Attached: Dami (0352).jpg (1536x2048, 563K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sharkposter needs to be stopped

Post jisoo

Attached: InstaSave.jpg (658x768, 49K)

Attached: IMG_20190223_093611.jpg (2185x3000, 1.07M)

It's probably slugroastie

who the fuck is this ayy lmao?

i don't even know what ryujin looks like

Damn, she cute

Attached: 1550141365003.jpg (2048x1364, 333K)

Nobody told me DC was so incredibly based

smug qt

>360, 3D

I literally just found out there is a 4th member of itzy

Attached: 4G4A8693.jpg (2000x1333, 1.71M)

which current gen kpop would say this

Attached: 1527793684075.jpg (454x149, 11K)

Attached: 1521156878726.webm (1520x1080, 906K)

who the fuck is the third?

Attached: 1550128725609.jpg (872x1200, 202K)

Attached: 1521871269747.jpg (1466x2608, 404K)

The big nose one

Literally posted the vid like twice already

Attached: 1540711376837.webm (1396x614, 1.88M)

Post something new or leave

Attached: 1550884855129.webm (810x1440, 1.48M)

Attached: betterbp.webm (1920x1080, 1.22M)

the itzy with the birthing hips

Attached: 1527001118929.jpg (1367x2048, 475K)

looks like there's finally a stable cam version of Yoo's headshake to make a webm out of


Attached: 014_D0DzUBWW0AAqxTC.jpg (682x1024, 134K)

What did Crayon Pop mean by this song?


Attached: 1549971020801.webm (1280x720, 1.62M)

Well fuck chingu I just got here, gj spreading the video it’s honestly great.

Kek is that real?

Attached: be6zixw955m11.jpg (1280x1919, 580K)

Feb 23rd's kpopgrilldays

Attached: spica park narae new.f.o mima.jpg (1017x492, 120K)

Attached: Chu.jpg (736x920, 92K)

i do not like it
nobody likes it

Attached: 1549968136234.jpg (904x1200, 162K)

Attached: jkg165i3yre21.jpg (682x1024, 62K)

it's jisoo erper (spreadsheet pedo) AND slugturkey. ironic isn't it?
jisoo erper also spams yuna

Attached: jisoo erper.png (3840x2160, 1.82M)

crayon pop? more like greatest of all time

Yeji is so freaking gorgeous

Attached: DSC_3877.jpg (1630x2100, 1.71M)

Attached: 1528936301662.jpg (1280x1919, 628K)

literally everyone about everything except stuff they like...

Attached: 1549964501010.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

i hate her "strong" voice but her cute voice is nice.

Attached: MomolandButts.webm (1920x1080, 2.83M)


Show screwups always brings the best moments especially if the group improvises

are Loona vaporwave?

Only one fag ever uses that stupid ass "jisoo erper" term, and you need to fuck off honestly i can smell you from here

Fuck off slugroastie

Attached: 528_DzDebStXgAEDtIX.jpg (1153x750, 67K)

lovelyz still shit?

Are you trying to ruin Yejiposting? Stop spamming the same pics over and over again

Attached: DzcLpQ2VAAAl3Bm.jpg (1368x2048, 353K)

yea it's still in her twitter

Attached: 1549944815222.jpg (2500x1723, 254K)

remember when everyone hated red velvet?

Dreamcatcher are pretty based in general dbh

t. uglyzshitter who acts like everyone he doesn't like is one guy

Attached: 1549930822006.webm (1280x720, 2.39M)

Attached: .jpg (1280x1792, 295K)


dami is CUTE !


Attached: dc6b0c76cb37b0cd46949c9deb75acf1.jpg (1600x900, 193K)

samefagging this hard, seething this much.

LMAO make it less obvious pls

cant wait for DIA

Attached: 51243486_575461396301962_6251282049052057485_n.jpg (799x999, 197K)

Attached: mogged.png (693x693, 874K)

just you roastie

Attached: 1547338199787.jpg (1080x1080, 1.1M)


False flag

6 1 7 10 10 10 4 10 2

Attached: 1522082548960.jpg (1000x1500, 438K)


Attached: i30x7kugqa401.jpg (987x1200, 249K)

Attached: 1549851825486.webm (1920x1080, 1.41M)

mijoo erper spotted


Attached: 15520384576452.jpg (300x250, 27K)

Attached: .jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Attached: 1530945624550.jpg (1600x1066, 90K)

jyp used to have the best girls. what happened?

no, they understood it makes you seethe and it's not what they want.




oh wait wrong song

Attached: DzhA5PHVsAAmoMm (2).jpg (1536x1509, 666K)

tying mijoo to the bed and...


Attached: 1529753356654.png (410x610, 157K)

calm down mijoo erper

Attached: 1549850032549.jpg (965x1200, 323K)

don't mad lovelyz is the ugliest group ever

what are you listening to, kpg?

>4th member of itzy
is this true

I actually like this one. I always click it everytime I see it

Attached: DN1JtLoUIAAp5Fg.jpg (1966x2621, 1.9M)

leaving her there and never coming back

DIA more like DOA lmfao

i didnt know this girl was in the real girls project

I feel really fucking gay when I try to listen to kpop

Attached: 1549848967008.jpg (1200x675, 103K)

jisoo erper does this with every idol. doyeon, wony, yujin, busters jisoo, yeji & yuna now... all he does is spam until everyone gets tired of them

>Giving momo a 2
Shit tier taste

Attached: eynh3y06j9f21.jpg (667x661, 72K)

what are they scanning for

Attached: 1524721468416.jpg (1200x746, 69K)

Attached: 1549847807443.webm (800x566, 1.37M)

Nayeon is a 10 btw

Attached: 1550870495215.jpg (685x5550, 2.13M)

Attached: 1550883584281.jpg (828x455, 161K)

letting tyrone have her

Attached: 1549847580355.png (1366x768, 1.04M)

what happened to her?

changing her diaper

rate my harem!
solar, seoyeon, eunseo, siyeon,
saerom, dawon, jessi, mijoo

Attached: mykpopharem.jpg (1400x1229, 627K)

stop this shit user

Attached: DtVTX6aV4AE-tx_.jpg (368x563, 31K)

Attached: wins.jpg (1200x675, 68K)

youre a white man i can tell

>homo flower template
youre a gay man i can tell

Attached: 1523466876809.jpg (720x900, 84K)

Attached: 1549847217696.webm (800x710, 172K)

because all my choices are stacked? yeah... should have included a couple flat-chested girls for variety's sake

do roasties like her because she actually looks like a dude, whereas somebody like jeongyeon just acts like one sometimes

nevermind the shitty girls, that's the most repulsive looking harem I've seen
learn what aspect ratio is

jessi good taste

Attached: harem34.png (1400x1229, 1.86M)

I literally can't

Attached: 1497129219042.jpg (611x935, 84K)

>implying flowers are gay
post a normal template faggot, i just downloaded the semi-used template someone posted in this thread

Attached: 1535190352596.webm (950x534, 2.88M)

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Attached: 1549847075264.webm (700x512, 168K)


Attached: 20190212_202728.jpg (2896x2896, 834K)

I know fromis are awesome but you really aren't allowed to have two members of the same group in a harem

>give up and go to bed
>wake up and it's still the same bullshit
what's the exact point when kpg was taken over by mentally ill 18 hour seamonkeys like doug flinging idiotic repetitive oneliners at each other/their own falseflags, over and over

jessi has the perfect body

Attached: DfG9U4wV4AA4JCn.jpg (3072x4096, 1.91M)

Attached: 1550858354315.jpg (1000x1500, 164K)


indeed, was i correct?

hows my harem?

Attached: ultimate.jpg (2163x1897, 448K)

Forgot how emotional and raw the first Red Velvet episode of Knowing Bros was, that shit hurted

Attached: 40D30EC9-41B0-4EB8-8722-E423ACD72841.jpg (2208x1242, 241K)

the girl of vengeance

Attached: 5dd7494950c2eae0fecae7a43f39047b.jpg (1200x1798, 194K)

only you say this

Attached: 20190212_204208.jpg (2896x2896, 864K)

i approve

Attached: 1549843168122.jpg (1920x1080, 308K)

Why do you guys have so many

Attached: 1550271141664.png (1400x1229, 569K)

all the good posters are on the twitter group dm now lad

got kind of lazy near the middle to the end
needs work

Based and botoxpilled


Attached: Dz225w3X4AE2srP.jpg (800x1261, 140K)

i have two from wjsn too. if i had to choose i'd seoyeon over saerom and dawon over eunseo... not even being contrarian here

i appreciate that jyp made a song about jessi's booty he truly is a man of culture



don't ruin yejiposting pls

Attached: 1550876743275.webm (1920x1080, 2.22M)

Attached: 1548476999244.jpg (720x960, 92K)

Attached: 1549842960271.jpg (2208x1242, 236K)

nobody except bots even come here anymore
notice how all the harems being posted are the same ones that have been posted for months? people change their ips to inflate the number and make it seem like there are more people here

strong redundancy for dating scandals

that's not even a rule just one guy saying that

you were correct, yeah

Attached: DzsYE4dU8AAUm2X.jpg (1024x576, 76K)

>led by aryan female to be bred by black male
what did JYP mean by this

Attached: 1543197395097.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Attached: Dami (0292).jpg (2000x1335, 608K)

thanks bro ;-)

Attached: crushes.webm (1280x720, 692K)

white mans harem

Attached: 20190214_201105.jpg (2896x2896, 853K)

yes yes... everything is going accordingly...

Attached: DyCkOlaXQAE9ss2.jpg (254x260, 6K)

variety is the spice of life

Attached: DzUFIq0XcAUZYWW.jpg (686x896, 137K)


>poonaseethers still attempting to damage control

I can make harems based off race. Tell me your race and I'll give you a harem starter pack

Attached: 1549841462823.webm (1920x1080, 1.53M)

Attached: DzNzCW_UYAAkvyH.jpg (1538x2048, 385K)

8 1 10 3 5 8 4 10 10

Fight me

Attached: 1533941932293.jpg (935x1165, 81K)

best harem

Attached: 1529682917220.jpg (900x900, 142K)

Attached: damispark.webm (1067x600, 161K)

Attached: 1549840717744.webm (1280x720, 2.19M)

who's more stacked, saerom or jisun?

i like jeongers personally but other than that pretty accurate ratings

Attached: gahlook2.webm (1280x720, 2.29M)

fuck off roastie

amazing how hyoyeon went from being least attractive to most attractive now


Attached: taecar.webm (1920x1080, 2.53M)

how many gahyeons do you have?

This is a 10

nobody talked about them tho, i guess they are right when they say you have a mental illness.

>blackpink comes to Malaysia for a concert today
>it's another one of those countries where they have to wear long sleeves and cover their legs
not very comfy t b h

Attached: 1549295601228.jpg (1014x1200, 216K)


Attached: 1526831806491.jpg (1500x1000, 409K)

the camera angle when they're sitting down petting the dog really makes them look like gooks


Attached: 1532746036696.webm (366x400, 64K)

I can make a neutral harem template real quick if you want an alternative

Might drop Yeji bros, 2 is too much.

Attached: sharkji.jpg (400x400, 34K)

new jisoos hot off the presses this morning

Attached: D0AfQouXgAAFLAS.jpg (711x1200, 88K)

Attached: myharem.jpg (1400x1229, 345K)

you did. mentally ill poonaseether

that's just the ages old Yea Forums harem template

Attached: 1542613068230.jpg (1200x1800, 264K)

too many to count conveniently. i do tend to just post the ones i like the most though, so i'm not sure why i download so many

Attached: 03g94Ri.jpg (1067x1000, 117K)

Attached: 1542881703906.webm (1540x916, 2.93M)

who is 2nd from the left on the bottom?

there wasn't a mention of them in the whole thread

Attached: catji.jpg (750x741, 63K)

I like flower one because everyone says it's homo but it never changes

Attached: template.png (1440x1200, 115K)

Attached: 15508752824760.webm (1032x1078, 947K)

are you joking or just really new?

Attached: afacdd42e5ce1599c7ee2c7e61cd9447_izcYdzoDivjGwyaAgH5fPlImWp.jpg (1000x1150, 181K)

Is Pink Fantasy any good?

Attached: 1550911701374.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

there are at least 2 good things about pink fantasy

Attached: Lac5sZ.jpg (564x876, 289K)


jisun definetely has more mass

never really seen her posted new group?

Attached: 99E76E495BACA6172E.jpg (900x1350, 271K)

how are flowers gay

Attached: 1525526773392.jpg (1280x853, 249K)

Attached: 190218 러닝폼 위키미키 (Weki Meki) 직캠.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

who dis

That's what I thought.

Attached: 1550909954987.webm (1280x720, 1.84M)

all of my dc folders are like that

Attached: melon.webm (664x720, 2.82M)

Attached: collage.jpg (3994x2216, 1.99M)

Attached: 190218 러닝폼 위키미키 (Weki Meki) 직캠2.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

pink fantasy aini

Attached: girlgroupspics-1069707082616750082-20181203_163657-img2.jpg (750x745, 56K)

Attached: 1550910348532.jpg (750x750, 31K)

babysoul x 6

>complains about poona seanigger antis
>poonas only known fans here are a negro and a flip

Attached: 1543093579640.jpg (1080x1080, 176K)

Attached: Dami (0990).jpg (1920x1200, 597K)

Attached: 1550854260982.webm (756x594, 650K)

>complains about poona seanigger antis
>b-b-but no one is talking about them


>complains about loona all day
>all alone
>you seethe

Attached: 1550854123525.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

itzy in white outfit is the epitome of sexyness

qt boy

nobody talked about them tho, i guess they are right when they say you have a mental illness

the sharkiest cuntface known species in the earth

Attached: DzyDB2eX0AE1c9-.jpg (1334x2000, 518K)

Attached: loona_is_the_source_of_all_my_problems_but_i_literally_cant_stop_talking_about_them_on_kpg_and_false (261x360, 13K)

also pink fantasy might be good but it's hard to say with one song. i like iriwa a lot and appreciate how different it is and i'm a fan of their mediaplay rabbit member but i need more before i can have an actual opinion on them. i'll definitely check out their comeback though

Attached: mydoll_ent-1071378477859794945-20181208_071829-img1.jpg (804x805, 93K)

Attached: 1550854053332.webm (1920x1080, 2.54M)


islam was a mistake

Attached: 1541217011228.jpg (1924x2526, 402K)

The fattiest lard eating known species in the earth

Attached: 1550697948908.jpg (875x659, 58K)

I can't support pinkfantasy when it gives in to furry fetishes and they think it's fine to post about it in kpg

Attached: 1550853863142.webm (720x738, 1.23M)

well the alternative is to see rose legs....
and basicly see blackpink to try and dance

here's an alternative

it's really simple. 400x500 resolution so it should be easier to remember the aspect ratio (0.800) and your waifus will look a bit more HQ

Attached: kpop harem.jpg (1606x1002, 210K)

damn thats a new level of autismo

"hating" furries is so early 2000s

Attached: mydoll_ent-1065964893893849089-20181123_084650-img1.jpg (1080x1080, 95K)

no homo but I'd buttfuck this dude bareback

Attached: 1544855957324.jpg (1044x1692, 220K)

comfy is just a code word for boring dbh

Attached: 1550853799603.webm (760x592, 929K)


Attached: D0FPy4fUUAExcPu.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1274, 305K)

anyone know of a good kpop mv with a guy dressed up like a cat playing a saxophone?

Stop calling my wife a boy please

Attached: 1549641611444.jpg (564x846, 53K)

chaeryoung reminds me of sana sometimes

wow... you're truly mentally ill, seek help

Attached: 1550853738127.webm (750x478, 616K)

itzy is basicly a future twice subunit

when is she going to take the mask off

Attached: 1432111720291.jpg (1280x1920, 1.9M)

yeah I wasn't talking about loona, I was talking about the insipid spam and bickering
what a coincidence you'd happen to be in here

Attached: 1542750807344.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

bigger version for 10 waifus

Attached: kpop harem 10.jpg (2008x1002, 263K)

why? imagine if she is a futa
double the fun!
you fuck her and she fucks you

Attached: 1477367142027.jpg (1920x1281, 1.74M)

Attached: 1550853676789.webm (676x700, 782K)

what a coincidence you'd happen to be mentally ill


Attached: 15534859078.jpg (385x408, 17K)

nah, you will not succeed, slugroastie

idk but i wouldn't expect it to last that long. it sort of shoehorns them into literally rabbit based concepts or else it's even more out of place.
it makes more sense for it to be a temporary 'wtf' thing to get people interested in the group originally and then interested again when they unveil her.

Attached: mydoll_ent-1078241081370632193-20181227_054801-img1.jpg (700x1000, 132K)

nice small tits thats the first good thing ive seen about yeji

Attached: DzDO4OMVAAMe9Q8.jpg (530x927, 79K)

Attached: 1550853375830.jpg (1228x2048, 233K)

tell me which is yours so i can avoid him since he made a terrible job.

hmm is choa cutest than way?

>loona autists spend months spamming like insane trannies
>"why does everyone hate loona? I don't get it"

Attached: allchinkslookthesame.gif (500x250, 968K)

>nothing better than having fun with a hot woman

Attached: 1543647182953.jpg (736x1052, 94K)

>nice small tits
Yeah compared to Nancy's big fat body

Attached: 1553569089.png (500x400, 160K)

you call that spamming? lmao

Attached: 1550853262079.jpg (1086x564, 39K)

nice actual fanfiction

make it a romsae thread

>poona tranny knows about fanfiction
colour me surprised

alright binnie thread coming up

he's happen to be here

Attached: 1550853053300.jpg (2970x2160, 535K)

make it a yuki thread

Attached: 1537495207974.jpg (1200x1565, 929K)

we're not poor here so we don't have to settle for a binnie thread

Attached: 1550851897065 (1).jpg (800x1060, 121K)

how old is she?


>one singular post about loona was made here
>guy gets mad here
>proceeds to go on a tirade like always

Women don't have dicks

Attached: 1550859574335.jpg (3000x2000, 362K)

classic engrish clothing, misspelling anal stretch

>no u

again, i didn't make the original post because of loona, no one's even posting about them itt
although i don't see how falseflagging and fuming about loona on kpg 18 hours a day like my boy doug does helps if you hate seeing loona posts

16 so if you see someone post those lewd webms don't look there

Attached: saturday718-1085811014514335744-20190117_030813-img1.jpg (1920x1920, 432K)

Attached: Dz6NDKaWkAAyQfE.jpg (963x1200, 142K)

and here

you never visited thailand i guess

that's not how this works at all

>he's still trying to play "loonaposters are the victims here" card

post my gf

it does now, we don't care about early falseflag threads



How do we actually improve these threads? Seems like they’re only actually enjoyable when stuff is happening elsewhere e.g. cozy tzuyu vlive

nobody's a victim except people who have to read kpg in this state
>slug/yejiroastie falseflagging and anti spam half the day
>twitter copypasta the other half
>autists spamming the same repetitive unfunny oneliners at each other for years all the while
>salesshitting if you're lucky

we don't
they are meant to die


>loona tranny so upset it deletes the thread

based early deleter


>falling for that falseflag
then again it was probably you

niggers in loona MV makes sense now. BBC