Opinions on Burzum? I was going to say "no memes please" but I decided not to because I love Varg memes

Opinions on Burzum? I was going to say "no memes please" but I decided not to because I love Varg memes.

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>no memes
>post a living meme

ThuleanPerspective > Burzum

>reading comprehension

I like his solo folk stuff sometimes. Also, he's admitted to turning down thousands to perform shows/festivals again in recent years. I'm not a super-fan, but didn't he retire from doing proper metal?

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i dont think he likes metal anymore. he also says he never liked venom, apparently he thinks people are retarded if he expects them to believe this.
at least we got some good material from Burzum but fuck that cunt for killing riffmaster Euronymous. Varg is such a liar too about the murder and the way he tries to pretend his young self didn't exist

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Does he like Houellebecq?

Don't really care for his ambient stuff but he made a lot of cool songs

is there a more embarrassing movement than the yellow vests? it's pathetic

in his newest video he calls Euronymous a closet homo and describes shoving a knife in his skull all while speaking gently like he is trying not to wake up his kids

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wow really
How so?
Yeah, it was a good video.

Really really!

I see.

young burzum was hot

i can be youre angel.. or youre devil...

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Varg is pure.

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>haha yeah these pathetic wage-slaves wanting to better their lives

upper-middle class americunt detected

holy shit this is hilarious to watch

ill take the clean shaven edgy devil

vargs prison albums are underrated. belus is also quite good. first 4 albums go without saying

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pic related album was interesting
his last two were the only ones I really thought were amazing