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Thanks bud. I'll go through this. Ive also articulated some critiques I have of the state of how people even assess popular music which I might shill in some form later. I'll also go through avant-math's chart.

Yeah sorry I only listen to 20th century classical not that boring mobach shit

like what?

Just vague ones, not really constructive right now so I don't know how much critique you would want if it didn't come with solutions. It's just the fact that the goal of the chart is to convey starter albums for each subgenre but then there are, for one instance, 3 IDM albums. Like did those ALL start the IDM genre? Is IDM so important that it necessitates occupying 3 full works? Just seemed like more room could be made for other genres and that some genres with multiple entries could have their less essential ones dropped to make room for other subgenres. Just a thought.

>It's just the fact that the goal of the chart is to convey starter albums for each subgenre
That's right, but for a few genres they happened to be repeated because nothing else could take the spot. In the case of IDM, it belongs in the same category as drill and bass and flashcore, but it felt more redundant to add two of those than three IDM ones, so that's why there are three IDM genres. I would love to replace those two extra ones, but there is nothing for it. Keep in mind the structure of the chart is based on groups of 5 (previously 10), so that should explain it.