What’s the best band name and why is it Death Grips?

What’s the best band name and why is it Death Grips?

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This shit's not funny

Someone explain please

someone made a fake account for Stefan (frontman for dg) and reached out to Stefan's estranged dad. pretty scummy shit

>Proud as hell

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that's so fucked up
i know it's an old pic but that's too far guys

Honestly, Pink Floyd. Whenever someone namedrops them the whole atmosphere just changes.

Stefan's dad has a facebook account where he keeps posting pics of young Stefan and saying how he regrets something he did in his past (probably alcoholism) and how he misses his children so much and just wants to see them again. He'll also post some Death Grips stuff and say how proud he is of his boy. Finding it and posting it everywhere was questionably scummy, but the user pretending to be Stefan and saying how much he missed him crossed a line that made people get really mad.

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I really can't blame him for hating their fans after that

feels like a wheel


didnt stefans mom die as well


fuckin yikes

Because it both fits their sound and also is a euphemism for violent masterbation.

huh, I thought it was coming to grips with your mortality but wouldn't be surprised if you're right.

>(frontman for dg)
are u retarded?

That's sad. Did the dad ever find out it was a fake account?

>my dead mother in my dreams
>remember when december blew her ashes cross my jeans

lol thats not why they grew to hate their fans, in fact it seems like they always embraced the edgy side of their fanbase
the part of the fanbase they probably have trouble liking are the mainstream normalfaggot redditor memelords

>it seems like they always embraced the edgy side of their fanbase
I feel like there's a line that's crossed when you do shit like this that goes beyond edgy.

holy shit the fucking feels. my dad is 71 year old alcoholic I've sort of lost touch with too. I quit drinking and he moved to Florida without me really being aware. what the fuck man. I should call that old bastard....

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That's pretty god damn scummy. It's a shame that people can't mind their own business, not just with this but all shit like that.

This is just fucking awful

yeah, providing context for an answer I was giving someone, that sure is retarded. but taking the time to reply and point out arbitrary shit is 200 fucking iq. eat dicks pedant.

with death grips there are no lines. FUCK the lines

people always get upset over this but his dad was more than likely a piece of shit. you're feeling sorry for trash

Do they really hate their fans? They don't want to be idolized and they do want privacy but I don't think thats the same as hating fans. They still have a social media presence and they still do live shows. They even shared the stuff about the dude smashing The Big Ds star while listening to DG.

It's his business. It's not the place of internet autists to give this dude false hope that his son loves him. Who cares if he was an alcoholic and a dick. It's a scummy, low thing to do to bust into people's private emotions and conflicts for a couple yuks on the internet. The dude obviously feels bad on his own, he doesn't need 4channers impersonating his kid and giving him false hope. Other people's family business is something people should stay out of. Doesn't matter if he deserves it or whatever, it's not our place to butt in.

the one time Yea Forums went to far

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I love the Masters of Bation

do it man, alcoholics have the best stories

I have never felt this level of cringe in my life


yes i much prefer people online who contact my estranged father and pretend to be me, much better than being Mainstream or anything like that

The faggot that did this probably thinks he's so fucking clever and the people getting upset about this just can't take an "epic troll XD"