Do lyrics really don't matter?

Am I dumb for appreciating lyrics?

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Other urls found in this thread:,wn

Not for liking lyrics.

No you’re based. Sometimes I listen to foreign language shit to bask in not understanding the words, but eventually you just come to learn the language and you’re like shit.

That hasn’t happened to me as I’m a dumbass lol, but art is a function of ambition, give me several lifetimes to create systems and no shit I could do that easily. A lot of the shit people do in the arts is at its origin arguably delusionally arrogant, but the artist knows that she can create her own reality.

I digress.

A good song doesn’t always need good lyrics, or lyrics at all
But good lyrics can make a song great, and bad lyrics can ruin a song

If you like lyrics so much go listen to someone recite poetry

No but you’re an idiot for letting some retard on Yea Forums convince you otherwise

no but music is literally not about the actual words but the way they are conveyed in text/understood.

*in context

No, but you would be dumb for thinking it’s the most importertant aspect of music.
An instrumental plus a vocal melody is much more immediate in what it conveys, and can be enjoyed seperate from the lyrics while still being enjoyable and meaningful.
Lyrics by themselves wouldn’t nearly have the same impact.
Also, I can tolerate great music with shitty lyrics, but can’t tollerate shitty music with great lyrics

> Do lyrics really don't matter?

Ultimately no, the melody of the lyrics is more important then the words,

I’ve always had a hard differentiating the actual words in most rock tunes and thus usually misinterpret whatever’s being sung, yet I still like music and pretty much every Yes tune for example, is hippy-dippy gibberish, yet they’re still great songs.,wn

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>hippy-dippy gibberish
you should read e.e. cummings

Yes, fuck you

being a retarded frogposter should answer your question

They can matter. I can tell you I'm not listening to Leonard Cohen for the harmonic guitar progressions or strings accompanying his voice.

No. You are NOT dumb for seeking wisdom from outside yourself. To do otherwise is Solipsism.

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Lyrics only matter if they add/detract from the song.

Dont let that other thread get you down big guy, OP over there had mad autism


Do you, don't worry about other people.

Also, it frankly depends on the artist. At the Drive-In made a point of just writing nonsense, while Patti Smith was literally a poet just setting her writing to music. If you ignore Patti Smith's lyrics, it just becomes garage rock basically.

Only if you also appreciate the music at an equal level


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I worked as a roadie.
Do you know how to tell if the stage is level?
The drummer drools out of both sides of his mouth.

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Thanks for the (You).

some people prefer analyzing music sonically. some people prefer analyzing music lyrically. and some people prefer analyzing music as a whole package. there is no incorrect way, and there certainly is overlap (a singer’s word choice can mess with or go with the rhythm). just be happy you enjoy a genre that combines language arts and sonic arts.
tl;dr: lyrics only matter if you want them to.

it's not that they don't matter, it's that they aren't the most important part in a song. Not even in rap.