More like this but without the god awful vocals

More like this but without the god awful vocals.

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This better have no growling shit in it...

Waking the Cadaver
Dr. Acula


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then this...

These desu

Best song on the album

r u 4 real

>i want to listen to death metal
>but without one of the defining features of death metal

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If you think the vocals are bad wait until you listen to their last album

A couple ideas for you to try:

1. Try the more extreme thrash bands like Sodom and Kreator. Near-death metal, but with typical thrash shouted vocals
2. Try death-doom bands like Katatonia's Brave Murder Day. It's death-related and "extreme," but also a little less abrasive, more melodic, and more gothic.


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Aside from buttsex jokes, they're a great band. To me, they were pretty much the best parts of the Slayer sound, distilled

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Try Blotted Science

Slayer is the best parts of the Slayer sound, distilled

slayer fucking sucks

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why do you want to listen to death metal without growls?
do you just want to be able to say you listen to it?

Sorry the vocals are a part of it. I used to really dislike them, but you get to it pretty quickly. Try some old school black metal maybe

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