
Yea Forums rate my topster

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This is fucking terrible, fuck you OP

literally didn't give any actual criticism

imagine including jaden smith and xxxtentacion on your topsters chart and expecting people not to think it's bait

it isn't. I've had problems with depression so...17 genuinely saved my life. I know he usually gets shit and whatever but to me he's helped me. I'm not a fake emo too so don't get that.

Also I own SYRE on vinyl. Actually listen to the album before saying anything thinking it's bait.

one of the worst charts I've ever seen, lil dicky must be bait

not at all. He has amazing flow. The album has good features and he makes me laugh. This isn't bait at all.

+for savant I guess, everything else is very cringe inducing even though a lot of things here overlap with things I love and things I hate with all my body.

Could you give more examples? Thanks for the savant I genuinely think he's one of the most creative EDM artists.

Horrid taste, even for a tripfaggot. You're what, 15? 16?

19 but probably know more music than you do.

Not based on your chart, little buddy. Jar of Flies is good at least, +1 for getting a couple (You)s from me as well.

>Linkin Park
This is pure shit, fuck you OP

try a little harder with your bait next time

I'd like to know how many of these you've actually listened to

>listed two things
>is pure shit
>wow that's %3 of the 100 albums that bait's super low too buddy

>mfw not even bait and Yea Forums can't accept people have different tastes

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where the fuck is sun city girls - carnival folklore resurrection 9/10: high asia/lo-pacific

>2 of 100

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Haven't herad it but I will check it out. The nicest comment here so I'll give it a listen.

two eminem albums and one linkin park album
aka 3%

nice bait, almost got me there

Not bait though. I can show my playlist for proof

39 on a quick count. You have horrible entry-level meme taste in rap, pop, grunge, post-grunge, and even emo. Seem like some edgy, suicidal atheist who disagrees with his parents a lot.
Minus the rap, you remind me of this one kid in high school who listened to 3 Days Grace all the time and thought Modern Warfare 2 was the greatest game ever. No idea why you thought it would be good to post this on moo or why you think you need to use a name, but go anonymous for a while and lurk another year or two. anyhow that's the last (You) you'll get from me.

entry level? when does that matter when it comes to actual musical critisism? and yes I'm a suicidal athiest who doesn't talk to his parents fucking kek me for it. I have a name cuz I don't hide behind a keyboard like you fag anons