I can't believe she did it. I can't believe there's actually an album to rival MBDTF in terms of raw, indulgent expression. I've had this on repeat since it came out, anyone else?
I can't believe she did it. I can't believe there's actually an album to rival MBDTF in terms of raw...
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nope :^)
it's actually amazing how the people that think this is bait praised MBDTF for being emotionally honest despite how self-indulgent/fame-obssessed/hedonistic/self-centered he was on that album. they're the same people that will throw a fit about how ariana doesn't make her own music yet there are more people named as collaborators on MBDTF than TUN. what hypocritical faggots. it's never been more clear that their hatred for ariana stems from some kind of incel-tier hatred for the stacys at the school who love her. what a bunch of sad miserable faggots
The features on MBDTF are LITERALLY there to help pull together the fucking album and Kanye was, like always, the main fucking producer on EVERY track on that album.
Like what the fuck is your point here? Collaborating on music isn't a bad thing, especially when it ties to a theme on the album.
There are multiple songs on "Thank U, Next" where she wasn't even the main fucking writer and didn't even produce. I'm sorry but just doing literal glue eating connections of "durr I'm sad durr I spend money durr i hide my sadness in people" isn't anything compared to MBDTF you fucking wigress lover. Unironically kill yourself
I don't think MBDTF is more emotionally honest than TUN. That said, I think it MBDTF is the best album of the decade. The reason I don't like TUN has nothing to do with incels, it's because I'm not a fan of that genre. I listen to other female artists.
>The features on MBDTF are LITERALLY there to help pull together the fucking albu
so were the ones on tun you stupid fucking . faggot
> Collaborating on music isn't a bad thing
never said it was. just criticizing you for cherry picking when you think it's done in good faith ("theme of le album")
>MBDTF is the best album of the decade
>I'm not a fan of the genre
then shut the fuck up about ariana, cunt
literal garbage, if you think this shit is in any shape or form emotionally deep or let alone honest you're either some teenager girl or a delusional pleb.
>the collaborations on a shitty pop album made by a literal 5 iq child actress turned wigress were there for the theme
Ariana Grande is legit the the worst thing to happen to this board I can't even believe it.
nope :^)
>people are comparing this shitty generic lowest common denominator pop music to the genre-defining album that is MBDTF
I know melon gave Thot Problems: the album a good review but that doesn't mean its anything other than barely palatable normie music
The reason I'm talking about Ariana is because stupid fanboys like you say dumb shit like TUN > MBDTF looking for an argument. Don't say something stupid and get butthurt when people offer a rebuttal, faggot.
yikes. celebrity worship is NOT a good look, fella
I think they're both overrated shit and there's nothing impressive about either.
you're just a racist cuck
i have, as much as i love kanye im not even that huge on mbdtf and i prefer tun
i can tell by your
you have bigger things to worry about if you think MDBFT is genre defining than ariana's credibility as a musician. namely your abysmal taste in music
then get off kanye's dick, queer
it's very obvious that your hatred for stacys has misconstrued your judgment. if you can't pinpoint clear thematic concepts in TUN then you're either brain damaged or your drowning in all sorts of complexes a psychiatrist would have to have double majored in lifeguarding to even begin to dig you out
wow everyone look at this guy he doesn't the two musicians we're discussing in this thread. give him attention
cry harder
You ignored the part about writing and producing credits.
fuck you and the horse you rode in on
Dude, talking about how you hide your pain through luxurious spending isn't fucking new, the whole album is literally just her journey through her rich girl depression through shitty relationships and rampant materialism. Artists have done that shit a million times and the only thing she brought was some good production and above average pop songs. She isn't some genre defining revolutionary and this album isn't that good. Stop watching fucking Fantano and compare this music to other albums getting these sort of reviews and you'll see a huge difference in quality and ideas.
s e e t h i n g
>fuck you and the horse you rode in on
Not an argument.
>talking about how you hide your pain through luxurious spending isn't fucking new,
who the fuck is saying it is? daft cunt
Why do Ariana fans think the only reason to not like her music is because you're sexist? Why can't they accept that people don't like the same music as them?
>we're discussing ariana and kanue
>shut the fuck up about ariana
So only people with the same opinion as you are allowed. Sorry for disagreeing with you.
To understand why it was so acclaimed, you need to look at the rap landscape during the time it was released. The best thing rap had going for it at the time was substanceless shit focused on hype singles with rappers like wiz khalifa and lil wayne as the stars. Kayne, who had been making classics up to this point, looked to be falling from fame after being crucified by the media, but instead came through with a rap album so bombastic and deep by turning his life into a musical journey for the whole world to witness. People like Kendrick with Gkmc and others have tried to showcase an album with personal, yet at the same time, universal themes packed into one cohesive vision but still no one has been able to reach the level of artistry that he created on this album.
no one's even saying the album is necessarily bad for what it is you fucking retard, it's just not even close to MBDTF but all you can do is call people names and type "sneed"
fuck off, you fucking faggot
>it's never been more clear that their hatred for ariana stems from some kind of incel-tier hatred for the stacys at the school who love her.
Or simply she's just a shallow mediocre artist. Keep on pushing this manufactured culture vulture I guess.
>Ariana fans
nice implication faggot i literally haven't listened to the album i just jump in on threads like these and call everyone in threads for personal enjoyment. i haven't even listened to MBDTF since 2010
go back to china
>go back to china
The absolute state of Ariana's stans.
tf even is this post, it's like a fucking bot made it
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ok i got trolled epic style... damn...
>scumgang fag doesn't enjoy pre-clout chasing kanye
Yep you have iffy taste
kanye is only good when he's talking about raping his inlaws
Still, even if you're just pretending to be an Ariana fan to troll, there are MANY real Ariana fans who think this way.
yeah and you'll always be a more pathetic faggot for taking time out of your day to argue with them. and before you call me a faggot for pretending to be one just know that there's honor in what i do. i dont do this just for the laughs i do this to make you realize how pathetic your time management is so that you can better yourself in the future. if anything what I do is honorable and worthy of praise. but i know your ego is too big to give me any so just leave this thread and let it 404 because i have 4 other threads on the tl now and i can't make a 6th so this one needs to die so I can make one about how pathetic people are for going to concerts alone
this is probably the saddest post i've ever seen on Yea Forums
how the fuck are we any different than you, a fake troll who wastes his time arguing with us? Fucking retard
>fake ye fan doesn’t realize all of Kanye comes from his clout-chasing
See: every album post-LR
And this is not a bad thing