How are you holding up, Yea Forums?

How are you holding up, Yea Forums?

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listening to this on repeat, realising that i might never get to love someone like that

Content, eating a milanesa torta and drinking some Jagermeister.

Alive. Somewhat

Fine, not dwelling in self pity, improving my life, working on cars, practicing piano to play in amateur ensembles one day, talking to a nerdy cutie, taking control of my life and learning self respect and self esteem.

When I realized Half of my co-workers are hardcore porn addicts, I suddenly didn't feel so bad for myself

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Facing that icy road luxuriating in my self pity how about you OP?


improving in every way but still not feeling like i should.

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Feel like trash. Gonna talk to some big wig about a possible job opportunity this week and I'm unprepared. I don't care for a career in software development but I don't know the alternatives. Wish I could get back on track like this user but I'm completely burnt out and depressed. My true passions are just browsing Yea Forums and shiposting on Laotian painting forms.

So in sort, not holding up well at all. As an upside I did find out about Vektor. Great band. Anyoue else find some new faves lately?

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Not great man. Got expelled from university for being caught dealing LSD like a fucking retard, quit my job in the depressive aftermath, burned all bridges with my closest friends and my parents have no idea. I'm seriously just considering going off-grid, travelling across the country, just fucking leave my life behind, because I've royally fucked it up.

I have given up. I'm worthless, hopeless and that will never change.

>Yea Forums - Music

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Some chads live next to my apartment, i can hear their laughing and having fun, there are some girls too.
And me, i had 2 sausages for dinner and now im in the dark stalking my ex on instagram.

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You're never gonna change with that attitude!

feeling inspired. losing all of the memes that brought me to this cess poo. god bless Yea Forums, but also god bless living life and having experiences outside of this bubble. everyone can enjoy life.

i'm not feeling good and i don't know how to fix. i feel like i might be coming to the end

lad, they sound like a fun group. what is preventing you from enjoyment in life? if you are so upset, why not change something?

Just take it day by day, I've been eating pastured eggs and raw milk every day and I've seen an improvement in my behavior and overall happiness. Learning that my behavior was primarily affected by the diet really changed my perception of depression. I no longer feel autistic or afraid of people that much anymore and my approach of strangers is much more confident and assured. find a way fellow user, we're all gonna make it, oh and hit the gym and start lifting bruh.

I might take the next step and start eating raw muscle meat and organ meats if this whole carnivore diet isn't a meme

i guess im an old guard from 2011 Yea Forums. listen bud, never do opiates, enjoy your life, and prosper. it will catch up to you and you will find fulfillment. ;)

How terrible is your skin right now? Jesus fucking christ. You make me sick.

Surprisingly okay, I don't have acne breakouts anymore, but I still got some nasty pores on my nose

It's been mixed. I recently joined a jazz ensemble and I'm excited to be getting the opportunity, but It just hurts knowing that no girl will ever love you no matter how hard I you. I mean I lost like 40 pounds and started fasting, but I still can't find a gf. I'm just so tired of rejection after rejection, I just want to be loved.

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I feel empty inside, like im immune to emotions. Like im not feeling bad but im doing great either.

stop posting feels retard

Been feeling really disassociated from people. I feel noticably more awkward and depressed. My attitude towards life was genuinely happy up until a few days ago and i don't know why. Might be my substance abuse.
On a side note, i'm getting into folk
Pretty much the opposite of this guy

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why deal LSD and have a (legal i presume) job? are you really that strapped for cash?

Not good at all.
Currently listening to Bach and Vivaldi because of all the recent classical memes.

Fuck it. I have a coke habit. Psychedelics are really popular in my area, so I buy them on Tor and overcharge students who don't know any better (99% of them). Spend most of my profits on coke, the rest goes on living expenses. Now I'm broke and I can't pay my bit of the rent and I'm fucking freaking out. I just want to leave it all behind.

Oh just awful. Imagine Abraham Lincoln or Moses, except he can't get a job at walmart because of gaps in resumes, and thus he is not be able to continue on his journey to free the oppressed masses with his lifetime of stoic wisdom.
Its ok, happy music helps forget existence
fucking same
good record, i bet you checked other records of theirs but in case you didnt - check them
also inferi is my most fav latest discovery in metal

i want to stop touching my dick everyday, how do i proceed

Hanging out with my best friend from college (and possibly ever) before she flies off to Australia forever in a week.

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that's a shitty feeling
goodbyes fucking suck

At least you can still talk online (unless you cant, then fuck)

Kind of shit †bh. I've been living in the city finishing my degree the last couple years, and now that I'm done I've moved out to the country for work. I was really looking forward to finally having some time to get some hikes and field recording expeditions in.

Welp, the first thing I did when i got to town was take the bike up one of the mountains and ended up stacking it and tearing my shoulder. I can't ride now, indefinitely, and it likely won't heal before I have to move back to the city for work again. I've spent the last 4 weekends just sitting at home feeling sorry for myself or painfully walking hours to the grocery store and back to keep myself supplied.

It's starting to occur to me that with my full time career now in swing and the fact that I'm all alone in this bush town with a really debilitating injury, and moving back to the city full time in a couple months, my hobbies may be more or less a thing of the past for me. What used to be essentially the pillar of my mental health has been almost completely inaccessible for over 2 years and now it seems like it's going to stay that way.


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I am smack in the middle of a bust commercial crab season and made 5k when I should have made 3/4 of my years salary. Pretty much my pathetic excuse for a life is going to get much worse. Its all just one big panic attack. Idk how I will make ends meet.

>moved out of my old room here in the dorms where I was suffering
>went on a date, kissed a girl, she attracted me on every levels, we're going on a second
>finally finished my first true piece as a composer
>got good grades in my last exam
I am so fucking happy. This week started like shit and ended up marvelously.

Well that fucking sucks user, sorry to hear it. And I do love me some crab.


I had some pot brownies for the first time this past week, and I feel off all of the time. is this normal?


It’s because youre a faggot namefag

Listening to Phil Spector's "Back to Mono" compilation album right now. Drunk on vodka and enjoying the weekend before going back to work on Monday. One of these days I'm going to quit and move back to my hometown.

Fuck, this song is so cathartic. I love Dinosaur Jr.

rude. its because I live in the midwest and im covered in 5 feet of snow

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Yeah, its hurting a lot more because I will probably never see her in person again. And I did a lot of self-reflection since she graduated last spring (I'm still in uni right now on my last year) and realized how much more of a good friend she was to me than I was to her.
She has a long-term BF and I never considered her a romantic interest. She was just a really good friend who gave me a lot over the years and I never was able to reciprocate as much as I should have. We'll keep in touch online but its so much different than living 2 hours away from each other in the same state.

that's comfy but ur a namefag cancer

I want to fuck/have a relationship with my sweet (18) qt coworker but the only problem is that she’s in high school and I’m 3 years older than her. It just feels weird when she talks to me about going to prom and having drama with other girls. But I don’t know man

I'm holding up pretty well. I survive by getting drunk, listening to classic indie rock, and thinking about MatPat's wife Stephanie.

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drunk, listening to boards of c - happy there are no other people around

feeling okay, listening to slowdive eps and probably gonna go to sleep soon. got suspended from my college but its just for the semester, and all my friends have been really cool abt it. its nice to be back home even under shitty circumstances. probably wont get to date this cute indie girl i've been talking to tho

Lost my friend that I've known for 8 years, need some sad songs.

Not very well. Turning 31 this year, never had a gf. I don't want to see 2020.

lol guessed the song as soon as i saw the thumbnail

Are you a wizard?

pretty stressed. it's my 2nd semester of college and I can't see myself doing anything but medicine, it's always been my dream and my passion, but I got a C in chemistry my first semester and have a 3.1 GPA because of it. I know it's only second semester but I can't help but feel i might be out of my league, and I think I don't know how to study.

the uni will have lots of resources about study techniques and usually even free tutors or such. i know exactly how you feel, i've done 3 degrees so far and almost died doing each one. i just started work though (allied health field, so similar but not exactly medicine) and it was so worth persisting. life is good man once you get through. you'll have a whole long life ahead of you that will benefit from the few years of drudgery now. it's worth it, it's worth it!

The having drama with other girls thing will continue well into her 30s, don’t worry about it. Also a 21 year old dating an 18 year old is perfectly normal, older folks will just see you both as kids anyway.

I am waiting for her to message me back, but i think she is not interested in me at all. How do i get rid from this feel?

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I met a guy on Yea Forums and /soc/ several years ago who is gorgeously beautiful (but straight whathagonnado) and it turns out we live in not only the same country and city, but even the same neighbourhood. And even though it's been years I still see him around all the time and when I go to shows I often see him and even seen his band play randomly here and there. I've never introduced myself because it feels creeperish and he doesn't want men lusting after him, but damn he's completely stuck under my skin. Might even be reading this :\

It's just so hopeless and pointless it makes me sad as fuck.

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based zoomer

Thanks for believing in me and not memeing on me like everyone does. I'm gonna start looking into office hours and tutors for chemistry this upcoming week. Even if it takes me slaving away for these 4 years I need to go for it. My parents are the best but they never had money or prestige, so I want to give that to my kids one day. I'll make ya'll proud too!

Good deal man!

Used to be that guy. I fell for her hard and she ended up saying I'm just a friend and nothing more. Now she's probably into a friend of mine. It sucks. Fuck this man. I fell into this trap again. I just wanna feel numb. Nothing more. Fuck having feelings. Fuck me.

If she shows no interest, move on. If you keep going for her, it'll hurt more in the end. Stay strong dude. Power it through.

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i'm doing terribly, and i'm so lonely. i just wanna make a few friends and be happy.

Badly. Been beating myself up more than ever, sometimes literally, over every little mistake I make. It kind of came to a head today and I called out of work. I'm living in a different city while I go to uni and due to last minute circumstances it could be weeks before I visit home again. There's a plethora of shit on my plate but I've whined enough.

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genuinely happy for you user, hope things keep going well for you

Just got home from work, back there again in 9 hours. A co-worker had a heart attack as well. Today was shit.

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pre-medfag again, this hammock stuff is so relaxing I'm getting comfy just listening to it thanks for showing it to me!

Yeah, man. It really sucks to be everyday hoping to know from her. We used to talk before, and i had my chance once, but now she probably got bored of me. Well, fuck it. Stay strong too fren

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Absolutely horrible. I have no interests or hobbies and I work at a job that blows with pretty eh pay. Depression comes and goes a lot for me but right now it's in full effect. Also can't afford antidepressants so I'm just stuck like this, and I might quit my job because I get too bored of things easily. Definitely a Tim Buckley kinda night

Just make sure it doesn't turn into a Jeff Buckley kinda night user

Buy a pic related and go out and collect sounds and interesting places.

I own one that I don't use anymore but it's in storage in another country. Would legit send it to you for free if I had it on hand.

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