How can you claim to have good taste in music when you don't even in listen to classical?
How can you claim to have good taste in music when you don't even in listen to classical?
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You literally can't. Nothing slaps as hard as some good classical music. Even if you normies start with Vivaldi's four seasons or Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture, you'll get there eventually
I listen to Beethoven and Lil Pump.
How can you claim to have good taste in music when you're only listening to the same I-IV-V-I progression
Right on brother
Whoa just woke up from my 16 hour nap involuntarily induced by ASSical muze-shit, looks like you're a FAGGOT.
Listen to Shostakovitch then faggot.
I never claimed that.
you probably listen to these...things!
Choose any element of music. Classical does it better than popular music.
Melody, Harmony, Polyphony, Rhythm, Timbre, Dynamics. The lot. Not only is the music suberb and timeless, but it out does popular music on the technical level as well.
Personally I snooze when a piece is in 4/4 and uses 3 chords. - only classical can hold my interest.
I went through a big classical phase. Jazz is also excellent (essentially from the same tradition, when you look at it. Coltrane was really into Serial music and the Schoenenburg [probably spelled wrong] 12-tone deal)
I love when modern artists look to the examples of the classical masters. I have some respect for Rastam from Vampire Weekend for making great arrangements for them, I also love Dirty Projectors for similar reasons.
Mozart's piano quartets are still among my favorite pieces, but I can't hold onto the titles like KV270 and whatnot.
> but I can't hold onto the titles like KV270 and whatnot.
really? I am the opposite way. I can never recall all the different names so I just go by op number or catalog number
Give me some HEAVY classical music. I can't stand that boring, smooth shit that gets me to sleep.
Threnody For the Victims of Hiroshima. listen to it stoned in complete darkness. or just anything avant-garde.
This shit goes HARD
you call that hard kiddo?.
heres some headbanging heavy to fight the soilent grunge emo fags from the 90s that dares to piss on classical:
Yes I do
pffft, you've brought a cowpat to a gunfight.
nothin personnel
tchaikovsky absolute based... maybe im old
currently banging my head to this
um, don't you know hip hop is the new classical
here's a surprise for you user
(didn't knew that one, thanks)
btw posting while listening to the recomendations is real nice.
Fine any fucking charts for this shit I'm all for usurping Yea Forums with classical and jazz and starting a war.
>tfw went on a basic bitch enya journey.
lads am i ok?
I used to listen to everything from Medieval era stuff like Hildegard Von Bingen to recent composers getting a lot of buzz like Andrew Norman. But I just got bored of it after a while.
1. What makes it most irrelevant in today’s time is that it’s format of having a group of live performers will always restrict it because as a result it can never truly take advantage of the most important instrument of this generation, the DAW/studio. Even live electronics are pretty barebones especially compared to what can be achieved with a DAW or in a real studio. This newer development is never taken advantage of outside just mixing a performance really well. There was a period of time when guys like GRM and IRCAM made abstract electronic pieces to push forward this kinda stuff, but that also hasn’t moved on from being just crappy abstract pieces.
2. A lot of western classical music’s approach just feels outdated. Back in the day the only way for you to experience music was to sit your ass in front of performers while they play it for you. Today we have an abundance of portable music listening devices and even non-portable devices everywhere. This completely changes one’s standards. At one point, having the kind of long winded approach to composition that western classical tales made sense because it felt like it gave the live music audience the most bang for their buck. But in today’s time the long winded approach to expression in western classical music feels like a waste of time as it feels like it spends a long time musically saying what a song does in a much shorter time.
3. This kinda goes into the other two points, but I also think that most western classical’s primary of expression through harmony is outdated as there are ways to manipulate timber now create far greater change in the musical state of a work than harmony.
4. I have no clue if my disinterest is due to the reasons above or because of my recent sudden disinterest in things I used to love
Yea classical definitely only uses I IV and V
well thought out point. 1. live performance definitely is an experience in itself. I miss the time when DAW created an experience and it is frustrating to see is not develop. 2. the "listening" experience" comes and goes... i completely agree with what you have said. a song and experience should be concise, just like anything else. it will invoke the most emotion. 3. harmony is never outdated. it might be commercially abused at this point but it is the rhythm of life and most music. good stuff will always come and go. modern manipulation is always a play on classics. this might sound sad, but in a way you will come around (in maybe years?) to enjoy it again like i have. 4. you will have phases. i recommend to stop listening to anything for a while and find your own rhythm. sounds hugely faggot, but try it. you will come back to music with something you appreciate without prentention. t. oldfag who hasn't visited Yea Forums in six years.... ;) u do u.