Which Dir En Grey song is the best?

Which Dir En Grey song is the best?

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Sea of Retards, of course

I'm going for Macabre, original version.


Grantid, I only know two Dir En Grey songs, and the other one is a blatant Korn ripoff.


Honestly now, imo their best songs from both a compositional, conceptual and production-wise perspective are Dozing Green, Dreambox, The Unraveling and Rinkaku.

From their latest album, Aka is growing a lot on me.

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maybe obscure

Yeah, they had a nu-metal phase around 2003-2007.
They came back to sense with the album Uroboros.
Cage is a good song, not my favorite from Gauze (that'd be probably Mitsu to Tsuba), but a great single song nontheless.

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>visual kei
>good music

they haven't been visual kei for like 15 years. form your own opinions, don't repeat what you read online.

Plenty of good music within the VK scene, especially the early days.
Not my fault your only exposure to it was probably what was popular in the west in the mid 00s.

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Well, tbf that nu-metal phase was mostly Vulgar. WtD, to me, always sounded more like alternative/j-rock, and TMoaB is an insane metalcore album.

But yeah, post Uroboros they went to a whole new level. Shame TiW was kind of a regression.

They've been out of the scene for more than 15 years. Also, not a real music genre.

To be fair, they're back in the vk realm.
Their anti-VK phase was their americanized phase with the nu metal song around the vulgar/withering/marrow era.
Kyo's sukekiyo band is very much involved with the vk scene, and the new DEG are open about their VK past, doing new versions of old songs and all.
During their nu metal era they wanted to forget that they were ever part of VK, but it seems it was just an angsty phase for them.

Dozing green

Ha, to me it's just Kyo having a midlife crisis. And they haven't sounded as nu-metal as they do now since like 2004.

Hopefully the next album will be a return to form. A continuation of the sound and concepts of DSS would be a wet dream for me.

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>get a demo tape from an obscure vk band
>in the liner notes' special thanks they mention Virtua Fighter characters
love it

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shit band full of trannies just like all other ''visual kei'' bands

also these trannies fucked more girls than you will ever fuck in all of your reincarnations.

i read somewhere that elder brother of kyo took him to a prostitute, at the age of 15.
prostitute was mommy core.

damn kyo kute

wrong it was either die, kaoru, and toshiya afer they learned kyo hadn't lost his virginity yet so they sent him to a whore house to get laid, but the woman was around her late 20s to early 30s I believe and kyo immediately refused due to the whole "respect your elders" attitude that's so prevelant over there.

every single artist goes through a mid life crisis once he reaches his late 30s, thankfully kyo still looks young enough that he can keep it going for at least a few more years.

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>literally a fan girl response

>t-these guys fucked more girls so therefor their music is good!
the absolute STATE of weeaboos


Dozing Green