How do I git gud at singing...

How do I git gud at singing? I can more or less do an okay job but I constantly have a sore throat or am tired from running out of breath

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you are doing it wrong at least watch some tube videos about it

I'm sure some basic online tips would help, my recommendation would be working on diction. It'll go a long way.

Find a vocal coach around you, youtube, whatever. At least use google before starting a thread about something so obvious.

Use the microphone more.

Don't sing any loader than you would speak.

Always wear headphones so you can hear yourself better.

shove a stick up your ass


listen to good melodic stuff. so stop listening to rap. like completely.

breathe from your diaphragm

how would you do this

youtube videos, my man
can't explain it in a post

I would say go out and get lessons. It’s way easier to be self-taught when talking about guitar or keys, but the more bad habits you pick up early on when singing and “just going for it”, the more they’ll fuck you in the long run.

Also about the sore throat, drink lots of water and avoid any fizzy drinks.


Just practice. Search some shit online and MAYYYYYYYBE go to lessons.

Like music enough that you can naturally sing well without trying. I don't know, it's not something you can really teach.

Diaphragm 100%. Think about your posture and uhhh, just relax. Excessive tension means you can’t sing.

Sometimes for days a time I’ll do that soul singing thing where it’s just high torque posturing because we can’t pull that breadth. We’re good at that shit and it’s all some radio tier singers do, but in the 5th day we see how based I truly am for working to get stronger and thinking of performance as fluid.

pretend to take a shit

Singing well is really tough if you're not a natural. I've found it's taken a lot more time to get good at than other instruments since it's so easy to be slightly off key, especially holding a note. Like other people are saying, get some lessons to at least start off with, then practice literally every day.

Sing your favorite songs, and repeat untill you are good

>singers believe this
Lol not its not harder, there is more singers out there, than there is people who have a good grasp on the instrument they play. Owning an instrument means shit

I wouldn't classify myself as singer and didn't start until well over a decade after playing in bands. You probably just play with shit singers/musicians.



Being on key doesn’t matter at all. Just speaking as someone who is always on key, or well... we do sing at extreme fatigue, no regrets.

That was never important and a lot of famous singers aren’t keyed to their songs. It takes someone who appears to have literal perfect pitch and can also translate any off standard notes exactly as they were performed to tell you guys that a lot of singers suck with pitch and plenty of rappers actual do use note variance and repetition.

No one knows anything. Work on your tone. Attain nirvana, thanks.

Signed, patrician. Lol@ I cant perform cause I miss a few notes. You and 99% of god tier performers.

give me what I want you stupid fucking cunts./

What are you babbling about

ur mom

You're half right. It doesn't matter to most people in a live setting, but that only makes you adequate, not really good.
Is English not your first language?

Please leave satan

Good Youtube channel reccs?