Don't mind me, just the only good metal album passing through

Don't mind me, just the only good metal album passing through.

Attached: Burzum-Filosofem-23268-1_3.jpg (500x500, 93K)

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gay thread posted by gay op
listen to doom metal
now check em

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good album

>only the 4th best Burzum album
>somehow the only good metal album
really makes you think

>4th best
don't fool yourself, filosofem is by far his best record

Attached: v_.jpg (272x347, 23K)

>first 3 tracks all have a single riff/beat repeated for 5 minutes
>the rest of the album is 40 minutes of fucking "atmospheric" boring bullshit
>one track is literally just the same synth part played over and over for 25 minutes
fucking awesome dude I love ambient "music"
neck yourself tourist zoomer

Attached: dropping_another_burzum_album.jpg (500x375, 65K)

>first 3 tracks all have a single riff/beat repeated for 5 minutes
>the rest of the album is 40 minutes of fucking "atmospheric" boring bullshit
>one track is literally just the same synth part played over and over for 25 minutes
How is this not 10/10 black metal?

Attached: b4s_shalit111010_148883a_8col.jpg (331x498, 21K)

But Burzum is objectively worse than Summoning

Maybe it is if you're a pretentious fag and haven't listened to any black metal besides Burzum and Deafheaven. Filosofem is an overrated album tourists love because it doesn't sound like BM and "omg he killed a guy!!!".

Here is the second one

Attached: The_Years_of_Decay.jpg (220x220, 20K)
at least you made me respond, one is very obscure to impress pretentious fags like you

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thats not even the best black metal album
there ya go buddy

...and what does this have to do with Filosofem being a shitty boring overrated album? And your examples of something? still prove Filosofem is a shitty black metal album because those tracks showcase none of the things you state makes it a 10/10 BM. You are a retarded hipster fucking zoomer probably american. Anyone can look up shit on youtube and link it.

Based retard

Holy fuck.


OP got dubbed on AND dabbed on.

gonna have to check those, mr. president

black metal is making harsh repetitive music with shitty equipment. with disturbing vocals and/or lyrics.
filsofem was made with this in mind, and varg managed to make it sound very bright and soothing instead of harsh. therefore, making filosofem unique as a black metal album.

shit taste

No. Bathory and Mayhem didn't do this. Bathory and Mayhem are the pioneers of black metal. Therefor you are retarded.
Even if a riff is good if you repeat it for 5 minutes it's gonna be shit. Filosofem isn't metal it's shit music.

As a white man I will do what is right and check em

t. someone who has only listened to this album and nu metal like slipknot

>Even if a riff is good if you repeat it for 5 minutes it's gonna be shit.

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>more noise rock shit
fucking hipster shit