Do incels really exist? Or is it a kike-led anti-white campaign?

do incels really exist? Or is it a kike-led anti-white campaign?

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10/10 thread, very music related

You are an incel


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Do you seriously think every man who wants to have sex is having sex?
Also, incel is not racial.

YOU are an incel

takes one to know one

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I am LITERALLY a fucking incel and I can tell you it's not anti-white because it's disproportionately brown people. Look at the fucking Braincels subreddit (YES ITS ON FUCKING REDDIT FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF) and the poll shows only 55 percent whites on a website thats like 80 percent white, and 45 percent brown people with tons of brown people complaining about statistics showing white have better dating success on dating websites. There's also short people claiming tall people cannot be incel and that 6 ft plus is automatic lay so just FUCKING LOL JFL JFL JFL I'm white and 6'2" so even the fucking incel community is like 90 percent rejection fuck my gay ass fuck my life FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK deffo an heroing before i'm 40 yy.r old fuck

If they aren't, it's no one's fault but their own

wrong. conscious development only occurs in relation to one another. man is not an island.


This, get the government out of our fucking business asap

dude youll make it dont worry


Lol it was a reference to that shitty album AFter bathing at baxters by jefferson airplane the guy says it.

Makes no sense I know, crazy

id start a business to help incels

so youd be a pimp?

I was an incel until two Monday’s ago. was never alt-right though.

Of course they exist. Most of this site is either pretending to be one or has actual incels. What many of these loser types don’t realize is that it is often the bitterness of their posts that gives it away. But to them this bitterness is normal, probably not even real bitterness as they are so far disconnected from reality that such level of self awareness is lost on them.


no an executioner


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Yes, the faggot soilents that save themselves for the feminist roasties that fuck niggers who larps as racists on /pol/ are incels.