What's the perfect number of band members and why is it 4?

What's the perfect number of band members and why is it 4?

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7 desu

1 singer
2 guitarists
1 bassist
1 drummer
1 percussionist
1 keys

this guy gets it, but also add a woodwinds/brass guy

its 3 my man

That's an orchestra and you're a virgin

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5 is the best

1 singer/guitarist/whatever else u need them to play
2 guitarist
1 bassist
1 drummer

its actually 9 YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!

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3 will block the artists creativity. They will be forced to write simple, minimalistic songs. Not that there is something wrong with that. But 4 is better

I hope you're a teenager

it's not an orchestra!


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Why the fuck do you need 3 guitarists in a band? The singer can play 1, plus 1 other, two is enough.

ey man fuk u

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KC have never recorded an album or toured with only 3 members you absolute retard


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This. Modest Mouse, ELP, Rush, Death Grips, Lift to Experience

2, Just me 'an my drum machine!

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The singer is so qt. Also solo act.

Absolute plebs, everyone know 4 drummers is the way to go.

HARD agree

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Anything more and you're wasting payout on unnecessary band members

Any more than this is not a band

singers who don't play guitar are talentless hacks

I'm not. I'm 43 and divorced.