Why was he left behind?
Why was he left behind?
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look at him
the music was no good.
90% of grunge was shit too, i'm sure kurt felt horrible guilt for bringing some of those shitters into the public's attention.
is this frankenstein?
abstained from drugs, & compromising their sound, also... no sex appeal
There is still a lot of work to do here on earth
I find he intentionally ruins a lot of his songs that would otherwise be really good.
he already got the eyes on him
damn this song is dope
Because during the only time when musicians could be weird and difficult and still crack the top 10, Melvins was still too weird and difficult.
Cool libertarian dude. He was on Gavin McInnes's show not too long ago.
i hate G. Mcinnes. fake as fuck
>Be 17
>go with friend to get money from his grandmas house
>Walk in door
>See pic related passed out in front of the TV
>Covered in chicken wings and hot sauce
>Steal his beer
And that's the time I met uncle buzzo
Forgot pic
it really doesn't matter that he or the band aren't very well known
melvins are one of the most influential bands of the modern era and nobody can change that
helping to create the sludge/stoner/drone metal subgenres we know today
many popular bands today owe their sound in part to the melvins
The band was too out there for the mainstreamers who wanted Nevermind clones and Buzz is pretty ugly to boot. Not only is Kurt in comparison attractive to the average, American female but he also wrote a bunch of popy and accessible songs.
Honestly this makes me like him even more.
By who?
gavin mcinnes is perhaps the best example of how much the world has changed since the 2000's. dude founded vice and was at one point known as "the godfather of hipsters." his politics have stayed exactly the same since 2006 or so, and as a result he's now known as a far-right leader. it's ridiculous
He also shoved a dildo up his butt.
He has no talent.
>Dude i used to know Kirk Cobain