It's okay for a movie to be cringe when the people it's portraying are actually cringe IRL
It's okay for a movie to be cringe when the people it's portraying are actually cringe IRL
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Just make a movie about people that aren't cringe
shit portrayed as shit is still shit
the alternate history elements don't save that one either
I agree. And it was intentional - The director saw them as foolish kids, and portrayed them that way.
Yeah, but at least make it accurate cringe
Except for the girlfriend, it is accurate. Varg is a sociopathic piece of shit, and if you believe his account on anything then you're literally retarded.
I want a biopic of the formative anarcho/crust/grind scene. I wanna see Amebix, Napalm Death, and Electro Hippies/Carcass going from political squatter punk to inventing the most extreme rock music ever
>t. RYM tranny
> t. LARPing Nazi
Dead - Depressed suicidal fuckup
Euronymous - Sociopathic mentally ill fuckup
Varg - Hero that put this madness to an end hail varg
nah but I have been curious why trannies defend this film so hard, you're most likely one so is it just about defending vice because they're far left or is it a "gotcha varg you nazi" moment
The fact you responded to my comeback seriously shows that you actually are a racist, and a retard. More the latter. I'm not trans or gay, but I know pieces of shit like you think that's a great and horrible insult. Kill yourself, Varg is a fag and so are you
>The fact you responded to my comeback seriously shows that you actually are a racist, and a retard.
lol k
> posts an image of a standard /pol/ talking point
You're not helping yourself any, and you're just proving yourself to be more and more retarded.
you're a literal caricature, I doubt you actually even listen to black metal if you're this sensitive
Black metal isn't even that hardcore. Death metal is way more "offensive" and also way more masculine in it's energy.
I'll never for the life of me understand why BM kiddies think their music is the hardest of the hard, they're much more feminine than their brother genre.
Friendly reminder that Varg is Yea Forums culture and has been since basically the site's inception.
Varg is a weeaboo?
yes, death metal is more extreme in sound but it's usually more neutral in themes
death metal never triggers anybody quite the same way as a "racist black metal" band does though
This thread only serves to prove that black metal is cringe
It's not the music that triggers anyone I would doubt anyone offended would even give it the four minute listen or look up the lyrics even, it's the fact that they're racist. Apply racism to anything and it's going to trigger people.
On what way i dont see anti-abrahamic message or NSDM
and there are far more black metal bands that are thought of as racist than there are death metal bands, hence why people like this don't really get into it
His meme status goes all the way back to 2channel, possibly as early as 2000-2001. Burzday was also one of the first general site memes to take root on Yea Forums.
anyway the movie is quite weak, it's not like exceptionally bad or anything but the only reason to praise it to the extent I've seen some people do is probably a false sense of schadenfreude that they think this will somehow expose once and for all how "cringe" or shitty the people were and how it shatters some imagined mythical aura around the scene
this is actually reflected in their comments and reviews quite clearly, simultaneously it exposes their lack of knowledge of the connected music beyond the surface level
in reality nobody really gives a shit about the actual people past some curiosities and meme potential and the only important thing about them was a musical direction, and it was historically important whether you're a fan of that direction or not
Varg is a pussy, no matter what you say
Was it all that historically important though? The most successful commercially band to even be associated with black metal came from Britain and was known more for "jesus is a cunt" shirts than their music to the average person, just shock value stuff no different than what Marilyn Manson was known on an even larger scale for
As for black metal itself,it's largely just produced copy cat bands who haven't really influenced a whole lot outside of themselves and the oddity like that faggoty Deaf Heaven band who are just a hipster experiment
t. has never been in a fight in his life
This movie is shit but the dude is right, Varg makes up half truths about the shit he spews all the time. I've been following Varg for years and he has constantly changed his talking points and the way he retells the old stories while pretending he's always believed in what he does with a few exceptions. My favorite part was back in the day when he had articles on his website about how autists where subhumans before he married his current wife and those articles suddenly disappeared. The fact that he doesn't have the balls to say that he was wrong and had to change his stances based on the facts presented to him but instead just hides it all away and pretends he was always perfect just shows what a pathetic retard he is, especially since he makes up a bunch of bullshit around Northern paganism to support his actions and stances.
>Was it all that historically important though?
obviously it was, the norwegian scene is shit IMO but it's undeniable that it shaped the sound for a large amount of bands for a long time
commercial success isn't relevant, we're not talking about normies when the effect of the norwegian scene on the genre is in question
>when the effect of the norwegian scene on the genre
Maybe I'm missing something here, but the Norwegian scene WAS the scene. I'm not one of those people who believes in 1st wave black metal though.
that's more or less the point, I was granting a hypothetical that it could have come to be from outside of the norwegian scene but it didn't
There where a shitton of black metal bands from Sweden and places like Poland and the Czhechoslovakia/the Czech Republic at the time. Most of the scene was spread through tape trading.
But what does that have to do with what I said? Just because something exists doesn't make it historically important. I think black metal influence on music as a whole has been fairly minimal, and that it's hardly grown since the 90s in a significant, like I said mostly producing copy cat bands.
by historically important I meant to metal and black metal, not to music in general
most people have no idea what black metal is
Dead was based though
Fuck, I forgot about Burzday. Did anyone post about it this year, or did I just miss it?
>it's hardly grown since the 90s in a significant
disagree, but even this:
>producing copy cat bands.
shows it had quite an impact
Yes based but duderino needed help
everyone knows varg is an unstable memelord
the 'anti-varg' bitching is comparable to worrying about people believing what alex jones says
what do you think
Euronymous was a fag all those shit stained dildos and BDSM equiment
any pics?
Who The fuck are you to say what’s okay or not.
You guys really are just a bunch of herd who need people to tell them what they like.
I don’t even give a fuck about this movie and have never seen it I’m just saying I find this funny because I see it a lot.
Dont wanna get banned really like posting here :)
Varg is clearly a sociopath. You can tell by the way he talks about this stuff as if he's roleplaying as Heath Ledger's Joker. Eyes bulging, overly animated, two notches away from maniacally laughing.
Varg has his own spin, but his accounts are more accurate if you take the bias out of each.
is the movie good? I was hoping it was gonna be funny
this guy knows what's what.