

also yes i put everything in hierarchy, i have favorite albums, fav country songs, fav dance songs, fav ambient songs, fav irish folk songs, the list goes on (literally), i dont see a problem with that.

>i didnt post to brag
talking down ppl on their "bad" knowledge about music or you talking about "educating" someone (or not doing that) on dance music, is very much the textbook def. of bragging l.o.l.

>You want some tunes? I can post some recent digs

yes please do, please enlighten me, o godfather of dance music. (i bet theyre either outdated 90s chicago warehouse stuff with the only line analog drums and a 303 or just outright trash, but i'd be happy if theyre actually good and I can enjoy them too.)

Has to be something modern, the bitch has tattoos and listens to electronic music and drops acid and pretends to love syd barrett

>thinking there could be one tune topping all others in multiple different genres under the 'dance' umbrella

But there is no lively modern dance music.

Clean Bandit xD

any other answer than LADY HEAR ME TONIGHT is invalid

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Calm down there mate, I just said that if you believe that track is the pinnacle of dance music, you clearly haven't listened to much. That's not because you're an NPC or you're not superior enough, you just haven't explored or listened to enough stuff. I'm not trying to attack you.
Also, you should stop with the autistic hierarchies, they're not helpful at all.

>yes please do, please enlighten me, o godfather of dance music.
Just gonna post some random recent stuff I listened to, no specific genre or scene

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itt: unlistenable garbage


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