What are some hardware synths in the $100-$200 price range? Pic related

What are some hardware synths in the $100-$200 price range? Pic related.

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doubt you'ld get one of those for $100-200 but whatevs trev ... stick to a volca kid

lol strange but i think the machinedrum is literally like a well made volca ,at least it feels like it. real volcas are so tuuuurd, have you seen the sample loading system of the volca sample? hilariously dumb.

>hardware synths in the $100-$200 price range?

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And yet ppl make some nice tunes with them in spite of that. For $100-200 there aint that much to choose from. TE pocket operators, IK multimedia Uno spring to mind tho

Save your pennies kid

>And yet ppl make some nice tunes with them in spite of that.
eh where are those nice tunes? pls link me.

add another 0 to your budget and you can get a machinedrum lel

>buying a synth that isn't an all-in-one DAW killer design masterpiece

Attached: OP1-large.jpg (750x287, 36K)

i got a korg minilogue for 300 bucks.

seen the reaction of people over the massive price boost of the OP1? the söi fans of TE are all seething and telling them to fuck off. hopefully behringer will make a $300 OP1 clone this very year.

Behringer could probably sell an op-1 style toy for like $70. But they seem to be focused on making products that are actually useful, so I doubt they will do that.

>anemic “scratch pad” that does less than and electribe for 4x the cost

>but it looks cuuuteee

This is realistically your only option OP, unless you find something going for really cheap on the used market

buy used, don't buy volcas.

maybe a neutron?

OP already has the MD SP1 MKII UWU+

Imagine buying this for $800-1000 making your clickbait IG/YouTube videos with it then having the screen break and left with a glorified SP or Volca sampler

Attached: DpAVbvsXgAEk7pY.jpg (1080x700, 50K)

New price is $1400 now

and they were doing so well with the mass hype for modular. but then came what came: namm.

What happened with the modular at NAMM? From the little I've seen, the modular looked like the first TE product that was actually worthwhile.

>he hasn’t heard about the price hike


>What happened with the modular at NAMM?
well there was turbohype and then they got the very CEO ( i think), a guy who clearly doesnt know shit about takign sounds out of a synth, let alone a modular, to do demos. it was fuck awful. and then there wasnt even the sequencer in time for NAMM, soooo it didnt even sound like bleep blop but like some ugly constant drone.

then they halted the sale for the modular because the whole first batch was faulty, they returned everyones money (which means "this is super fucked, we dont even have a re stock date"), you know those customers wont come back. then the $1500 OP1. guys literally shot the brand in the face during january-february.

Just use AudioSauna until you can afford something good

When did kiddies suddenly want to buy synths all of the sudden?

>hating on people wanting to make music
lol the sad faggots that can be found here.

Working in the box is garbage and kills creativity and enjoyment

because they're getting more affordable. Kids have been using vst synths for ages. It's only the hardware bit that's new.


'80s throwback is hot